Chapter 625 Recognition Banquet! (4)
The woman twisted her waist and swayed her arms as she walked, she looked like a flirtatious woman, Fang Ziming preferred this one.

Bai Hexuan looked in Fang Ziming's direction, and sure enough, he saw Bai Lan walking over with a wine glass. He glanced at it, and said indifferently, "You can do whatever you want!"

Back when Bai Mo's identity hadn't been revealed, what he hated the most were these women, who surrounded Bai Mo all day long, making them look like a small gang. Later, he felt even less fond of her.

"Brother Bai, work hard!" Fang Ziming got the answer, happily bumped Bai Hexuan's shoulder again, and then left.

Bai Hexuan was a little embarrassed and managed to stabilize the wine glass in his hand without spilling the wine. Looking at Fang Ziming's back, he shook his head.

Sitting beside Bai Hexuan, Tang Yuan listened to Fang Ziming's words gently and carefully. Seeing Fang Ziming return to Ling Rui's circle, the few people chatted happily, couldn't help cursing and said angrily: "They're all rascals!"

This kind of banquet game played by the upper class sons and brothers made him feel disgusted when he saw it!
Bai Hexuan looked at Tang Yuan who had an angry face, and felt that he was much kinder, so he took the initiative to chat with Tang Yuan and the two.

"Actually, I don't like it either, but everyone has their own choice. Let's just talk about that woman. She is my cousin, but she is the same as that Baimo."

Tang Yuan naturally knew about Bai Mo. When he looked at Bai Lan again, he found that although she acted like a lady, she actually carried a bit of dusty air, which made people very displeased, so she nodded to Bai Hexuan knowingly. .

Bai Hexuan smiled a little coyly, he didn't like to attend these banquets in the first place, if it wasn't for the fact that he met Tang Shishi today, he wouldn't have attended!
Because of Bai Hexuan's smile, Tang Yuan felt that Bai Hexuan looked much more pleasing to the eye, so he talked more with him, and the two gradually became warmer.

"Brother Hexuan!" Bai Lan finally completed her coquettish journey of twisting her waist and swaying her hips, and came to the men's circle.

Bai Hexuan was chatting vigorously with Tang Yuan, when he was suddenly interrupted by Bai Lan, Bai Hexuan frowned displeasedly and looked at Bai Lan, thinking that Bai Lan would go back to find Quan Shaobai, after all, what Quan Shaobai said was in Bai Hexuan's heart, even more so. Meet Bai Lan's standard for flirting with her.

In fact, Bai Hexuan didn't know that Bai Lan had already done enough homework. What she told Baimei and the others to find a way to get close to Tang Shishi was definitely not nonsense, and they definitely came here for a purpose.

Tang Yuan is Tang Shishi's younger brother. It is said that Tang Shishi's thorny head attaches great importance to this younger brother. When Tang Yuan went to fight black fists and was plotted against, he ran to the ring desperately to save Tang Yuan. Kicked over the black boxing champion, moreover, this Tang Yuan and Tang Shishi are definitely siblings, otherwise they would not be used by Han Jing to make a big fuss about Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's wedding .

Of course, there is the most important point, Tang Yuan is the golden grandson of Mrs. Ling, and his status is more orthodox than Ling Rui's!Thinking of the fact that the Ling family has opened all over China and has been the leader in China's catering industry for many years, Bai Lan couldn't help but brighten her eyes when she looked at Tang Yuan. above home!

If she can develop a relationship with Tang Yuan and become the granddaughter-in-law of the Ling family, then can her relationship with Tang Shishi still be close?At that time, she doesn't have to deliberately curry favor with Tang Shishi, someone will take care of her naturally!

Besides, a rookie like Tang Yuan who has just entered the upper class is very pure, otherwise she wouldn't be chatting with a boring idiot like Bai Hexuan. To deal with such a man, she should be sure!
Tang Shishi, who was standing in the distance, had been secretly watching Bai Lan's every move from the time she walked towards the group of men, now seeing her stop in front of Tang Yuan and Bai Hexuan, a slight mockery appeared in her eyes.

"Brother Hexuan, this is..." Bai Lan stood between Tang Yuan and Bai Hexuan holding a wine glass, smiling just right.

"..." Bai Hexuan looked at Bai Lan in confusion, and then looked at Tang Yuan questioningly.

Tang Yuan's eyes darkened, and he looked at Bai Hexuan with a faint smile: "Brother Bai, don't bother you, I'm going to my brother-in-law's place!" After Tang Yuan finished speaking, he took his wine glass and walked to Ling Rui's side.

Bai Hexuan smiled knowingly, then looked at Bai Lan, frowned and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Seeing Bai Hexuan pretending to be confused, Bai Lan was terribly annoyed. She pinched the wine glass tightly, her fingers showing a bluish white color, but she had an apologetic smile on her face, and said softly: "I just watched Seeing that you and Cousin Quan are here, I wanted to come over to say hello, but I didn't expect to disturb you chatting with your friends!" She looked at Tang Yuan again apologetically, then turned her head and said to Bai Hexuan who was scrutinizing: " Whose son was that just now, he seemed very indifferent, I won't offend him unintentionally, right?"

Bai Hexuan looked at Bai Lan's fake and innocent face, feeling very irritable in his heart, and said to Bai Lan: "He is very indifferent to women!"

"Ah! Did you say that he is——he..." Bai Lan's heart skipped a beat when she heard Bai Hexuan's words, she forgot to control her volume in surprise, her eyes flicked back and forth between Bai Hexuan and Tang Yuan several times in surprise, trembling He asked in a low voice: "Brother Hexuan, wouldn't you be with him—the two of you...?"

Hearing Bai Lan's unclear words, Bai Hexuan became more irritable, and said sharply, "What are you talking about! Go back there!" After speaking, he also went to Quan Shaobai's party angrily.

Bai Lan felt that her hopes were shattered in an instant. She watched in surprise as Bai Hexuan walked to Tang Yuan's side. The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Suddenly, they felt a little heavy in their heads. She didn't even know how she got back to Baimei and the others.

"What's wrong? The plan failed?" Baimei felt happy when she saw Bailan's ghostly look.

Bai Lan looked at Bai Mei in front of her, and regained her senses. She suddenly poured the wine in her hand down her throat, and then glanced in the direction of Bai Hexuan and Tang Yuan with some unwillingness, and found that after she left, the two returned. Back to the original location, the chat was in full swing.

"It seems that the blow was not light this time! Is your brain okay?" Baimei said as she hit Bailan relentlessly.

"What do you know! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Bai Lan turned around and choked Bai Mei.

"Second sister, tell me, what's the matter?" Bai Hui asked, pulling Bai Lan's arm when she heard Bai Lan's words.

"Let me tell you..." Bai Lan glanced at Bai Hui, who was eager for knowledge, and finally let out a sigh of relief, and then told Bai Hui and the others the news she had just inquired about.

(End of this chapter)

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