Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 620 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life"

Chapter 620 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life" (4)
Zhou Hu watched Ling Rui's back disappear into the banquet hall, and then asked Leng Maolin on the side: "I'm not really angry, are you? Why do I feel a chill down my spine?"

"Don't worry, I will collect the body for you!" Leng Maolin looked at Zhou Hu, smiling gloatingly!
Zhou Hu's face collapsed all of a sudden!Didn't they encourage him to ask more questions just now?Now push him out to top the tank again!
well!Sure enough, what Lao Lao said was true, brothers are for betrayal!

Ling Rui carried Tang Shishi to the new house, and after putting Tang Shishi on the big bed in the room, he looked at Tang Shishi whose eyes were a little red, kissed her eyes, and said, "This is touching. gone?"

Tang Shishi nodded heavily.She didn't expect Ling Rui to make such an arrangement. She knew that it was Ling Rui's guilt and compensation for the failure of the last wedding, but she really didn't blame him for the last wedding. And this wedding, she was too surprised and moved. How could this man be so careful and kind to her!
"Old gangster, you are so kind to me, I can't bear to leave you for a moment!" Tang Shishi hugged Ling Rui's waist and said, leaning her head tightly on Ling Rui's chest.

"Then my purpose has been achieved! I just want you to remember my kindness every minute, every second, every second, so that you will never want to leave me!" Ling Rui leaned over and licked Tang Shishi's forehead , said proudly.

"You are so bad! Smelly fox!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a coquettish look, and scolded sweetly.

"Honey, there are worse things!" Ling Rui sneaked into Tang Shishi's clothes with his big hands as he spoke, and climbed to the commanding heights with ease.

"On this bridal chamber wedding night, a moment of spring festival is worth a fortune, we must hurry up!" Ling Rui eagerly snatched Tang Shishi's neck.

"Old hooligan!" Sensing Ling Rui's impatient, Tang Shishi blushed and followed Ling Rui's rhythm, the two of them rolled on the big red bed.

Soon, there was a murmur in the room!
Ling Rui is indeed a person who cherishes money, and doesn't waste a minute or a second.When Tang Shishi was enveloped by a heat wave, she realized that she and Ling Rui had moved to the built-in hot spring in the room.

The comfortable feeling washes away Tang Shishi's tiredness just now, and the warm spring water wraps her whole body. The warm feeling is like sunbathing on the beach by the sea. The whole body, every pore is relaxed and stretched, She couldn't help but sigh comfortably.

Seeing Tang Shishi's charming and lazy look, Ling Rui couldn't help but bowed upwards and let out a muffled snort.

Only then did Tang Shishi discover that little Lingrui hadn't quit at all, and had grown evil like crazy.

"Old rascal, don't come! Grandpa said we're going back to eat the New Year's Eve dinner!" I don't even know what time it is, the two of them pestered each other like two hungry beasts as soon as they entered the room, and they almost forgot Jinxi It's He Xi!
"Don't worry, I know it!" Ling Rui embraced Tang Shishi's soft and boneless body, licked her earballs ambiguously, and when he noticed Tang Shishi's body froze, he coaxed softly: "Do it again! "

"No more! You just said it's the last time!" Tang Shishi didn't agree with her mouth, but she leaned weakly in Ling Rui's arms, as if she was at her disposal.

"This time is guaranteed to be the last time!" Ling Rui started to attack, and said in Tang Shishi's ear with his thick and hoarse voice: "It's all because you are so attractive, I really want to train you here for the rest of my life ! Never come out!"

"I hate it!" Tang Shishi left two rows of teeth marks on Ling Rui's shoulders, then hooked her arms around Ling Rui's neck weakly, letting him get whatever he wanted.

After the two of them finished soaking in the hot spring, it was already an hour later. Tang Shishi lay down on the soft couch beside the hot spring pool like a Persian cat, feeling powerless. Every inch of skin is sore and limp, so soft that I just want to lie down and not move!
"Get dressed!" Ling Rui was already fully dressed. Tang Shishi saw what Ling Rui was wearing, from the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, she had personally chosen for him that day!This old rascal has such a good figure, it's really enviable.

"I'll lie down for a while longer!" Tang Shishi said weakly.

"Then you lie down, and I'll wear it for you!" Ling Rui said, and brought Tang Shishi's clothes over. Tang Shishi noticed that this red improved cheongsam was exactly the one her mother-in-law customized for her. She didn't even notice, when did the old hooligan put his clothes here!
Ling Rui dressed Tang Shishi carefully one by one. The little red cheongsam was worn on Tang Shishi's body. Taking advantage of that milky white skin, it was a fatal enchantment, which made him unable to bear it anymore. Feeling moved.

"Old hooligan! Be more disciplined!" When Tang Shishi sensed something was wrong, Ling Rui's body was already pressed down, and she hurriedly pushed his body in panic. If they continue to indulge themselves like this, they won't be able to go home tonight up!
"It was you who seduced me!" Ling Rui wreaked havoc on Tang Shishi for a while, then stood up resentfully, with a dissatisfied and aggrieved look on her face!

Tang Shishi glared at Ling Rui, but she didn't know how seductive she was with her disheveled clothes and half of her body on the soft couch, which made Ling Rui swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"I'll wear it myself, I don't need your help!" Seeing that Ling Rui was about to come forward again, Tang Shishi quickly gathered her clothes and sat up with difficulty.

If the old rascal dresses her up, she will have to celebrate the New Year outside tonight!

By the time the two of them packed up and returned home, it was already half past eleven.

"Stinky boy, I thought you weren't planning to come back!" Mr. Jun sat in the living room, looked at the little face holding hands and entered the door, squinted his eyes in satisfaction, and said.

"How dare!" Ling Rui acted like a good boy.

"Shishi, you are so beautiful! This dress is so beautiful!" Mo Youyou noticed the difference in Tang Shishi, and said in surprise: "What kind of cosmetics do you use, please recommend me, this skin is white and rosy, so good !"

With her wheat-colored body, it seems that Jun Mubei doesn't like him very much!
"It's just the daily skin care products." Tang Shishi replied.

"But I'm also useful, why is it still like this? I'm going to do a full body whitening!" Mo Youyou muttered.

"Sister-in-law Youyou, that's different, the third sister-in-law has a secret weapon!" Jun Nuanxin said with a wicked smile after hearing what Mo Youyou said.

"Do you know, Nuanxin? Tell me quickly! Shishi is so uninteresting! Good sisters are still hiding things!" Mo Youyou was immediately attracted to Jun Nuanxin when she heard Jun Nuanxin's words!
(End of this chapter)

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