Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 619 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life"

Chapter 619 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life" (3)
Since he is the ace master of ceremonies ordered by the master, everything today has to be arranged by him. I am the master of ceremonies and I will shoot who!
Zhou Hu kept encouraging himself in his heart!

Ling Rui knelt down on one knee slowly amidst the enthusiastic booing, and then, as if by magic, there was already a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

"Honey, marry me!" Ling Rui held up a flower in one hand, and grabbed Tang Shishi's hand with the other, looking up at Tang Shishi.

"No! No! How can there be such a proposal? You can't be called a wife!" Zhou Hu didn't think that their master didn't even resist, so he followed their routine. He felt that it was very unpleasant, and he wanted to make things difficult for him. Ling Rui.

"Yes! You can't call me wife!" The people behind echoed in unison!Anyway, it was Zhou Hu who took the lead this time, and he would take the lead when something happened. They were happy to watch.

Ling Rui glanced at the soldiers around him, feeling a bit like being bullied by dogs, but today is a happy day, he will bear it!

"Tang Shishi, marry me!" Ling Rui turned his head again and said to Tang Shishi.

"No! Not gentle enough! Master, you are too serious!" Zhou Hu started booing again!
"Master, you are too serious!" The people around echoed again, neatly like a line of voices.

Tang Shishi was about to burst out the word "good" in her throat, but it got stuck in her throat and she couldn't spit it out. She looked at Ling Rui with some sympathy.

Old rascal, how hated you are!Your soldiers team up to punish you!
Ling Rui glared at the people around him, then stood up from the ground, just when Zhou Hu and the others took a step back defensively, Ling Rui quickly pulled Tang Shishi into his arms, and then Involuntarily, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she grabbed those two soft and bright red lips, tossed and lingered.

Tang Shishi was hugged tightly by Ling Rui, she couldn't escape at all, and at this time, she couldn't escape either, it would hurt the old rascal's self-esteem, so she might as well embarrass herself with him!
When Ling Rui let go of Tang Shishi panting roughly, the soldiers around her blushed with shame and stood stupidly, forgetting to react.

"Tang Shishi, marry me! I want to protect you for the rest of my life!" Ling Rui's voice was not loud, with some lingering air, but it was enough for everyone around to hear clearly.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi nodded and agreed without thinking.Whether it was the first proposal on a hospital bed, or this time in front of so many people, the old hooligan's manner was so gentle and domineering, which broke her heart.

After Tang Shishi finished answering, there was warm applause from all around. Ling Rui glanced at the people around him proudly, then his eyes fell on Zhou Hu, and he raised his eyebrows proudly.

Zhou Hu touched his nose embarrassingly.

Lord, hooligans are so powerful!

Leng Maolin came over with a tray with the bride and groom's corsage on it, Ling Rui picked up the bride's, Tang Shishi picked up the groom's, and the two brought each other.

The wedding march sounded, and under Zhou Hu's shout, Tang Shishi took Ling Rui's arm and walked up to the rostrum in front of the banquet hall.

"Next, the bride and groom are invited to read out the marriage vows! The groom is invited to come first!" Zhou Hu said with a serious expression.

Tang Shishi was a little stunned for a while!What wedding vows?She was not prepared at all!Just when she was struggling with how to organize her words, Leng Maolin stuffed a small red notebook into her hand. Looking at Ling Rui again, he also had a small red notebook in his hand at some point.There are four gold-plated characters written on her notebook: Bride's Vow.And Ling Rui's notebook read: The groom's oath.

Ling Rui opened the groom's oath, and a firm and mellow voice sounded: "I am a husband, and I swear: obey my wife's leadership, serve my wife wholeheartedly, from now on, always listen to my wife's words and always go with my wife! Work hard to make money , pay wages, strictly abide by family discipline, not afraid to kneel on the washboard! Practice laundry and cooking skills, resolutely honor father-in-law and mother-in-law, and never betray the family or wife under any circumstances! Sworn by: Groom Ling Rui" . |—Os
This is the first time Tang Shishi has heard such a groom's oath, and she finds it novel and moving, especially when an old man like Ling Rui, who is usually serious and cold in front of everyone, actually said seriously, "Don't pat the kneeling washboard." !Practice laundry and cooking skills.” It made her feel very funny again, and she was moved even though it was funny!
Old rascal, how can she not be moved if she can do this for her!

Under Ling Rui's expectation, Tang Shishi opened the bridal oath book in her hand, and read it seriously: "I voluntarily marry Ling Rui, join the ranks of military wives, support the construction of the army, abide by family rules, and enjoy the rights of military wives. Don’t talk about what you shouldn’t do, don’t do what you shouldn’t do, and never inquire about what you shouldn’t inquire about. Honor your parents, love your husband, work actively, and strive for life to build a happy family. You are always ready to dedicate everything to your family and husband, and you will never regret it! Sworn by: Bride Tang Shishi".

When the two finished reading their wedding vows, there was a burst of warm applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Rui and Tang Shishi drank a cup of wine under the command of Zhou Hu, the ace master of ceremonies, and then the groom kissed the bride. The groom and the bride saluted and thanked the guests who attended the wedding banquet.

It's just that Zhou Hu's procedures are too complete. After finishing all the above, he gave a statement stating the family history of both parties, and then explained the love process, and then asked the two to share the most touching things the other did. What is it, and then it is the most tacit thing that the two sides did, and then the most memorable thing that both sides think they did...

Anyway, this kid is just trying to keep people on the stage and not let them come down!
"Zhou Hu, you can't stop talking like a woman, don't delay your grandpa's entry into the bridal chamber!" After Zhou Hu asked countless questions, Ling Rui gave Zhou Hu a look and shouted.

Zhou Hu was yelled at by Ling Rui, and he patted his little heart in fear, and then said with a resentful look: "Master, you are too impatient!"

There was a burst of laughter from the audience, Tang Shishi blushed and lowered her head, although Zhou Hu's question was a bit too much, but the old hooligan's words were too direct!What a shame!

"Hurry up! Don't delay my master's business!" Ling Rui ordered impatiently!

Zhou Hu rubbed his nose habitually, and then said loudly: "Because of the groom's impatience, the next wedding will be the last one: the ceremony is over! Send it to the bridal chamber!"

People in the audience laughed again because of Zhou Hu's words, Tang Shishi wished to find a crack in the ground to get in, but Ling Rui snorted coldly at Zhou Hu, then hugged Tang Shishi by the waist, and strode off the stage , walked through the banquet hall, and walked towards the "bridal chamber" that had already been prepared.

(End of this chapter)

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