Chapter 626 Recognition Banquet! (5)
"You said he was glass? How is that possible!" Bai Li screamed in disbelief.

"Impossible! You must have made a mistake!" Bai Hui saw a figure flashing on the wine glass, and when she reached her mouth, she turned her mouth and said it in a different way, matching her innocent and harmless baby face , is particularly convincing.

"I've seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. There are still fakes!" Bai Lan glared at Bai Hui, and when she saw Bai Mei's eyes widen in surprise, she said triumphantly: "Actually, he and Bai Hexuan sounds like a good match, but I never thought that Bai Hexuan would be glass!"

"Bai Hexuan is glass? With whom?" A harmless voice rang out.

Bai Lan, who was eloquent, didn't notice anything wrong, and replied subconsciously: "Who else can there be, and it's Tang Shishi's younger brother, Tang Yuan!"

As Bai Lan spoke, she subconsciously turned her head to look in Tang Yuan's direction again, but when she saw Tang Shishi who suddenly appeared in front of her with a harmless smile, she couldn't help shivering all over, and the wine glass in her hand slammed fell to the ground.

The sharp cracking sound quickly attracted the attention of the people around, and everyone looked at the source of the sound in unison.

The parents of Bai Lan and others were talking to Sun Xiaotong, Ling Yue and others. After hearing the voice, they looked at the five people standing together and felt a bad premonition in their hearts.

In view of Tang Shishi's thorny head, the name of the banquet poison is too loud, before they came to City B, they all specially instructed these children at home, whether it was because of the Jun family or the Bai family. , Ling family, this time, we must establish a good relationship with Tang Shishi, restrain our temper, and never say anything that should not be said at the banquet, and cause any trouble!

However, now it seems that these children have made a fool of themselves!

"What's going on?" Sun Xiaofen was chatting happily with Cai Xiaofen, Yunmo and Chang Guiru. After hearing the voice, she hurried over for the first time. She stood beside Tang Shishi, looking at the terrified Bai Lan asked.

"Bai Lan, what's the matter?" Bai Lan's mother, Lu Fang, walked over quickly and asked.

"It's nothing, but the second sister accidentally broke a cup." Bai Hui looked at the elders who came over, smiled naively, and then looked at Tang Shishi who still couldn't see the joy or anger, and there was a look of prayer in his eyes.

"It's all because of my carelessness! I didn't hold my hand firmly." Bai Lan quickly answered, then looked at Tang Shishi apologetically, and said, "Sister Shishi, didn't you scare you? I'm sorry!" Bai Lan looked at Tang Shishi with eyes wide open. There was pleading in the voice, and the voice was a little choked up.

"Girl Shishi, tell godmother what's going on? Godmother will make the decision for you." Sun Xiaofen knew that these juniors of the Bai family had a very good relationship with Baimo before, so she would not believe their one-sidedness She only believed Tang Shishi's words.

Tang Shishi looked at Sun Xiaofen who was completely on her side, and felt a warm current in her heart. Today is her confession banquet, and it's the New Year's Eve. She doesn't want to cause any unpleasant things. Now seeing the genuine panic in Bai Lan's eyes, It is impossible for her to attack at this time.

"Godmother, it's nothing! It's just that I thought there were more people of the same age here, and I wanted to come over to chat, but I didn't expect it to appear so suddenly, causing her hands to slip!" Tang Shishi said truthfully.

Sun Xiaofen looked at Tang Shishi suspiciously, trying to see a little bit of reluctance in Tang Shishi's expression, but after careful study for a while, she found that there was no such thing, but she would never believe that things were really as Tang Shishi said. Well, if Bai Lan didn't do anything wrong, how could she be slippery!
However, seeing Tang Shishi's expression that she didn't want to go into it, Sun Xiaofen secretly sighed, thinking that after the banquet, she should ask more questions.

Not only Sun Xiaofen, but also the parents of Ling Yue, Bai Lan and others, as well as Bai Lan and others, looked at Tang Shishi in surprise, and then thought about each other.

Bai Lan and the others did not expect Tang Shishi to stop the fault on themselves. Although these words sound far-fetched and intriguing, but at this time, Tang Shishi's words mean that he wants to calm down, so no one will care too much Going deep into the matter of nosy, this page has finally been uncovered.

However, while Bai Mo and the others breathed a sigh of relief, they were thinking in unison in their hearts, when did Tang Shishi, a thorn in the side, become so talkative?She was willing to let them go so easily, could it be because what they just said about Bai Hexuan and Tang Yuan was true?

Tang Shishi looked at these four people, her eyes flickering, she looked clear, she guessed their thoughts all over the place, after dismissing Sun Xiaofen, Ling Yue and Bai Lan's mother, Tang Shishi Shibai turned the wine glass in his hand boredly, and after playing with it for a while, when he saw the faces of Bai Lan and Bai Mei getting more and more guilty, he raised the corner of his mouth playfully and said, "Slipping your hands is just a broken glass." , it’s no big deal, if the tongue slips, it’s not easy to deal with! Don’t you think so?”

The four of them looked at Tang Shishi in horror, and they thought of Tang Shishi kicking the black boxing champion in their minds.

"Sister Shishi, we won't talk nonsense!" Bai Lan quickly promised.

Tang Shishi gave Bai Lan a cold look, and reprimanded: "Bai Lan, let me hear you spreading rumors next time, and watch your tongue carefully! Besides, Tang Yuan doesn't like you at all, so don't try to get him. Do something out of embarrassment to lower the style of the ladies of the Bai family!"

Bai Lansao's face was flushed, but she still gritted her teeth and replied, "I know!"

Only then did Baimei and the others see the truth, and each of them had their own calculations in their hearts!

Tang Shishi glanced at the girls in the Bai family, smiled lightly in her heart, and said, "Bai Lan, don't blame me for talking about you, it's not good for you to keep your mouth shut like this. I heard about today's incident first. If rumors In the ears of the elders, you will feel better!"

Bai Lan looked at Tang Shishi in surprise, wondering if she would tell what happened today?Thinking about Tang Shishi's words carefully, Bai Lan's face turned pale again, it's not like what Tang Shishi said!

Tang Shishi glanced at Bai Lan, raised the cup in her hand with a pleasant face and said, "Now, I can be regarded as half of the Bai family. Don't worry, I'm not Bai Mo. I hope that our sisters will be like-minded and get along well." !"

Bai Lan, Bai Mei and the others, upon hearing Tang Shishi's words, raised their heads to look at Tang Shishi for no reason, and couldn't turn the corner for a while because of Tang Shishi's transformation.

"It seems that you still like Bai Mo, and you don't like me as a thorn in Bai Mo's mouth!" Tang Shishi sighed helplessly.

"No way, we are so happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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