Chapter 609 Ling Rui Eats It! (3)
Thinking of Sun Xiaofen, Tang Shishi actually didn't reject her in her heart. Although there was some unpleasant misunderstanding between the two of them because of Baimo's incident at first, as a mother, Sun Xiaofen has nothing wrong with protecting her child. The only mistake was trusting Bai Mo too much. Later, Mrs. Bai passed away, and Sun Xiaofen also recognized Bai Mo's true nature, and did not continue to be confused.Tang Shishi thought of Sun Xiaofen's increasingly thinner and haggard appearance when Mrs. Bai passed away, and felt a little uncomfortable. She also remembered that on the day of the wedding, Sun Xiaofen stood firmly by her side despite the opposition of Bai's family and said she believed in her own words. Some moved.

Mr. Bai looked at Tang Shishi silently, a little anxious, he looked at Tang Shishi and said: "Girl Shishi, don't refuse, you'd better go see your aunt Sun, since she knew you were missing, you have been missing me all day long. I can’t sleep well, and I often have nightmares at night, either dreaming that you were captured by bad guys, or dreaming that you were shot, beaten by bad guys, and lost a lot of weight. You should treat it as a good deed , to fulfill her wish, and let her have a sustenance in her heart!" Old Master Bai said with a sigh.

Ever since his wife was poisoned to death by drinking the poisonous black tea that Sun Xiaofen brought over, although everyone in the family knew it was not Sun Xiaofen's fault and had never complained about her, Sun Xiaofen blamed herself every day and couldn't feel at ease. When Mo's identity was revealed and news of her own daughter's death was revealed, Sun Xiaofen's whole spiritual world suddenly collapsed, and she was often in a trance.

"Grandpa Bai, I didn't refuse, but I just felt that I was a little too high. I like Aunt Sun very much." Tang Shishi saw that old man Bai had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

"Girl Shishi, so you agree?" Old Master Bai looked at Tang Shishi happily and asked, his voice trembling slightly because of nervousness.

"En." Tang Shishi nodded affirmatively.

"Great! I knew you were a reasonable girl, and you're not as difficult to talk to as some people!" Mr. Bai clapped his hands excitedly, then glanced at Mr. Jun and Ling Rui with a proud face, and fought with each other As happy as winning a battle.

"Old man Jun, you are not allowed to be a hindrance this time, this is what Shishi girl said and agreed to!"

"Old man Bai, when did I get in the way? You are completely a villain!" Mr. Jun was wronged, and he gave Mr. Bai an angry look.

"Hmph!" Old Master Bai snorted coldly, then stepped forward and grabbed Tang Shishi's arm and said, "Girl Shishi, let's go! Go with grandpa to meet your godmother! Now she can finally live a stable life Already!"

"Old man Bai, why are you in such a hurry! Girl Shishi hasn't eaten yet!" Seeing that Mr. Bai was about to drag Tang Shishi away, Mr. Jun roared anxiously.

"It's the same if you go to my house to eat, just to try her godmother's cooking skills!" Old man Bai made up his mind not to let her go, and he dragged Tang Shishi away faster and faster, as if he was afraid that old man Jun would come up to snatch her.

"This stinky old man!" Old Man Jun looked at Old Man Bai's back and cursed angrily!It's just that there are some inexplicable smiles in the eyes, and there is no anger at all.

"Stinky boy, you don't want to go after your daughter-in-law being snatched away!" Mr. Jun looked at Ling Rui who was still exercising in the morning, and couldn't help but said.

"Grandpa, you have been robbed of your granddaughter-in-law and you don't think it's enough, and you want to get a grandson for nothing, buy one get one free?" Ling Rui looked at Mr. Jun and said unhurriedly.

"I forgot about this. I almost fell into old man Bai's trick! This old fox!" After hearing Ling Rui's words, old man Jun scolded old man Bai angrily, then walked home slowly with his hands behind his back.

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and Mr. Bai who had gone a long way, with deep meaning in his eyes.

The houses of Mr. Bai and Bai Ziyu are close to each other, and the two families have opened up and expanded into a large courtyard, which is a little smaller than the courtyard of Jun's family, but it is still a large courtyard.This courtyard is not far from the Jun family compound, nor is it close, this distance makes Tang Shishi feel quite comfortable.

As soon as Old Man Bai stepped into the yard, he couldn't help shouting: "Come out and see who I brought!"

Tang Shishi didn't expect Mr. Bai to be so exaggerated, and felt a little cramped for a while.

Both Bai Ziyu and Quan Xusheng at home went out for morning exercises, Quan Shaobai was still sleeping in the room, and Bai Fengju hadn't gotten up yet. Sun Xiaofen, who was cooking at home, left the kitchen after hearing what Mr. Bai said. When she came out, she looked at Old Man Bai who had already walked to the door with a puzzled expression on her face. When she saw Tang Shishi following behind Old Man Bai, she was so surprised that she even dropped the shovel in her hand to the ground.

"Shishi!" Sun Xiaofen walked quickly to Tang Shishi's side, grabbed Tang Shishi's hand, looked Tang Shishi up and down carefully, then breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "You are fine, really good!"

The day before yesterday, I heard that Tang Shishi was back, and Sun Xiaofen wanted to go to Jun's house, but was stopped by Mr. Bai, saying that she just came back, and she must have a good talk with her family, and it was not appropriate for her to go at that time.Sun Xiaofen also knew that it was inappropriate to go over like that rashly, and she was afraid of arousing Shishi's resentment, so she patiently did not go over.

Yesterday she got up early in the morning to go again, but she heard from Sun Xiaotong that the young couple had gone to sleep in the Ling family compound, and she didn't know when they would come back.

So Sun Xiaofen waited anxiously at home. Originally, she planned to go to Jun's compound again today, thinking that Shishi must be at home for the Chinese New Year today. Unexpectedly, her father-in-law would bring her here early in the morning Home is here.

Seeing the moisture in Sun Xiaofen's eyes, Tang Shishi said guiltily, "Godmother, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you that day!" Thinking of Sun Xiaofen's protection of her on the day of the wedding, Tang Shishi felt particularly guilty.

"Godmother?! Shishi, you call me godmother?!" Sun Xiaofen only heard the first two words, and didn't hear what Tang Shishi said after that. It was the first step to break through the embankment and rush out.

"Godmother!" Tang Shishi wiped away Sun Xiaofen's tears, and called again earnestly and emotionally.

"Hey!" Sun Xiaofen wiped her tears with one hand, choked with sobs, and then couldn't help but cried while hugging Tang Shishi: "Good boy! Godmother is so happy! Thank you for recognizing me!"

"Godmother, I should be the one thanking you. From now on, I will be hurt by one more person!" Tang Shishi smiled happily.

"Woooo..." Sun Xiaofen was moved and relieved when she heard Tang Shishi say this, she couldn't say anything, hugged Tang Shishi and couldn't restrain her emotions, so she burst into tears.

"This New Year's Eve, what is this doing? Crying?" Bai Fengju heard the movement downstairs, went out and stretched, and asked with a yawn.

(End of this chapter)

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