Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 618 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life"

Chapter 618 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life" (2)
Ling Rui knew that Tang Shishi thought of Shen He by accident, and snorted coldly: "I just want to buy it, but I have to see if he has that fate!" Ling Rui said domineeringly.

Tang Shishi hummed twice pretending to be dissatisfied, but she still couldn't help asking curiously: "Everyone has come out with you, tell me what you are going to do!"

She didn't understand, it was Chinese New Year's Eve, what was so important that the old hooligan had to take her out.

"My lord will take you to elope!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and said unscrupulously, there was a bit of scorn and evil in those smiling eyes, and the subtle tenderness inadvertently revealed was deep and long.

"Speak seriously!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui, thinking how could this man be so good-looking!A pair of eyes inadvertently revealed all kinds of amorous feelings, really captivating!
"It's really taking you to elope!" Ling Rui's tone was a little more serious, and he looked at Tang Shishi with a rippling smile.

"Old rascal! If you don't tell me, I'll jump out of the car!" Tang Shishi threatened angrily.elopement! ?I really don't know where the old hooligan is smoking again!

"Little wild cat, your temper is getting more and more irritable!" Ling Rui messed up the hair on the top of Tang Shishi's head, then looked at Tang Shishi's angry little face and wide-open eyes, and blinked narrowly The eyes said: "My master will take you to privately decide your life, do you want it?"

"Ling Rui! You are becoming more and more unreliable!" Tang Shishi was angry, the two of them even got their certificates, and the wedding was held, but now they are going to make a private appointment for life?What is going on in this man's mind?Why is it so abnormal?

Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui suspiciously, she couldn't be making dumplings, her mind was full of batter, right?

Ling Rui ignored Tang Shishi's dissatisfaction, deliberately trying to whet her appetite, while driving the car, humming a little song proudly, so happy.

Tang Shishi simply didn't ask any more questions, anyway, the person has already come out, and she will always know what this guy is going to do!

The car drove into a resort in the eastern suburbs of city B. Tang Shishi looked at the rows of houses and guessed in her heart that the hot springs in this resort were very famous. Could this old hooligan want to take her to the hot springs and have sex with her? Bar?
cut!I knew that the old rascal had nothing but sperm in his mind!Fortunately, he still made it so mysterious!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's little face with an expression of "I've seen through you a long time ago", and smiled indifferently.

As soon as the car stopped, someone stepped forward and thoughtfully opened the door. Tang Shishi was about to say thank you when she looked up and saw that it was Zhou Hu. She couldn't help but blurt out: "Zhou Hu, why are you here?"

"Sister-in-law, it's not just me, our brothers from the sharp knife army are all here, just waiting for you and the boss!" Zhou Hu said with a smile.

The initial idea in Tang Shishi's mind was overturned in an instant. She looked at Ling Rui with some confusion, and when she got out of the car, she was thinking that the old hooligan wanted her to come and follow his subordinates first. Soldiers celebrate New Year together?
Tang Shishi saw that Zhou Hu was dressed very carefully today. There were three bright military medals hanging on the straight military uniform, and the leather shoes were polished brightly. Do you need to dress so grandly for the New Year?

Ling Rui ignored Tang Shishi's doubts, walked over and put his arms around Tang Shishi's waist, and asked Zhou Hu, "Are you all ready?"

"Report to the Chief of Staff, everything is ready!" Zhou Hu gave a serious military salute and reported.

"Well, we will start to act in 10 minutes. Now let's go change our clothes!" After Ling Rui gave the instructions, he took Tang Shishi and left.

"Ling Rui, what exactly is this going to do? Do drills?" Tang Shishi was taken aback by Ling Rui's sentence, "Start in 10 minutes." She thought it was just a drill, and she ran to the resort to do it. What is this?

Ling Rui just took Tang Shishi's little hand, walked into the dressing room, took out two sets of military uniforms, handed Tang Shishi one and said, "Time is running out, I will explain to you later, you change clothes first!"

"Oh! Okay!" Tang Shishi listened to Ling Rui's words, picked up the military uniform and changed it without saying a word. When she was dressed properly, Ling Rui was also fully dressed. Tang Shishi realized that Ling Rui was wearing today The clothes are also very grand, the military uniform is full of military medals, but her military uniform, in comparison, is simply ordinary and cannot be more ordinary.

"Let's go!" Ling Rui glanced at Tang Shishi in military uniform with satisfaction, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The little wild cat is very suitable for this green color. This green color makes her skin whiter like jade, and her big watery eyes are more clear, as if it can wash away all the dust in people's hearts.

Tang Shishi was a little hesitant and a little apprehensive, not knowing what kind of tricks this man was going to do, but when she thought of Ling Rui by her side, Tang Shishi calmed down again, with Ling Rui here, let it go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, what? She is not afraid either!
"Don't worry, I won't really abduct you!" Ling Rui was obviously in a good mood, kneading Tang Shishi's little hand with his big hand, then gave Tang Shishi a "wink", and said: "Abduct and sell you!" No one can abduct and sell you, you are the heart of the master, if you buy you, it is the same as gouging out the heart of the master, how can the master be willing!"

"You are wise!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui arrogantly and said, but her heart was full of sweetness.

The two walked into a banquet hall, Tang Shishi was stimulated by a sudden strong light and squinted her eyes, when she got used to the light, Tang Shishi was shocked by the arrangement inside, she was surprised She took a quick look at Ling Rui, her big moist eyes were full of confusion.

Although the layout here is arranged according to the concise and lively style of the army, Tang Shishi can tell at a glance that this is a wedding scene, and when she sees clearly the names of the bride and groom hanging on the round platform above the banquet At the time, I was even more surprised, the bridegroom Ling Rui and the bride Tang Shishi!

"Marriage proposal! Marriage proposal! Marriage proposal!" There was an uproar all around, and the voice had the unique thick and loudness of a soldier, and Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin were the leaders who shouted the most vigorously.

Only then did Tang Shishi look around, and found that the surrounding lights had dimmed, but soon there were little lights. Someone on the left was holding candles and formed a shape of "Ling Rui-Heart-Shishi", while on the right It is: "Shishi-Love-Ling Rui", the jumping candlelight makes those words come alive, just like Tang Shishi's heart beating extremely fast at the moment.

Ling Rui raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings, expressing his satisfaction with the looks on both sides, but this arrangement of marriage proposal did not exist before!Ling Rui's eyes fell on Zhou Hu's two canine teeth, which had completely exposed his target, and he gave him a hard look. It must be this kid's bad idea!
Zhou Hu pretended not to see Ling Rui's stare, and laughed so hard that he couldn't see his eyes, and shouted harder and harder: "Propose! Propose! Propose!"

(End of this chapter)

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