Chapter 607 Ling Rui Eats It! (1)
"Actually, the character of Second Uncle is also written in a dragon, zhang and phoenix posture. At first glance, it is extraordinary, and it is a perfect match with the words of Second Aunt!" Jun Haodong put the Spring Festival couplets in his hand with Mo Youyou's, Then he looked at Mo Youyou tenderly and said, "It's the same as the two of us!"

After listening to Jun Haodong's words, Mo Youyou blushed and lowered her head slightly.

Looking at the two people standing under the sun, Jun Mubei felt that the winter sun was so dazzling.He glanced at Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou, and returned to the house angrily.

Jun Shaoyang and Yun Mo, who were writing, looked at Jun Haodong, who was holding Spring Festival couplets outside, and the three of them had meaningful smiles on their faces.

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui came back, they found that the yard was so lively, and put away the sadness in their hearts, especially when they saw Mr. Jun who was smiling from ear to ear, Tang Shishi felt unusually warm in his heart.

"Girl Shishi, you and boy Rui are back! Come here, this is written for you by your second aunt and uncle, take it and paste it!" Mr. Jun saw that Tang Shishi and Ling Rui had returned, and took Put out a couplet and greet Tang Shishi and Ling Rui.

"Let's go, look at Second Aunt and Second Uncle. What did you write for us this year?" Ling Rui took Tang Shishi's hand and strode up to Grandpa Jun. The two took the couplet and unfolded it carefully.

"The willows are dark and the flowers are in the bright spring!" Tang Shishi unfolded the Spring Festival couplets in her hand and read them out.

"Beautiful couples!" Ling Rui took the second couplet, and after reading it, he looked at Yun Mo and Jun Shaoyang, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Second Aunt, thank you, Second Uncle."

"Do you like it, girl Shishi!" Yun Mo nodded to Ling Rui, then looked at Tang Shishi with a smile, and asked.

"I like it, thank you Second Aunt, the second Aunt's handwriting is really good!" Tang Shishi praised sincerely.

"Oh? How did you find out that I was the one who could write the couplet?" Yun Mo was aroused by Tang Shishi's words.

"I just think that this pair of couplets is vigorous and powerful, and it is impressive as soon as it is written, but there are also some subtle differences. After the pen is put down, they control their strokes very well, and they all say that they are as comfortable as they are, which is very in line with the overall situation of the second aunt who likes to strategize; Moreover, in the heart of the second uncle, the second aunt has always been the first, and the wife sings and the husband follows, and the second aunt will definitely write first." Tang Shishi analyzed.

"Girl Shishi, she really is a careful girl!" Yun Mo laughed happily after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

Jun Shaoyang also felt that Tang Shishi's words were very useful, so he smiled and praised Tang Shishi: "Not bad, insightful!"

"That's right! I don't even look at who married the daughter-in-law!" Ling Rui raised his eyebrows triumphantly with Tang Shishi in his arms.

The people in the yard all burst into laughter.

Jun Mubei nestled in his room, listening to the laughter coming from outside, he cursed angrily: "A bunch of sycophants!"

Early the next morning, when the wake-up call sounded, Tang Shishi woke up in Ling Rui's arms. Yesterday, because he went to see Ling Xiaoxiao, Ling Rui didn't carry out his animal nature to the end on a rare night, but hugged him thoughtfully. Looking at her, the two of them slept next to each other all night, like two little animals leaning together for warmth.

"Are you awake?" Seeing Tang Shishi opened her eyes and instinctively snuggled into her arms, Ling Rui's heart instantly became extremely soft.

He loves Tang Shishi's defensive, innocent, confused and lazy look every time she just wakes up, and thinks that she is more and more cute like a cat.

Ling Rui's low and mellow voice, with a touch of elegant laziness, pleased Tang Shishi's ears. She raised her head, kissed Ling Rui loudly on the cheek, and said, "Good morning, husband!"

"Good morning! Wife!" Ling Rui clasped the back of Tang Shishi's head with one hand, and kissed her lingeringly on her lips, with a slightly hoarse voice.

The two looked at each other and smiled, although they didn't have such a deep storm-like passion, but because of this simple intimacy, some delicate tenderness rippled in their eyes.

Everywhere in the military compound is surrounded by a strong sense of the New Year. When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui went to morning exercises, they saw the entire military compound. Lanterns were hung high in every house, and Spring Festival couplets were posted early. On the playground, everyone you meet on the playground, whether you know them or not, will say "Happy New Year" to each other!It makes people feel beaming.

There were still a lot of people doing morning exercises on the playground, and they did not relax because of the New Year. Tang Shishi watched from a distance a team of elderly people jogging around the playground. It is surprisingly consistent, and at first glance it is the unique neatness of soldiers.

Tang Shishi saw the figure of Mr. Jun among the group of people, and found that he was very serious in the team, with a solemn expression, and couldn't help smiling proudly. When Tang Shishi saw Mr. Bai behind Mr. Jun, he felt a little Puzzled and asked Ling Rui beside him: "When did Grandpa Bai move back to live in the compound of the military region?"

Tang Shishi knew that Mr. Bai and Bai Ziqi both had houses in the compound of the military region, but it seemed that they had always lived outside.It seems that a lot of things happened during the time when I was not at home!
"Just during the period when you ran away from home." Ling Rui bit the word "run away from home" a bit hard, and his tone was a little sullen.

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a funny look, she had promised and apologized and let the old hooligan toss her so many times, this guy still has complaints in his heart!This mind is not ordinary small!
Feeling Tang Shishi's gaze, Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi sideways, and said, "My lord is just narrow-minded, what's the matter!"

"Who dares to do anything to the majestic Major General!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a coquettish look.

"Tang Shishi, apart from you, no one dares to dare! But the master still has nothing to do with you every time!" Ling Rui said angrily, with a tone full of resentment: "You must make it up to me in the future!"

Tang Shishi is speechless!Every time this guy's topic lingers around, it's always this, and he wants to pay himself back again!

"Is Grandpa Bai feeling better?" Tang Shishi recalled that when she was in the scientific research building, she heard Bai Hexuan talk about Mr. Bai's illness, and quickly changed the dangerous topic. She was really afraid that if the discussion continued, Ling Rui would directly put her Carry it home and throw it on the bed!Others can't do this kind of thing, but our Major General Ling is very familiar with it!

Tang Shishi thought resentfully, and then looked at Mr. Bai jogging on the playground, and felt that he was quite energetic, and it didn't seem like there was anything wrong with him!

(End of this chapter)

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