Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 621 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life"

Chapter 621 Grandpa Takes You to "Private Life" (5)
Tang Shishi was complained inexplicably, and looked at Jun Nuanxin puzzled, does she have a secret weapon?Why doesn't she know it herself?
"Sister-in-law San's secret weapon is my third brother! So, sister-in-law Yoyo, hurry up and marry me in! Haha!" Jun Nuan said mischievously.

"Jun Nuanxin!" Tang Shishi blushed all of a sudden, and yelled at Jun Nuanxin angrily, this girl, really, is becoming more and more careless with her words!In front of so many elders, he actually said such an ambiguous topic.

"Yuyou, look, the third sister-in-law was hit by what I said, and she became angry from embarrassment!" Jun Nuan laughed nonchalantly.

"Warm heart, do you mean that Ling Rui can make cosmetics? Could it be that there are ancient prescriptions?" Mo Youyou asked blankly, then looked at Ling Rui with a pleading face, and said, "Ling Rui, don't keep your good things private." , give me some!"

"Pfft!" Jun Mubei and Jun Haodong, who were drinking tea, spat in unison, and even the elders sitting on the sofa couldn't help laughing.

Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin were stunned by this little friend, Mo Youyou!

When they saw Ling Rui's black and livid face, they couldn't help but burst out laughing!
Mo Youyou didn't understand, so she blinked innocently and looked at the people around her. Did she say something funny just now?No!
"Hahahaha!" Mo Youyou's ignorant expression once again made Jun Nuanxin and Tang Shishi laugh out loud!

How innocent is this girl!He couldn't even hear such an obvious hint!
Mo Youyou's face turned pale, she returned to her seat and sat down in a somewhat depressed mood, stirring the corners of her clothes, feeling that the people around her were inexplicable.Is this the so-called generation gap?
Sensing that Mo Youyou's mood was not right, Jun Nuanxin immediately stepped forward and sat beside Mo Youyou, leaning over and explaining in her ear.

"Ah! Jun Nuanxin! You female hooligan!" Mo Youyou, who finally figured out what happened, became angry and chased Jun Nuanxin in the room to fight!
"Sister-in-law Yoyo! I'm telling the truth! Stop chasing! Chase again! Ah—" Jun Nuanxin ran out of breath, and was caught by Tang Shishi when she passed by Tang Shishi Hold, and delivered it to Mo Youyou's hands.

"Sister-in-law Yoyo, clean it up ruthlessly, this guy is getting worse and worse! He has learned from Quan Shaobai!" Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"Three, sister-in-law three, you are talking nonsense! I didn't learn from him! Ah——you two are bullying me together! It's not fair!" Jun Nuanxin yelled while avoiding the attacks of Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou. There was laughter and noise everywhere.

"It's New Year's Eve dinner!" Chang Guiru looked at the three people in the living room and shouted with a smile.

Only then did Mo Youyou and Tang Shishi let Jun Nuanxin go.

"Shishi's dress is really beautiful!" Yunmo praised Tang Shishi's little red cheongsam from the bottom of her heart.

"That's right, my wife looks beautiful in anything!" Ling Rui said arrogantly.

"Boy Rui's clothes are also very handsome, with Shishi's eyes?" Jun Aimin said, looking at Ling Rui's clothes.

"That's right, can my daughter-in-law be wrong?" Ling Rui was even more arrogant.

Tang Shishi secretly abducted Ling Rui with her arm, what happened to this guy today?Don't even bother to blush!

"Did you two see that? Hurry up and marry a wife, Kid Quietrui, you have such a nourishing and comfortable life!" As soon as Mr. Jun took the main seat in the restaurant, he immediately took over the conversation!

Jun Haodong and Jun Mubei glared at Ling Rui in unison, Ling Rui completely ignored their gazes!

Only then did Tang Shishi realize what it was like. It turns out that everyone is waiting here!
"I'm not in a hurry, I've got Yoyo!" Jun Haodong suddenly smiled, making people feel like a cold plum blossom on a branch covered with snow, rushing towards the face with a delicate fragrance.

Tang Shishi thought to herself, all the men in the Jun family are monsters!

"If Youyou is willing, we will find a good day in the first month to settle the marriage first!" After Jun Haodong finished speaking, he looked at Mo Youyou with burning eyes.

Mo Youyou was struggling with the dumplings in the bowl, and just as she finished her mouth, she heard Jun Haodong's words, she inadvertently clenched her teeth together, and then the people around heard a bang.

"Hoohoo!" Mo Youyou held her teeth that were bitten, looking miserable.

"Yuyou, what did you eat?" Chang Guiru asked lovingly.

"Bite on the date stone!" Mo Youyou said while covering her mouth.

"I got a jujube! This is an early baby! Happy! It seems that Youyou also wants to marry in soon!" Yunmo answered happily.

"I listen to Haodong." Mo Youyou only felt two scorching gazes from above her head, she lowered her head and said shyly.

Jun Mubei felt so suffocated!This girl is still so young, how eager she is to get married!
"Hao Dong! Did you hear what Yoyo said? Youyo is such a sensible and obedient daughter-in-law, it's hard to find it with a lantern now, so hurry up!" Yun Mo swayed from the side, and winked at Jun Haodong!

Mom, when did you come to be such an enthusiastic matchmaker?Your own son is still placing orders here!

"I know, I will arrange time to go to Uncle Mo's house to propose marriage after the next year!" Jun Haodong laughed heartily.

Jun Mubei took a bite of the dumpling angrily, and then there was another "crack".

Everyone looked at Jun Mubei who grinned.

"Boy Bei, could it be that you also ate the date stone?" Mr. Jun asked expectantly.

Jun Mubei slowly took out a steel coin from the dumpling, threw it on the table, and said arrogantly: "Money! It seems that today is another year of prosperity!"

"Huh! What's so great about money! Can money give you a baby? Go to sleep with money in your arms!" Yunmo stared at the steel coin on the table, complaining.

Jun Mubei glared at Yunmo. In fact, for a moment just now, he also wanted to eat a jujube stone!

"Boy Rui, girl Shishi, what did you eat?" Ling Yue looked at the young couple who had been silent all this time and asked.

"New Year Cake!" Ling Rui replied.

"It's a good sign to get promoted every step of the way!" Jun Zeyu said with a smile.

Ling Rui nodded, isn't he about to be promoted?

"I ate candy." Tang Shishi said with a smile.

"Sweet and sweet, everything is rich!" Ling Yue looked at Tang Shishi and said excitedly, "Recently, you and Rui have worked hard, and you will give us a grandson as soon as possible!"

"Mom!" Tang Shishi shyly called Ling Yue.

"Haha, girl Shishi is sorry!" Chang Guiru and Yunmo said jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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