Chapter 623 Recognition Banquet! (2)
After listening to Shen Kui's words, Shen He's eyes fell on the photo.

It is still a picture of a man and a woman, but the girl is a little annoyed for some reason, her bright red lips are pursed, her little face is rosy, it can be seen that she is acting like a baby, while the man beside her is He was holding the cotton candy in his hand, smiling wickedly.

Could it be because the cotton candy was robbed?Shen He didn't understand why.

Shen Kui looked at the confusion on Shen He's face, and kindly said: "Look at this cotton candy, what does it look like after being gnawed by our Major General Ling?"

Shen He's eyes fell on the cotton candy, his breathing became heavy, a scarlet color spread alluringly on his chest, and the severe pain caused beads of sweat to roll down his pale face.

The senior nurse who was hiding outside heard the siren of the equipment in the ward, and was so frightened that his legs went limp. He ran to the door, but hesitated whether to go in.

Looking at Shen He's appearance, Shen Kui still smiled kindly. He put away the photos, put the photo album on the table next to Shen He's bed, stood up, looked down at Shen He who was still breathing heavily, and suddenly restrained himself. With a smile on his face, he said sullenly: "After the next year, Ling Rui will be transferred to City A. When the time comes, I think you should know what to do this time!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Kui turned around and left the ward without looking back.

Seeing Shen Kui leave, the nurse quickly walked into Shen He's ward. Seeing the blood on Shen He's chest, she knew that the wound was open. She was so frightened that she hurriedly pressed the alarm bell next to the bed.

After a while, a group of doctors who had been staying at Shen's house ran over quickly, saw Shen He's condition, and immediately started first aid.

About two hours later, Shen He's open wound was properly treated, he took a sedative, his mood calmed down, the emergency alarm was lifted, and everyone in the ward secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Manqing only came back from the outside in the afternoon. On the first day of the Chinese New Year these years, she would go to orphanages, nursing homes and other places to send some gifts and take photos with those orphans and widowed old people. As a souvenir, this time I did quite a lot of acting, and I came back after eating with the old people in the nursing home. Of course, this was also for this year's general election and to build momentum for the Shen family.

As soon as she entered the door, Yu Manqing ordered her servants to make ginseng tea for her, then went upstairs to take off the clothes she was wearing today, and ordered the servants to take them away. After taking a bath, she sat on the sofa drinking ginseng tea , and asked casually: "How is the young master today? Haven't woken up yet?"

The servant heard that Yu Manqing had a bad tone today, and secretly guessed in his heart that maybe when he was going to the nursing home or the orphanage again, the person who didn't know what to do held her hand and talked for a long time, which made her feel annoyed and irritable .

"Young Master woke up. In the morning, I don't know what happened, the wound opened, but now the critical period has passed." The servant replied cautiously.

"Are you awake?" After hearing the servant's words, Yu Manqing's eyes flashed with surprise, but when he saw Mr. Shen standing at the stairs, he suppressed the emotion in his eyes, and said a little irritably, "That nurse What do you eat? You can’t even look down on anyone, go find a few more, and take turns guarding them. This kid has caused such a mess, and when he wakes up, he will be busy!”

Yu Manqing sighed bitterly.

Old Master Ling, who was going downstairs, snorted heavily when he heard Yu Manqing's words.

Yu Manqing seemed to have just discovered Mr. Shen, immediately stood up, and called out respectfully: "Dad!"

Old Man Shen ignored Yu Manqing, went down the stairs, and sat down on the sofa. As a result, Yu Manqing took a sip of the black tea handed over to him.

"Hmph! It's useless!" Mr. Shen slammed the teacup on the table, his face extremely dark.

What Shen He did really disappointed him!Thinking about it, he couldn't help but get angry.

Yu Manqing stood beside Mr. Shen with her head bowed, not daring to speak.

"Dad, look at you, what happened this time, even I didn't expect it, it can only be said that we underestimated the enemy!" Shen Kui came down from the study and said to the still angry Mr. Shen.

"You just protect him!" Mr. Shen disapproved of Shen Kui's attitude. He believed that the reason why Shen He dared to act recklessly in City B was the result of Shen Kui's connivance over the years!

The Shen family had arranged a hidden stake in City B for many years, but because of Shen He's desperate wrong decision, they were uprooted. When he thinks about this useless attitude, he feels a panic in his heart!

"Dad, what's the use of talking about this now? After all, city B is the territory of the Jun family. It's not like you don't know that a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake!" Shen Kui smiled playfully when he received Yu Manqing's eyes asking for help: "Our strength If you can't expand in city B, it's like the power of the Jun family is restrained everywhere in city A, so don't worry about it!"

"This time, we must break the foundation of Jun's family, so that they can no longer be arrogant in Huaxia Kingdom!" Old Master Shen had a look of hatred.

"Understood!" Shen Kui said affirmatively.

"Shen He messed things up again this time, and your mother and son will move out of the Shen's compound!" Mr. Shen said angrily, squinting at Yu Manqing who was standing aside.

Yu Manqing froze when she heard old master Shen's words, but still said bravely: "I know Dad! I will definitely watch Shen He carefully."

Moving out of the Shen family's compound, Yu Manqing knew what it meant, especially when Mr. Shen had the New Year's Eve dinner this time, he asked several younger generations from the Shen family's branch to come to the mansion for dinner. Like Yu Manqing, how could he not smell the tricks in it!

On the one hand, Mr. Shen wanted to investigate a few people in the side branch, and on the other hand, he wanted to remind her that if Shen He couldn't do it, he would reuse the people who supported the side branch of the Shen family, so he said, move out of the Shen family compound The words are definitely not a joke, but a blatant threat!

Shen He woke up again, it was already the next day.

He just slightly raised his eyelids, when he heard Yu Manqing's concerned voice.

"Son! Son!"

The voice was more urgent than the other, but Shen He felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. Although he has been in a coma these days and can't wake up, but sometimes his consciousness is sober. Yu Manqing's voice is the first time I heard it in so many days , feels a little strange.

"Mom." Shen He opened his eyes, looked at Yu Manqing's expectant eyes, and called out with difficulty.

"Son!" Yu Manqing cried out with sobs, her eyes turned red instantly.

Shen He rolled his eyes, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and he sighed secretly in his heart.Since he became an adult, he has rarely been injured, and he has rarely seen his mother's appearance. Now that he revisits it, he feels strange.

(End of this chapter)

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