Chapter 608 Ling Rui Eats It! (2)
"The old man is fine, how can he get sick so easily! It's just to urge Nuan Xin and Shao Bai to get their certificates earlier!" Ling Rui said, looking in the direction of old man Bai.However, he was still somewhat dissatisfied with Tang Shishi's deliberate change of subject!
The little wild cat is getting more and more cunning!

Tang Shishi knew it in her heart, looked at old man Bai, and thought this is another old urchin!
Because Liang Yue was kidnapped last time and her fetal gas was disturbed, Quan Shaobai was innocently dragged down by Bai Mo. He was going to get a certificate the next day, but Jun Nuanxin postponed it with a word. Jun Nuanxin has always wanted to wait for Liang Yue's fetal gas to stabilize, and go to get the certificate with Liang Yue, but how can Liang Yue belong to an advanced puerpera? Although Jiang Fei and the parents of both parties have been carefully caring for her and recuperating her body, but she The situation has not been very stable, and Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's wedding was not even attended, so this matter has been delayed.

Later, something like that happened at Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's wedding, and Jun Nuanxin didn't have that kind of thought without telling them beforehand. Even Grandpa Jun didn't have the mood to care about these things, which made Quan Shaobai anxious. It's bad, especially when Jiang Dongli is planning to immigrate to Canada with his family. At this stage, he has frequent contacts with Jun Nuanxin, which makes Quan Shaobai worry about gains and losses, for fear of long nights and dreams.

In fact, Mr. Bai also planned to let Jun Nuanxin and Quan Shaobai get their certificates two years ago. After all, during this period of time, the Bai family has undergone tremendous changes. The old lady of the Bai family passed away, and Bai Mo did that kind of outrageous thing again. The matter, although it was finally found out that Bai Mo was not the child of Bai Ziqi and Sun Xiaofen, but Mo Xiaohui's death also cast a shadow over the Bai family. Mr. Bai thought, if the two children get the certificate, then Jun Nuanxin can justifiably celebrate the New Year at the Bai family, which can be regarded as adding some happiness to the Bai family.

However, Mr. Jun disagrees. This year is also of great significance to the Jun family. This is the first time in six years for the Jun family to celebrate a reunion. How could Mr. Jun make Jun Nuanxin absent?
So, old man Bai came up with the trick of pretending to be sick, but who knew that in the end, old man Jun would ruthlessly expose it!

Later, Mr. Bai had no choice but to move back to the compound of the military region, so that at least the two families would be closer and it would be convenient for them to meet each other.

Tang Shishi listened with relish to Ling Rui's recounting of the fight between the two old men at this stage, and couldn't help laughing: "Grandpa is a match this time!"

Ling Rui nodded in agreement.

When the two were chatting and laughing, they saw that the veteran team had disbanded, and Mr. Bai walked towards Tang Shishi and Ling Rui behind Mr. Jun, talking incessantly, while Mr. Jun But while wiping the sweat off his face, he waved his hands impatiently at old man Bai.

"Old Jun, after all these years, you're still the same as before, you cheapskate!" Old Man Bai glared at Old Man Jun angrily, his voice was panting, obviously he was tired from the few laps he had just run.

"Old man Bai, why do you insist on staring at those children in my family?" Mr. Jun has been pestered by Mr. Bai these days, and he is a little irritable.

"Who made your child outstanding? I don't want to see others! Old man Jun, just be content!" Old man Bai said angrily.

"Alas! It turns out that excellence is also a sin! It seems that the children in my family have already committed an unforgivable crime!" Mr. Jun imitated the tone of those literary youths nowadays, sighing, with a frightened expression on his face.

"Old Jun, it's Chinese New Year's Eve, I don't have time to play tricks on you, give me a quick word!" Ever since he pretended to be sick and was exposed by Mr. Jun last time, Mr. Bai has completely discarded his so-called "face" and pestered Mr. The old man has been around for many days, and he doesn't feel ashamed at all. Every time he finishes arguing with Mr. Jun, he can eat half a bowl of rice when he goes back!

"I said that it depends on Shishi's meaning. My old man is not so arbitrary!" Mr. Jun found that he couldn't reason with Mr. Bai.

"Old man Jun, don't use this excuse to prevaricate me every time!" Listening to Mr. Jun's stereotyped answer, old man Bai decided that he was making excuses, and this time he was really angry.

"Old man Bai, don't mess around!" Mr. Jun was also a little angry!
"Hmph! You said let Shishi decide for herself, right? Don't go back on your word at that time!" Mr. Bai was getting angry. When he saw Tang Shishi who was exercising with Ling Rui in the morning, his eyes lit up and he strode past Mr. Jun. , walked in front of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui, looking wary and eager for fear of being caught up by Mr. Jun.

"Morning, Grandpa Bai!" Tang Shishi saw that old man Bai suddenly rushed in front of her and Ling Rui, his expression was still a little excited, and he didn't know what happened, so he hurriedly said hello.

Seeing old master Bai's posture, Ling Rui knew why he was here, and snorted rather unwelcome.

Mr. Bai, who was originally happy when he heard Tang Shishi calling grandpa, heard Ling Rui's cold snort, glared at Ling Rui pretending to be angry, and scolded angrily: "Stinky boy!"

Tang Shishi scolded people when he saw old man Bai coming up, and he was a little confused. He didn't know what Ling Rui had done. He opened his mouth and asked: "Girl Shishi, your Auntie Sun wants to recognize you as a daughter, did old man Jun tell you?"

Tang Shishi didn't expect that Mr. Bai was yelling about this matter early in the morning, and she was really flattered. Then she remembered that her aunt had mentioned this matter to her the night before yesterday. She originally wanted to talk to Ling Rui. It was a discussion, but something happened after returning to the room, and she forgot about Ling Rui's harm.

Tang Shishi looked sideways at Ling Rui, with a hint of inquiry in her eyes.

"I knew that old man definitely didn't tell you!" Mr. Bai looked at Tang Shishi a little confusedly at Ling Rui, couldn't help but ran up to Ling Rui, and said, "Girl Shishi, you Don't look at this brat! Old man Jun said to let you make up your own mind, but today I want to see if that old thing really gave you such great autonomy, or is it just to prevaricate my old man!" Old man Bai said angrily.

"You stinky old man! Do you think I'm the kind of person who says one thing and does another?" Mr. Jun who followed behind couldn't help but raise his voice and cursed when he heard Mr. Bai's words.

"Huh!" Old Master Bai rolled his eyes at Old Master Jun, and snorted coldly with his chin raised too high, then turned his head to look at Tang Shishi, immediately changed his smiling face, and said, "Girl Shishi, what the hell are you doing?" mean?"

Tang Shishi even lamented old master Bai's ability to change his face!
(End of this chapter)

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