Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 633 The Banquet of the Jun Family

Chapter 633 The Banquet of the Jun Family (3)
A few guests who arrived late were surprised to see Baimei, Bailan and others who were going to pose in the elevator, and thought they were the stars who came to assist in the show!But after seeing the strange faces of Bailan and Baimei, they didn't feel like them. They felt that the four of them should be out-of-the-box, or some young models who urgently need to make their debut. Looking at Tang Shishi again, those people finally felt a little bit different. It turns out that these four people are the little assistants around the star!
They didn't know Tang Shishi, but they thought she looked familiar.

Baimei and Bailan only felt that there were many eyes on them, and they didn't know that others had spontaneously classified them as Tang Shishi's assistants, so they were very proud of themselves.

The waiter in the elevator kept pressing the door open button for about 5 minutes, when everyone's eyes became more and more surprised, when Tang Shishi felt that she was about to burst out laughing. At that time, Jun Nuanxin, who had finally seen enough good shows, seemed to have finally discovered Tang Shishi. She was dressed in a red dress, stepped on her who was so tall, raised her chin, and walked over proudly.

"Is it cool in the elevator? Haven't come out yet!" Jun Nuan looked at Bai Lan and Bai Mei with disgust, and then said impatiently to Tang Shishi, "Why did you come here!" in a rather complaining tone!Obviously, she was blaming Tang Shishi for delaying her entry.

Jun Nuanxin's sudden cold face made Bai Lan and the others who were about to come forward to say hello and make friends with each other feel as if they had been poured cold water on their heads, and the enthusiasm in their hearts was extinguished!
"I'm going to pick someone up!" Tang Shishi answered Jun Nuanxin in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, with a somewhat alienated attitude.

"Hurry up and register the items you want to auction! I'm so late!" Jun Nuanxin glanced at Tang Shishi, and snorted coldly.

"Auction?! I didn't want to auction anything?" Tang Shishi blinked her big moist eyes, and looked at Jun Nuanxin in bewilderment.

"Hey! Sister-in-law three, are you from our Jun family? Today's banquet is not one of those casual ones!" Jun Nuanxin raised her chin arrogantly, squinted at Tang Shishi, and then her gaze was indistinct. He glanced at Bai Lan and the others with contempt in his eyes.

When Bailan and Baimei heard Jun Nuanxin's words, they felt very irritating and had a bad premonition. They didn't know why Jun Nuanxin was hostile to them, but soon, they put Jun Nuanxin Xin's attitude was like an open and secret struggle between their aunts and sisters-in-law.

Thinking about it, even though it was rumored that Tang Shishi was loved by the Jun family, it is impossible to believe the rumors!

The existence of Tang Shishi must have threatened Jun Nuanxin's status in Jun's family. Therefore, Jun Nuanxin has one thing in the open and one in the dark, and she wears Tang Shishi's little shoes whenever she has the opportunity!
The four of them quickly reasoned about the contradictory relationship between Jun Nuanxin and Tang Shishi, especially when they got out of the elevator and didn't see Ling Rui and the others, they became more and more sure of their own thoughts, and their eyes lit up. After a few exchanges between Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin, they made a decisive choice.

For the sake of Tang Shishi's generosity, Baimei and the others chose to stand on Tang Shishi's side, but after all, Jun Nuanxin is the real eldest lady of the Jun family, and she is about to become their cousin, so she can't offend them. Therefore, although Baimei and the others Standing on Tang Shishi's side, but silently moved a little away from Tang Shishi, keeping a distance.

Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin saw all the small actions of Baimei and the others, and both of them had a sneer in their eyes.

Jun Nuanxin twisted her neck slightly, always lifting her chin like this, her neck is a little sore!
"Isn't today a charity banquet?" Tang Shishi was still puzzled.

"You also said that it's a charity banquet. If you don't do some good deeds, how dare you come in!" Jun Nuanxin lowered her voice. Although the volume was low, Bai Li and the other four beside Tang Shishi could be heard clearly. Jun Nuanxin, gloating in his eyes, moved a little further away from Tang Shishi calmly.

"I'm your third brother's girlfriend!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin angrily and reminded.At this moment, Tang Shishi's small face was slightly reddened, her breathing was short of breath, her little hands were tightly holding the handbag, and she looked very angry.But due to the many media reporters around, Tang Shishi could only bear with it as much as possible. Except for Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin's sisters from the Bai family and Mo Youyou, no one heard what they said. The person who posted so close is whispering!
"My third brother has already entered! And this year, both male and female companions must bring auction items to enter. This is a new rule!" After Jun Nuanxin finished speaking, she raised her hand and pointed to a sign beside her, which said: , as expected, as Jun Nuanxin said, every guest attending the banquet must present an auction item.

"Why didn't you remind me earlier!" Tang Shishi glared at Jun Nuanxin angrily, and asked.

"How did I know that you didn't know!" Jun Nuanxin looked at Tang Shishi with a smile and asked back, her eyebrows seemed to be raised in two inconceivable ways, but her eyes were full of mockery.

"Even I know, I really don't know if you are from the Jun family, Shishi!" Mo Youyou, who had been watching the show, said proudly at this moment.

Bai Lan and the others didn't know about Mo Youyou's origin, but at the banquet yesterday, they saw Mo Youyou standing with Jun Mubei and Jun Haodong, secretly wondering which family Mo Youyou was the daughter of.But seeing that Mo Youyou was also wearing a custom-made dress, even though Bai Lan and the others wanted to help Tang Shishi, they didn't dare to speak rashly, so they had to wait.

"Sister-in-law three, how do you think you can get in!" Jun Nuanxin mockingly said, "There are so many beauties inside, my third brother doesn't have a female companion...".

"Brother Bai, don't they have any female companions? And Tang Yuan, second brother, they don't have any female companions!" Tang Shishi quickly replied to Jun Nuanxin, her tone obviously flustered, and she was obviously trying to be brave.

"Brother Bai, how can it be the same? They are not married yet, so finding a female companion can't make entertainment headlines!" Jun Nuan said nonchalantly.

Tang Shishi fell silent, lowering her eyes slightly!

Seeing Tang Shishi like this, the sisters of the Bai family were secretly anxious. If Tang Shishi couldn't get in, it meant they couldn't get in either. Seeing that they were already at the entrance of the banquet, they could all see the beautiful clothes and feel the beauty inside. There was already a warm atmosphere of mingled toasts, and now turning back is like being slapped in the face by someone!

The sisters of the Bai family exchanged glances quickly, and just about to express their support for Tang Shishi, when Tang Shishi suddenly said, "Who said I have nothing left for auction?" Tang Shishi took off the necklace on her neck while speaking, and then Walked to the registration desk, put the necklace on it, and said, "I'm going to shoot this today!"

(End of this chapter)

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