Chapter 622 Recognition Banquet! (1)
"Third Aunt, don't worry, these two people have carried out your will very thoroughly, after making the dumplings today, they are going to create humans again!" Jun Nuanxin said with a smile!
"You stinky girl!" Tang Shishi glared at Jun Nuanxin angrily, and said, "I think you wish you could succeed in creating humans with Quan Shaobai now!"

"Third sister-in-law, don't expose your shortcomings!" Jun Nuanxin immediately begged for mercy when she heard the threat in Tang Shishi's words: "I was wrong, I will eat obediently!"

Everyone at the table knew it well, but they didn't criticize it. The family ate happily, happily and warmly.

Just when Jun's family was reunited and happily eating the New Year's Eve dinner, Shen He of Shen's family in City A, who had been in a coma for three days, opened his eyes weakly. In the ward smelling like medicine, I tasted the coldness and loneliness in the room.

The door was pushed open, bringing some vague laughter outside, Shen He slowly closed his eyes.He didn't know how long he had been asleep, and he didn't want to know that everything outside had nothing to do with him.

The senior nurse who was ordered to take care of Shen He came to Shen He, looked at Shen He who was still "unconscious", and couldn't help sighing: "When people pick them up, they don't even take a look. It's better to let him stay here." It’s still safe in the hospital, it’s Chinese New Year, it’s so lively outside, you’ve forgotten that there’s a patient lying here, right? If there’s an emergency, it’ll be gone if people say it’s gone!”

These rich and powerful families are really strange. They said that they can’t let people stay in the hospital for the New Year. It spreads that they have a bad reputation. They don’t listen to the opinions of experts and insist on bringing people back. Originally, she thought that the patients would get better after taking them back. Who knows, this family is indifferent, and they have never even looked at it. This is the first time she has seen such an indifferent family member!

In the end is reputation important, or life is important!

Shen He listened to the nurse's complaints, his eyelids moved slightly, and he still pretended to be unconscious, but his heart ached uncontrollably, and he didn't know if it was because of the wound or something else.

These, since he crawled out of the pile of dead people, he has been used to it!
After sleeping groggyly for another night, Shen He woke up again. The atmosphere in the room was a little tense. He opened his heavy and tired eyelids, and the first thing he saw was Shen Kui's silent face.

"Finally willing to wake up?" Shen Kui looked at the calm Shen He with a sneer on his face.

Shen He didn't speak, but looked around, and saw a nurse standing nervously at the end of the bed, and ordered with a blank expression: "Pour me a glass of water."

He only said five words, but Shen He felt as if his throat had been sharpened by a file, it was painful and itchy, his voice was hoarse like an old man whose vocal cords were torn, even he himself doubted whether it was his voice.

The nurse glanced at Shen He, then secretly glanced at Shen Kui, nodded, opened the door and went out.

There was a water dispenser in the room, but the nurse went out to find water, because the atmosphere in the room was so depressing that she couldn't breathe in it.

Only Shen Kui and Shen He were left in the room. Shen Kui carefully looked at Shen He with a sick face, and the smile on his mouth did not diminish.

Although Shen He was haggard, his eyes were heavy. He didn't look at Shen Kui, but was immersed in his own thoughts, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Come and see what New Year's gift I have prepared for you this year!" After a long time, Shen Kui broke the silence.

Shen He rolled his eyes, looked at Shen Kui, and found that there was an extra bag in his hand at some point.

Shen Kui opened the bag slowly, and there was an exquisite photo album inside.

Shen He looked at the photo album suspiciously, not knowing what kind of tricks Shen Kui was trying to play. Every year Shen Kui gave him new year gifts that were ingenious, but they definitely made him remember deeply.

"I know that even though the woman shot you, you didn't really let go, otherwise, you wouldn't have kept calling that woman's name when you were unconscious. You probably didn't know it, right? In a few days, I called that woman 280 times in total, and I asked someone to count them for you, lest you wake up and not know." Shen Kui didn't look at Shen He, but stroked the photo album with his hands, a little chattering As he spoke, there was nothing unusual in his expression, but he really looked like a father who was always thinking of his son and caring for him.

Only Shen He knew in his heart that the man in front of him who looked calm, composed and well-mannered to outsiders had a terrifying moody devil living in his heart.

"Come on, take a look!" Shen Kui looked at Shen He who was still indifferent, and his expression became more and more loving. He opened the photo album and slowly flipped through the pages in front of Shen He's eyes. His voice was also unusually kind, I don't know When people heard it, they really thought it was a loving father.

"Have you seen this one? The angle of this shot is really good. It is worthwhile for me to ask the most famous photographer in China to make a special trip!" Shen Kui looked at Shen He who was still expressionless, not impatient explained, with a gentle voice.

In the photo, a girl in a pink coat is holding a marshmallow in her hand, licking it happily. The winter sun shines on the girl, as if giving her a thin layer of light golden halo , when the girl licked the marshmallow, the eyes that crookedly smiled were shining inside, and the clear eyes overflowed with happiness, joy and satisfaction, as if she was licking the most delicious food in the world, which made people feel happy. After reading it, I couldn't help but want to go up and lick that cotton candy too.

The girl in the photo is Tang Shishi.

She wore a pink fur coat with two fluffy pink balls, which looked like a pink bunny. It looked lively and cute, like a little girl under twenty.

"Well—this one is not bad, look!" Shen Kui said, turning another page.

It's still that girl, but in this picture, there is a man in the picture!The girl held up the cotton candy and brought it to the man's mouth. Her eyes were twinkling with little calculations and stubbornness. The man frowned slightly, leaned down slightly, stuck out his tongue, and licked the cotton candy. Tang, with a little puzzlement and a little bit of reluctance on his face, seemed to be curious, but more like he didn't want to disappoint the girl holding the cotton candy, with a hint of reluctance.

The man in the picture is naturally Ling Rui. Shen He's breathing became heavy, and a hint of hatred flashed in his eyes. Although it was very fast, Shen Kui made it clear.

"I think this is the best shot!" Shen Kui smiled unabated, quickly flipped through a few pictures in the album, then pointed to a picture, and smiled quite meaningfully: "No Thinking of our Huaxia country's Iron-Blooded Major General, who actually understands this kind of couple's love, if I hadn't arranged for several photographers to follow the shot in all directions, I would have almost missed this picture."

(End of this chapter)

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