Chapter 627 Calculation (1)
"Yes! I'm so happy!"

Baimei and the others said in unison, then raised their glasses to drink with Tang Shishi.

Sun Xiaofen, who had been paying close attention to Tang Shishi and the others, finally felt relieved when she saw them talking and laughing while drinking.

Jun Mubei, who was sitting in the distance, watched Tang Shishi mingle with the girls from the Bai family, talking and laughing, couldn't help but frowned slightly, looked at Ling Rui, and said, "That thief woman is here again. What the hell are you planning?"

"Second brother, she is your younger brother and sister, not a thief woman!" Ling Rui listened to Jun Mubei's words, looked in Tang Shishi's direction, and took a sip of wine.

Last night, he told Little Wild Cat that he was going to work in City A. Could it be that because of this, Little Wild Cat showed mercy to those women in the Bai family?Ling Rui frowned subconsciously.But when he saw the sly light shining in Tang Shishi's eyes, he couldn't help laughing, it seemed that he was thinking too much!
"How many days are the younger sisters going to stay in City B this time?" Tang Shishi asked when the conversation was about the same.

"I'm leaving today after the banquet is over!" Bai Hui answered.

"Why did you go back so early! It's your first time here, and I haven't done enough to be a landlord!" Tang Shishi complained, with an expression on her face that was still unfinished.

Baimei and Bailan exchanged glances tacitly, and then Bailan said tentatively: "Actually, the main reason is that the elders need to go back early. We have nothing to do when we go back. We just play left and right, but stay in City B , will you disturb me?"

"How come? There is a big banquet at Jun's house tomorrow, and I am looking for someone to accompany me to attend. You also know that my sister-in-law is warm-hearted, and now I know that I am tired of being with Quan Shaobai. I want to find someone You can't count on her if you talk!" After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she glanced in the direction of Jun Nuanxin and Quan Shaobai with great resentment.

Bai Lan and the others secretly rejoiced. They had long been tired of attending the high society banquets in City A, but this banquet in City B aroused their strong interest, especially the banquet hosted by the Jun family, it must be of a huge scale!

In fact, the reason why Bai Lan and the others are so enthusiastic about the banquets of the upper class in City B is mainly because of their vanity, because in City A, there are many people who are more powerful than Bai Jiaquan, and they have to be cautious every time they attend a banquet. Be cautious in words and deeds, look at other people's faces, and even ask about clothes in advance. You can't clash with others, which is a taboo.But what about in City B?The Bai family is considered one of the best, and of course their identities here have also risen accordingly. Who doesn't like to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars at a banquet!
Therefore, as soon as Tang Shishi's proposal was made, they were all moved.

"But, I brought this set of clothes with me this time." Bai Li said with some embarrassment.

"Me too!" Bai Mei continued, afterward Bai Lan and Bai Hui both looked sorry, Bai Hui looked at Tang Shishi and said, "Sister Shishi, let's do it next time, it's really inconvenient this time!"

"The matter of the clothes is on me!" Tang Shishi said boldly without even thinking about it.

"How is this possible!" Bai Lan was the first to object: "How can I make you spend money?"

"It's okay, just treat me as a landlord!" Tang Shishi's pride remained undiminished.

The four of Baimei secretly rejoiced, but their mouths were still evasive, and they said, "Shishi, this is not good, we'd better go and prepare it ourselves! How dare I bother you!"

"Baimei, you're offended by what you said. You have come all the way to City B, don't you even give me a chance to fulfill your friendship as a landlord? Or, the sisters you just told me about?" If you want to get along well with each other, they are all hypocritical polite words? When I go to City A someday, are you going to pretend that you don't know me?" Tang Shishi said angrily.

"No, no! We didn't mean that!" Baimei quickly explained, then bit her lower lip as if she had made up her mind, and said, "Then I will trouble Sister Shishi, if you go to City A some other day, you must Invite some of us to come out to play, let us also do our best as landlords!"

"Yes! You must inform us!" Bai Lan, Bai Li, and Bai Hui also quickly echoed.

"Okay!" Tang Shishi promised with a bold smile, "Sisters, this is the way you come and go, so you can get close!"

After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she looked at the four people in front of her again and said, "Then I will prepare clothes for you according to the brand you are wearing now, and I will send someone to the hotel at night, that's right! You live in Bai Do you want to stay in a compound or stay in a hotel?" Tang Shishi felt that it was inappropriate to say what she said, and quickly asked Bai Lan and the others for their opinions, with a very considerate and thoughtful look.

"Let's just stay in the hotel. I heard that you can see the night view of City B in the Dynasty Hotel at night. I want to see it!" Bai Hui looked hopeless and yearning.

"Bai Hui!" Bai Mei called out to Bai Hui in disapproval.

"Go live at Grandpa's house. If you live in a hotel, you'll have to make Elder Sister Shishi spend money again!" Bai Lan also scolded Bai Hui.

"She's just a child at heart, she likes to play!" Bai Li looked at Tang Shishi and said apologetically.

"Then stay in a hotel! Grandpa Bai was in poor health a few days ago. He's recuperating these days, and the family doesn't like to make noise. I was afraid you wouldn't want to stay in a hotel! That's better! As for the cost, you guys I'm out of touch again, this hotel is owned by our family, what a waste of money!" Tang Shishi said indifferently, with a reassured look.

"Then stay in the hotel and don't bother grandpa to recuperate!" Baimei heard Tang Shishi say this, and felt that Tang Shishi was really understanding, so she agreed immediately.

"Then it's settled!" Tang Shishi said excitedly.

"Yes." The four of Bai Lan replied in unison.

"Then you tell the elders first, I'll go over there to say hello to the godmother." Tang Shishi said, looking in Ling Rui's direction, seeing Ling Rui getting up and walking towards her, a smile flickered in his eyes .

"Okay! Elder sister Shishi, go get busy!" Bai Lan said understandingly.

"Sister Shishi misses her husband!" Bai Hui said mischievously when she saw Ling Rui who had already walked in.

"No way!" Tang Shishi glared at Bai Hui pretending to be ashamed and annoyed, she looked like a little woman, she looked soft and amiable, without any aggressive edges.

Several people smiled knowingly.

"What are you talking about? So happy?" Ling Rui stepped forward and put his arms around Tang Shishi's waist, his voice was low and mellow like a cello.

"I invite a few younger sisters to stay for a day and participate in tomorrow's banquet!" Tang Shishi said to Ling Rui as if offering a treasure, as if he was able to keep Bai Lan and the others, what a great thing he did!
(End of this chapter)

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