Chapter 611 Ling Rui Eats It! (5)
Everyone laughed again.

"What did you do well?" Quan Xusheng came back from his morning exercise outside, and he was in a good mood when he heard the laughter at home. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Mr. Bai praise him, so he couldn't help asking.

"You, you're going to be a grandfather soon!" Bai Fengju looked at Quan Xusheng, then pointed to Quan Shaobai upstairs and the room behind Quan Shaobai, and said with a smile on her face.

"Good boy! Well done! You are indeed my son! You can see that you have got my father's true biography!" Quan Xusheng said with a loud laugh.

"Go, go! You're not ashamed, you pay it back!" Bai Fengzhen recalled what happened to her back then, and couldn't help but spit on Quan Xusheng and said.

"That's easy!" Old Man Bai said with a smile.

"Did you hear that? Dad praised me!" It was rare for Quan Xusheng to be praised by Mr. Bai, and his whole body immediately lit up.

"You two have to work harder. When you get married, it's best to have a double happiness!" Bai Fengzhen didn't bother to talk to Quan Xusheng, and said to Quan Shaobai upstairs, "Hurry up and go back to sleep again. You must have been exhausted last night!"

Quan Shaobai glanced at Tang Shishi proudly, then went back to the room obediently.It's just that when he closed the door, he immediately became bitter, he was very tired, he was so tired!
"Dad, didn't you also prepare a gift for girl Shishi, why didn't you take it out?" Bai Fengzhen asked curiously as she glanced at old man Bai sitting in the living room who was still alive.

Ever since Sun Xiaofen made up her mind to recognize Tang Shishi as her goddaughter, in order to reassure Sun Xiaofen that everyone supports her decision, their whole family has already prepared the meeting ceremony, and Mr. Bai is even more obliged to do his part. , how come this time is indifferent?

"Hmph! My gift, it's when I'm waiting for the kiss, take it out in front of Old Man Jun and Old Man Ling, and blind those two old guys!" Old Man Bai said confidently.

"Dad, what good things are you giving? You can't give all the good things to girl Shishi. When Shaobai gets married to girl Nuanxin, if I don't have something to give to girl Nuanxin, then I won't accept it! "Bai Fengzhen was aroused by old master Bai's curiosity, and after winking at Tang Shishi and the others, she said what old man Bai said!
"Don't worry, my old man still has a few treasures in his hand. These children, whoever behaves well in the future, I will give the treasure to whoever they are. They will absolutely treat everyone equally, and a bowl of water will be equal!" Old Man Bai said with a smile, his face flushed.

Seeing everyone's friendly appearance, Tang Shishi also felt very warm in her heart.

During breakfast, Tang Shishi ate at Bai's house. She and Sun Xiaofen were in the kitchen. Bai Fengju watched the two people talking and laughing in the kitchen, and couldn't help sighing: "I look at this Xiaofen and girl Shishi are like a real mother and daughter, but girl Shishi is so much better than that evil spirit Baimo!"

Bai Zizhen looked at Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen in the kitchen, feeling very satisfied in his heart, he hadn't seen Sun Xiaofen smile so easily and happily for a long time, even in the middle of the night last night, she had nightmares again , sat up sweating profusely and pulled him to say that for a while he dreamed that his child died, and the death was miserable, and then dreamed that his child was not dead and was alive and well, and his mind was in a mess. The burst of pain worried him terribly.

Unexpectedly, today Tang Shishi was willing to take the initiative to recognize this god-in-law. This year, they will finally live a more stable life!
After eating, Sun Xiaofen sent Tang Shishi back to Jun's compound. When Tang Shishi was about to leave, she shouted narrowly to Quan Shaobai's room upstairs: "I'm leaving, you two The lazy pig can get up in peace, I don't want to be charged with starving you to death!"

In a word, the Bai family burst into laughter again.

"I knew that with this girl, the house would definitely be lively!" Elder Bai looked at Tang Shishi and sighed.

The house hasn't been this lively for a long time.

"Girl Shishi, you have to come to your godfather and godmother's house often. I'll ask your godmother to clean up a room for you later. When you have time, come and stay for a few days." Bai Ziyu said happily.

"I'll clean it up when I get back!" Sun Xiaofen's face glowed when she heard Bai Ziqi's words!

"Ah?! Don't need it? Our two families are so close!" The distance is only a few steps away, so how can you use an overnight stay? Besides, if she really stays here, the old hooligan still doesn't know how to squeeze her And she!

When Tang Shishi thought of this, she couldn't help shivering.

"Clean it up first, maybe it will be used? Anyway, there are so many rooms at home!" Sun Xiaofen answered.

"What do you know? Shishi is reluctant to part with my third brother!" A sentence suddenly came out of Quan Shaobai's room.

Tang Shishi blushed, and scolded Quan Shaobai angrily.

"I forgot about this, kid Rui can live here too!" Bai Ziqi said with a smile.

Tang Shishi's face turned redder.

This topic is really a bit far away!

Several people talked and said goodbye with smiles. Sun Xiaofen walked with Tang Shishi all the way, and when she met an acquaintance, she told people that this was her new goddaughter. The smiles grew even more.

Seeing that Sun Xiaofen was in such a good mood, Tang Shishi also became happy.

When they arrived at the Jun's house, Sun Xiaofen couldn't wait to ask Mr. Jun and Shishi's parents-in-law about the matter of recognizing relatives and wine. The Bai family wanted to do it in the third year of junior high school, so they came to ask Mr. Jun for advice.

"I don't have any opinions, just ask girl Shishi and boy Rui. The old man Bai is slandering me again!" Mr. Jun is obviously still angry because of what happened in the morning!
Sun Xiaofen didn't know why, looking at Mr. Jun and then at Tang Shishi, her expression was a little cramped.

"Godmother, I thought it would be a day earlier. Let's do it in the second year of junior high school. In the third year of junior high school, there was a charity auction. I agreed with Ling Rui to participate. I'm afraid it will be a little rushed." Tang Shi Shi took Sun Xiaofen's hand and said with a comforting smile.

"Okay, one day in advance would be better!" Sun Xiaofen happily agreed when she heard Tang Shishi's words. Then she remembered that the Jun's Foundation held charity auctions every year on the third day of the Lunar New Year. When she heard that Tang Shishi was going to , she quickly said that she would also go: "Shishi, you have to call me when the time comes, and I will go with you."

"Okay!" Tang Shishi readily agreed!

Ling Rui on the side was a little upset after hearing Sun Xiaofen's words. Tang Shishi might not have noticed it, but he had already seen the signs. Sun Xiaofen's current appearance simply wanted to cling to his wife and not let go. This woman, is she I'm here to grab my wife!
(End of this chapter)

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