Chapter 606 A group of sycophants! (5)
Tang Shishi moved her shoulders from side to side, avoiding Ling Rui's touch, hugged the tombstone and refused to get up, and said in a hoarse voice, "Let me stay with my daughter for a while."

Ling Rui sighed, looking at Tang Shishi hesitant to speak.

He had never dared to tell Tang Shishi about the child before. What he was afraid of was that Tang Shishi cared too much about the child and lost control of his emotions. Now seeing her like this, she looked a little blank after crying, and he was even more worried. .

Sure enough, Tang Shishi stayed for a while, and then stood up by herself. Although her face still had the sadness after crying bitterly, there was an emotion on her face that even Ling Rui couldn't understand.

"Smile, if you want, come back and be reincarnated as mother's daughter! This time, mother will definitely protect you!" Tang Shishi put her little hand on her stomach involuntarily and said, tears fell silently.

A gust of wind blew past, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui both narrowed their eyes unconsciously, and then watched the bouquet of daisies swaying happily in the north wind.

After reading Ling Xiaoxiao, Tang Shishi's eyes were red and swollen, her face was a little haggard, and her mood was a little depressed.As soon as she and Ling Rui were about to drive out of the cemetery, they saw a black car driving in. After seeing the license plate number clearly, Ling Rui stopped the car.

"Mom and Dad!" Ling Rui and Tang Shishi got out of the car, looked at Ling Yue and Jun Zeyu in the black car, and shouted.

"Have you come to see Smile?" Ling Yue got out of the car, looked at Tang Shishi's red and swollen eyes, stepped forward to hug Tang Shishi, and patted Tang Shishi's shoulder reassuringly.

"Mom, it's all my fault! I'm sorry!" Tang Shishi knew that Ling Yue was no less eager to have a grandson than she was. After the miscarriage happened, the blow to her can be imagined, but she didn't blame herself. Instead, she tried her best to take care of herself and stopped thinking about her all the time, which made Tang Shishi feel guilty when she thought about it.

"Silly boy! It's none of your business! Don't think about it! It's all due to that vicious woman Ling Susu. I didn't expect her to die like that. It's really cheap for her!" Ling Yue thought of Ling Susu who caused Tang Shishi to have a miscarriage. Angry, his eyes moistened.

Tang Shishi didn't speak, but leaned her head on Ling Yue's shoulder, weeping silently.In fact, she blamed herself even more, if she hadn't been so careless, if she hadn't been careless, how could she have drunk the drugged wine and rolled down the stairs with Ling Susu!
"Okay, you two, don't be sad anymore, girl Shishi has blown a lot of cold wind outside, go back quickly, be careful not to catch a cold, your grandpa was talking about you at home early this morning!" Jun Seeing that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were about to cry together, Zeyu frowned with a headache and said.

"Girl Shishi, hurry up and go home with Kid Rui. Your father and I will send over the New Year clothes you bought for Xiaoxiao." Ling Yue patted Tang Shishi on the shoulder and said after hearing Jun Zeyu's prompt.

Tang Shishi nodded, and got into the car with Ling Rui's arms around her.

When he was about to return to Jun's compound, Tang Shishi suddenly thought of something, and said to Ling Rui: "Husband, doesn't our Jun's Taisheng Charity Fund have a special donation event for poor and disabled children? Is there anything in the near future? Charity donation or charity auction?"

"Every year during the Chinese New Year, there will be a large-scale charity auction, and charity donors will be organized to go to poor areas or help disabled children to do some goodwill activities. Are you willing to be a goodwill ambassador this year?" Ling Rui has insight into Tang poetry The thought of poetry, kissed her forehead, asked.

"Can I?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui hopefully.She knows that the Taisheng Charity Foundation of the Jun family is different from other foundations. This foundation is completely open, and all funds and accounts are open and transparent. Every time a charity donation is made, a charity auction will make Make a video, put it on the website, and then every amount of money raised will have usage details, so there will be no unknown money, corruption, and corruption. Therefore, as long as people who really want to do charity, they will choose to come Tai Sheng Charitable Foundation.

"Why not? There is not only one goodwill ambassador. As long as you participate in the charity auction and those who donate to charity have time to pass, they are all charity ambassadors." Ling Rui said with a smile.Their Jun family's charitable foundation doesn't need to do those sensational hypes at all.

"I am willing!" Tang Shishi became happy.

"The charity auction is scheduled for the third day of the Lunar New Year, and I will go with you then." Ling Rui said while holding Tang Shishi's little hand.

"Old hooligan, you are so kind to me!" Tang Shishi rubbed Ling Rui's shoulder in attachment, and said softly.

"You say my daughter-in-law, whoever I am not good to you! Fool!" Ling Rui tugged Tang Shishi's nose and scolded with a smile.

The corners of Tang Shishi's mouth turned up, revealing a satisfied smile.

When he returned to Jun's house, Mr. Jun was in the yard directing Jun Mubei, Jun Haodong, Mo Youyou and Jun Nuanxin to put up Spring Festival couplets.

Jun Mubei held the Spring Festival couplets, and his eyes swept over Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou who were chatting and laughing from time to time.

At this time, Mo Youyou and Jun Haodong were holding a pair of Spring Festival couplets, discussing which of Jun Shaoyang and Yunmo's writing was more chic and elegant.

"I think Aunt Yun's handwriting is better. It's vigorous and powerful, and both the writing and the layout are perfect." Mo Youyou commented with his professional vision of seeing ancient calligraphy and paintings for many years. This evaluation, from From her mouth, it should be very high.

Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou's serious look, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, is my mother's handwriting really that good?He has been watching it for decades, and it is like this every year. There is nothing new at all!
After listening to Mo Youyou's comment, Yunmo smiled boldly and said, "Yuyou, I don't dare to accept your praise!"

"Aunt Yun, your handwriting is definitely called a master!" Mo Youyou raised her face and said to the point.

After hearing this, Yunmo smiled even more heartily.

I didn't expect this stupid guy to be a sycophant!Jun Mubei said angrily in his heart.Then watching Mo Youyou in an orange coat bathed in the sun, her eyes shining brightly, and her small mouth slightly tilted up cheerfully, Jun Mubei couldn't help but think of the kiss last night, which was thrown at Jun Haodong. After the suspicious look, he hurriedly lowered his head in guilty conscience, and slapped the word "Fu" on the wall viciously as if venting his anger. His hand felt a little sore when he slapped it. He didn't know why he was so angry!
"Boy Bei! Are you posting blessings or hitting the wall again!" Mr. Jun roared angrily when he heard Jun Mubei making such a big commotion.

Jun Mubei's body froze, and he flicked the big gilt characters with his hand.

Jun Haodong looked at Jun Mubei's gloomy look, and a smirk flashed across his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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