Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 632 The Banquet of the Jun Family

Chapter 632 The Banquet of the Jun Family (2)
People like the rich second generation will not be favored by them, but if they are beautiful, it is still possible to make friends.

Bai Hui suddenly remembered the special place at the beginning of the word "1" in the gold powder, and felt a little regretful. Tang Shishi should have taken them there to play last night.

"There is a person in a black dress, who should look the style you like, but these people are not tall when you see that they are not tall. It is useless to have money. What kind of family is our Bai family? Don't lower your style. !" Bai Li glanced at Bai Hui, her eyes flickering slightly.

In fact, she was looking at the stairs for a while just now, but it was not Xiao Kai who she said was walking towards her, but a few waiters from the Dynasty Hotel. He saw Bai Li standing It's been there for a while, but I just want to go forward and ask if I need help.

"Except for a few rich second generations who can't get on the stage, you haven't seen anything else?" Bai Li's words just now made Bai Lan half-believing in her. Bai Li is a person with strong vanity, so, what she said to Bai Li , she chose to listen to half and stay half.

"Of course!" Bai Li heard the doubt in Bai Lan's tone, and raised her voice unconvinced, and said.

"Tell me quickly, you can really kill a person!" Bai Mei urged Bai Li.

"I saw this banquet, and there were quite a few celebrities from film and television stars. They probably came to perform and add to the fun, and everyone who came was carrying gifts. It didn't seem like they were coming to the banquet, but more In ancient times, those who came to congratulate the emperor were the same, you said that the Jun family held a banquet, how much would you charge for just receiving gifts!" This Bai Li did not lie, the people she saw just now did indeed bring "gifts" "Come on.

"The banquet held by the Jun's family is really making money. No wonder Tang Shishi is so generous!" Baimei and the others sighed after hearing Bai Li's words.

"No way!" Bai Li replied enviously.

At 10:30 in the morning, Tang Shishi, Ling Rui, Jun Nuanxin, Quan Shaobai, Jun Mubei, Mo Youyou, Jun Haodong, Bai Hexuan, and Tang Yuan came over.

It was Bai Lan's turn to let the wind outside. When she saw Tang Shishi and others entering the arena, she first took a closer look at the clothes of the three women, Tang Shishi, Jun Nuanxin, and Mo Youyou. She secretly envied and hated her, and finally , her gaze fell on Tang Yuan who was wearing a silver suit. After silently counting 100 numbers in her heart, Bai Lan returned to the room angrily because Tang Yuan didn't look back with a tacit understanding.

After a while, Tang Shishi came up to knock on the door, and Bai Lan and the others pretended to be reserved and waited for a minute before opening the door for Tang Shishi to cover up their eagerness.

"Shishi, you're here!" Bai Hui who opened the door saw Tang Shishi and smiled innocently and cutely.

"Are you ready? I'm delayed by something today, so I'm late. If you're ready, let's go!" Tang Shishi looked at Bai Hui, Bai Lan, Bai Mei and Bai Li who had packed up, her eyes Sweeping over the jewelry they wear, the smiles on their faces are very kind and charming.

"Morning..." Bai Li was about to answer when she was pushed up by Bai Mei with her arm.

"It's just ready!" Bai Mei gave Bai Li an angry look, and when she turned her head she smiled gracefully at Tang Shishi, but the muscles under her face were beating faintly.

"Then let's go, there are too many media reporters today, if we go too late, I'm afraid we will fall into the shoes of others!" Tang Shishi smiled unabated.

"Okay!" Bai Lan and the others nodded quickly when they heard that there were many media reporters, took a deep breath quietly, suppressed their excitement, then picked up their handbags, and followed Tang Shishi out of the room gracefully. Take the special elevator and go directly to the nineteenth floor.

"Shishi, your necklace is so beautiful!" In the elevator, Bai Hui looked at the diamond necklace with sapphire pendant on Tang Shishi's neck, and couldn't help admiring.

Tang Shishi looked at the greedy gaze in Bai Hui's eyes, and sneered in her heart, but with a shy smile on her face, she raised her hand to caress the necklace around her neck, and said with a cherished face: "This necklace is my mother-in-law's gift." I usually don't want to wear the wedding gift given to me, but this is the first time I wear it today."

"Sister Shishi, does this necklace cost tens of millions?" Bai Hui asked after her again.Such a necklace, all her clothes and jewelry added up, is not enough for a fraction!
"Well, it's only about 6000 million!" Tang Shishi said with a nonchalant smile.

Hearing Tang Shishi's words, Bai Hui couldn't help taking a low breath, looking at the sapphire necklace, the look in his eyes became even more frenzied!In my heart, I am even more envious and jealous towards Tang Shishi!
At this moment, she suddenly understood Bai Mo's mood. What should she do for a commoner woman like Tang Shishi!Why should I enjoy this impressive monstrous wealth!
Thinking about them, although they are all decent young ladies of the Bai family, their parents and grandparents valued the career path the most, and they rarely dabbled in business, and they were in a power center like City A, and they acted more and more. They need to be careful, they will inevitably be tied up, for fear that if they take a wrong step, they will be doomed. Compared with the Bai family in B city, they can only look up to them. Now compared to Jun's family and Tang Shishi, they just feel that it is a world of difference. !
Fortunately, she was so complacent yesterday because of a dress that Tang Shishi gave her. Now it seems that in the eyes of Tang Shishi, that little money is not as good as a speck of dust!

Thinking of this, Bai Hui felt extremely unbalanced in her heart. Just as she was about to open her mouth to say something more, she saw Bai Lan winking at her persistently, so she could only restrain her expression and shut her mouth embarrassingly.

Although Bai Hui didn't say anything more, she felt more and more unwilling in her heart. Looking at the sapphire and diamond necklace on Tang Shishi's neck, Bai Hui quickly thought about how to dig out more from Tang Shishi's gold mine. The gold comes!
The elevator reached the 19th floor. As soon as it was opened, it immediately attracted the attention of many media reporters. After all, not everyone can take the special elevator next to it.

Bai Lan, Bai Mei, Bai Li and Bai Hui, the moment the elevator opened, they immediately assumed the most elegant and charming poses, showing off their aura, which made the waiter in the elevator confused Shui, I thought these four people were going to participate in a beauty pageant or go to a catwalk!
The flashing lights kept flashing, Bai Lan, Bai Mei, Bai Li and Bai Hui turned slightly sideways and changed their positions.This move immediately attracted a wave of media reporters to follow suit.

The four of Baimei couldn't go out in the elevator, and Tang Shishi stood among them, and couldn't go out either. She stood between the four of them calmly, with a faint smile on her face all the time, which set off more and more the four of Baimei, who were scratching their heads and posing. Like an idiot.

(End of this chapter)

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