Chapter 624 Recognition Banquet! (3)
"Son, fortunately you're fine! If something happens to you, what would you ask your mother to do?" Yu Manqing wiped away her tears as she spoke, then looked at Shen He, and said with a forced smile, "Your father said, this time It’s not your fault, it just made you suffer! Your grandfather also said to give you another chance, otherwise we will be kicked out of the Shen’s compound! Son, get better soon!”

Shen He nodded wearily, looked at Yu Manqing's teary eyes, and said, "I see, Mom!"

Only then did Yu Manqing smile through tears, looked at Shen He with a look of relief, and said, "I knew that you are a good one, and Mom will depend on you for the rest of her life!"

Shen He nodded again, and then said to Yu Manqing, "Mom, I'm tired."

"Okay, you have a rest first, I'll come to see you later!" Yu Manqing stood up quickly when she heard what Shen He said. The chair was so hard that she felt uncomfortable sitting on it a long time ago.

Shen He hummed inaudibly, looked at Yu Manqing's back, and there was a little self-mockery in his eyes. Only he knew how far away Yu Manqing said "I'll see you later". He was already used to hearing it, and it was only this sentence that finally made him feel familiar.

After Yu Manqing went out, Shen He turned his gaze to the photo album on the table, looking at the delicate and elegant patterns on it, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Tang Shishi seemed to be soaked in a honey pot these two days, receiving red envelopes and receiving gifts received soft hands. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, when she went to the Ling family mansion to pay New Year's greetings, Tang Yuan gave Tang Shishi the company's year-end dividends , when Tang Shishi heard the numbers in the card, she was stunned!

"Tang Yuan, are you sure you are not mistaken?" Tang Shishi asked again in disbelief.

Although she is now the largest invisible shareholder of the company, she did not make any contribution as a hands-off shopkeeper, and took away 8 million yuan in dividends at the end of the year, which is really a bit disturbing.

"You think there are too few?" Tang Yuan looked at the astonishment on Tang Shishi's face, and couldn't figure out Tang Shishi's thoughts, thinking that Tang Shishi felt that the input did not match the output, so he explained: "There were relatively few last year, and the competition was fierce in the early stage. You know how hard it has been suppressed, this year everything in the company is on the right track, and after the end of the year, we will change the following units into US dollars.”

"I think it's too much!" Hearing Tang Yuan's misunderstanding, Tang Shishi quickly explained.She never knew that online game companies make so much money.Especially when Tang Yuan said that the dividend at the end of this year would reach 8 million US dollars, Tang Shishi couldn't help but click her tongue secretly!
"Promise!" Tang Yuan gave Tang Shishi an angry look, and that look was definitely looking at a bumpkin!

In the second year of junior high school, the Bai family set up a family recognition wine. Tang Shishi did not expect that the Bai family would make such a huge lineup for the recognition of relatives. The branches of the Bai family in City A also gathered at the Bai family and brought generous meeting gifts. On this day, Tang Shishi really suffered from hand cramps when receiving gifts.

In line with the principle of not letting the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders, the Bai family's kinship wine was placed in the Dynasty Hotel.

Tang Shishi wore a brand-new lotus root pink dress, followed Sun Xiaofen, and called out the seven aunts and eight aunts of the Bai family. Of course, there were quite a few younger generations who came to the Bai family this time. There are a few faces that are very familiar. They are the women standing beside Bai Mo during the funeral of Mrs. Bai.

Tang Shishi fawned over their overtures, showing neither very warm nor overly polite and alienated. For a while, these veterans who are accustomed to adapting to wind and wind, couldn't figure out the way to go, and wanted to do what they liked. But there is no way to start.

"What kind of person is this Martian thorn?" When Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen went to say hello to the uncles of the Bai family, a woman in a royal blue dress couldn't help but speak.

This woman is called Bai Hui. She is petite and has a baby face. She is a kind of fleshy face. Her eyes are not big and slightly bent. It is just a normal posture. Shaking her unwillingness from time to time, it really makes people think that she is a woman with no plans.

"Keep your voice down, let people listen carefully!" Bai Li next to Bai Hui tugged at Bai Hui's clothes, reminding her.

The Martian prickly head was spread to City A from the last time Baimo held a Go tournament. Now in the upper class of City A, everyone knows that the Jun family has a Martian prickly granddaughter-in-law, and she is a banquet poison .

"Did I say the wrong thing again?" Bai Hui looked at everyone in amazement and asked, with such an annoyed look, it's easy for people to think that the "Martian thorn" she just said was just out of intention.

"I think she's much smarter than that woman Bai Mo!" Holding a glass of red wine, Bai Lan followed Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen with calculations in her eyes.

"Aren't you talking nonsense!" Bai Mei couldn't help complaining after hearing Bai Lan's words, "How many times has Bai Mo fought with her, but that time she didn't come home defeated!"

"I heard that Bai Mo's life is not going very well right now!" Bai Hui heard everyone mentioning Bai Mo, and couldn't help but interjected again.

"I heard that she was treated badly by her half-sister!" Bai Mei said with a regretful face, but her eyes were full of gloating light.

"Do you think we should go and see her?" Bai Li suggested, there was no concern in her tone, and even her expression was extremely sinister.

Back then, when Bai Mo was proud, she had suffered a lot from Bai Mo's hands, and she had been irritated. Now that she has finally arrived in City B, she wants to see her old friends after the Chinese New Year!

"This time is not the time! Have you forgotten what our mission is this time? A person like Bai Mo is worthy of our dignity to see her?" Bai Lan sneered.

"But that fire... Tang Shishi doesn't give us a chance to get close at all!" The topic came back again, and Bai Li said a little impatiently and unwillingly.

"Opportunities are created by people! There will always be!" Bai Lan said.

"Then you should make one for us to see!" Bai Mei looked at Bai Lan with some dissatisfaction, she hated Bai Lan's always acting like this.

"I'll go, I'll go!" Bai Lan gave Bai Mei a sideways look, and then walked towards the corner of the reception gracefully, holding the wine in her glass.

"Look at her! I thought she was really going to get close to Tang Shishi, but she went to hook up with a man!" Bai Mei was still complacent that her provocative trick worked just now, now she will watch Bai Lan walk away with the wine Went to the crowd of men, gritted his teeth angrily!

The men standing over there are all outstanding. She has long wanted to strike up a conversation, but she never had the chance!
Bai Hexuan was ordered to accompany Tang Yuan, Ling Rui, Jun Mubei, Jun Haodong and the others today. He was listening to their chats and felt that he couldn't get in. He saw Fang Ziming running over, bumped into his shoulder, and asked : "Brother Bai, there is a beautiful woman coming from the front left, can I date her?"

(End of this chapter)

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