Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 612 Luring wolves into the house OR making reunion dumplings

Chapter 612 Luring wolves into the house OR making reunion dumplings (1)
Ling Yue was also a little vigilant, although she had no objection to the fact that there was one more person who loved Shishi, but she felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Sun Xiaofen's poem that she would follow wherever she went. Rui and Rui exchanged a look, and the mother and son each had their own calculations in their hearts.

Mr. Jun saw that Sun Xiaofen loved Tang Shishi so much, and suddenly regretted admitting to this family. He thought that if Sun Xiaofen got stuck with Shishi girl, then Shishi girl would have more time to go to Bai's house. A white old man was robbing himself of his grandson-in-law, and when he thought of the embarrassment that the white old man would show, he had a bad feeling.

Sun Xiaofen and Tang Shishi were unaware that their actions had aroused high vigilance in many parties. The two of them did not want to separate when they talked together, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became. Only then did they discover that the two of them had many hobbies It's the same, even the things they like to eat and the things they don't like to eat are the same, which makes their relationship heat up rapidly. For a while, the two of them chatted in full swing, and they almost forgot what night and where they are. land.

Ling Rui sat beside Tang Shishi, serving tea and water to Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen, but he didn't arouse the two women's attention, even when he put his big hand around Tang Shishi's waist, he took the opportunity to make trouble, Tang Shishi didn't even notice the secret mopping, she just pulled his big hand down, didn't give him a single bit of attention, and even saved her usual embarrassment and blushing!
Ling Rui looked at Sun Xiaofen, then at Tang Shishi, and was very annoyed at Tang Shishi's neglect and neglect, thinking that no matter what happens in the future, these two women should not be allowed to have close contact!
Just when Ling Rui was scratching his heart because of Tang Shishi's neglect, his cell phone rang.

Ling Rui picked up the phone absently, but when he saw the caller ID, his face became serious. He got up from the sofa, took the phone, and walked to the study.

Tang Shishi only felt that there was nothing around her, and she looked sideways a little uncomfortable, and saw Ling Rui went upstairs without saying hello, and seeing Ling Rui's footsteps were a little slow and anxious, Tang Shishi suddenly felt uncomfortable. Good feeling.

Not only Tang Shishi, but even Mr. Jun, Jun Zeyu, Ling Yue and others in the room felt a little uneasy when they saw Ling Rui go to the study.

At this time, who is calling?The call that allowed Ling Rui to avoid them was obviously a very important and confidential call, what exactly was it?
"What's the matter?" After closing the door of the study, Ling Rui connected the phone and asked in a deep voice.

"The Shen family has made a big move recently. You should prepare early. I'm afraid we will meet again in City A soon after the year!" The man on the other side of the phone had a slightly deep voice, with an inexplicable joy in his tone. It's like finding something interesting.

"I know!" For Ling Rui, there is no need for the other party to say too much, just a little show, a little hint, is enough!
It seems that Shen Kui suffered a dark loss in City B, and he has not been idle for the past two days back!

Go to City A?
Ah!It seems that the Shen family still has some wealth!
"Hehe, they are afraid of raising tigers, but they don't know that this time is to lure wolves into the house! Major General Ling, I am looking forward to your arrival!" The man's tone has not concealed his excitement, obviously he is really looking forward to Ling Rui and the Shen family By the way, what a scene it will be!
He had a premonition that the glorious page of the Shen family would be revealed because of this!

Ling Rui hung up the phone with a cool arc on the corner of his mouth.

Shen family!

Tang Shishi was a little absent-minded at the beginning, and her eyes kept looking in the direction of the study. Sun Xiaofen also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and felt that she had been dragging Tang Shishi to talk a little bit. Now that Tang Shishi was like this, she realized that Ling Rui didn't know It was time to leave, knowing that Tang Shishi was worried about Ling Rui, she looked at the time and felt a little guilty.

It's hard for this child to listen to himself talking non-stop for more than two hours.

"Shishi, I'm going back first, we'll talk another day." Sun Xiaofen stood up and said goodbye.

"Well, godmother, I'll see you off." Tang Shishi had no intention of keeping Sun Xiaofen any longer, she stood up and said.

"No need, it's so close, just two steps away! Go find Ling Rui quickly." Sun Xiaofen said with a smile.

"Godmother—" Tang Shishi felt a little embarrassed after hearing Sun Xiaofen's words, her skin was always too thin. "You also come to laugh at me!"

Tang Shishi was really embarrassed this time, she was just a little worried about Ling Rui, and she was a little uneasy because of that phone call, she didn't expect to be misunderstood by Sun Xiaofen, could it be that she was really so obvious?

"Godmother is not laughing at you. I am happy for you to see that you two have such a good relationship!" Sun Xiaofen remembered that Ling Rui had been sitting next to Tang Shishi to accompany her just now, even after hearing them say that women are not nutritious He also showed a good upbringing and did not show a little bit of impatience. It can be seen that he really loves and respects Tang Shishi.

Thinking of Ling Rui, Tang Shishi had a happy and sweet smile on her face.

After seeing off Sun Xiaofen, the atmosphere at home became a little more relaxed.

Mo Youyou stepped forward and took Tang Shishi's arm, and said: "Shishi, you godmother can really tell, I thought she would stay at our house at noon today?"

Mo Youyou has always spoken directly, seeing Sun Xiaofen's excitement, she really wanted to dominate Tang Shishi's posture of talking for three days and three nights, so that she didn't even have a chance to talk to Tang Shishi.

Jun Mubei came out of the room, and just happened to hear the phrase "our family" that Mo Youyou said, and let out a cold snort in his heart, this idiot didn't see the outside world, it's only been two days since he established a relationship with Jun Haodong, so fast It's our family's!
Could it be that she and Jun Haodong have made some progress?Jun Mubei suddenly remembered the kiss that night, and felt inexplicably irritable, turned back to his room, and slammed the door.

Mo Youyou watched Jun Mubei come out with sharp eyes, glanced at herself, made a sullen face, then went back to the room, slammed the door, feeling extremely sad in her heart, not knowing how she offended him again by making him so I hate it, I don't even want to look at myself.

Jun Haodong on one side saw the undercurrent between Mo Youyou and Jun Mubei, and raised the corners of his mouth happily, and the turtle shrank back into its shell again!

Things seemed to be more fun than he imagined!
Tang Shishi laughed off Mo Youyou's words, she could understand Sun Xiaofen's depression these days and her eagerness to find someone to talk to, now seeing her like this, she felt relieved a lot.

Ling Rui made a few more phone calls in the study to confirm the recent movements of the Shen family, and to understand the matter thoroughly. After making some arrangements, it was already time for lunch.

(End of this chapter)

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