Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 638 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room

Chapter 638 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room (3)
"You—why do you say that?" Baimei retorted guiltily after being punctured by Jun Nuanxin.

Bai Lan looked at Baimei, gouged her out angrily, and then said to Tang Shishi with a smile: "Sister Shishi, Baimei also has no intentions, so don't take it to heart!"

"Nuanxin! Don't say that!" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Nuanxin, seemingly exhausted.

Jun Nuanxin and Mo Youyou snorted coldly, making Baimei's eyes never dare to fall on Tang Shishi's wrist.

"Bai Lan, I'm a little tired today, so I won't see you off. Next time you have time, you are welcome to visit City B again?" Tang Shishi said to Sister Bai Lan with a smile.

"Okay! Sister Shishi, go back and rest quickly!" Bai Lan and the others really felt that now is not the time to mine Tang Shishi's gold mine, and when they heard Tang Shishi say this, they naturally went downhill and readily agreed up.

As for Tang Shishi saying that she has time to come to City B, she will definitely come here often!Because they can't wait to move to City B now and meet Tang Shishi every day!

"Sister Shishi, you can also go to City A to play when you have time, and let us do our best as landlords!" Bai Hui greeted Tang Shishi in a sensible and obedient manner.

"Okay." Tang Shishi glanced at Bai Hui, and found that the expression on her face seemed very sincere, so she agreed with a smile.

The Bai family sisters were overjoyed again, for their further friendship with Tang Shishi!

"Miss, if you don't mind, I can send some of you to City A in a while. I just have to go to City A to deal with some matters!" Fang Ziming heard a few people saying goodbye, and finally had a chance to intervene, and immediately approached courteously Said.

"Will this be too troublesome for Shao Fang?" Bai Lan said while looking at Fang Ziming pretending to be reserved, but involuntarily glanced at Tang Yuan who was standing beside Tang Shishi, and found that Tang Yuan didn't care about her affairs at all. Unconsciously, Bai Lan bit her lower lip angrily.

Baimei next to Bailan, after listening to Bailan's words, secretly tugged on Bailan's clothes, slandering in her heart: How long is this woman going to pretend, even if she wants to put on a high profile, she must know who is in front of her, right?She can't even look down on the young master of the Fang family. His eyes grow to the top of his head?If Bai Lan doesn't want it, she won't be polite!
"Then there will be less trouble for Fang!" Bai Mei said to Fang Ziming with a sweet smile.

Bai Lan glared at Bai Mei after hearing Bai Mei's words, and then saw that Bai Li and Bai Hui also looked expectant, and frowned.

Fang Ziming saw the expressions of the Bai family sisters, smiled brighter and brighter, and said, "It is my honor to serve these beauties!"

When Fang Ziming and the sisters of the Bai family left, Jun Nuanxin stepped forward and hugged Tang Shishi's arm, and asked puzzledly: "Sister-in-law San, the banquet is over, why are you still facing the women of the Bai family?" So patient?"

"Didn't you hear them say that when I go to City A, they also want to show their friendship as landlords?" Tang Shishi said with a smile, with a hint of calculation in her eyes.

"They are not sincere at all!" Mo Youyou also looked at Tang Shishi with a puzzled expression, and said.

"Sister-in-law three, did you hear that, even Yoyo can see that they are not sincere!" Jun Nuanxin said, shaking Tang Shishi's arm.

"It's better if it's not sincere! Then I have a reason to refuse their unreasonable demands! If they fall out in the future, it will be reasonable!" Tang Shishi said with a nonchalant smile.Tang Shishi naturally had her thoughts on why she didn't fall out with the Bai family sisters at this time.

"Thief woman!" Hearing Tang Shishi's words, Jun Mubei couldn't help cursing in frustration.This woman really doesn't take any losses, and I don't know what the Bai family sisters have pissed off this woman.

"I don't know Fang Ziming, why did he become warm to the sisters of the Bai family!" Mo Youyou was still a little puzzled, isn't Fang Ziming on their side?Why are you still courting Sister Bailan?Moreover, Shishi and Ling Rui seemed to be completely lifeless. I really don't understand what these people are thinking?Shouldn't friends share hatred with enemies?

"You don't understand men's affairs!" Jun Mubei couldn't help but said when he saw Mo Youyou's frowning brows in a very confused look.

Fang Ziming was obviously playing tricks on Bai Lan, Mo Youyou couldn't see it if he was present, but when he thought of Bai Lan leaving, he looked at Tang Yuan with a meaningful look, Jun Mubei couldn't help it Showing a mocking smile, the sisters of the Bai family are really not ordinary greedy!

Mo Youyou looked at the mocking smile on the corner of Jun Mubei's mouth, she completely misunderstood, she snatched the blood Ruyi from Jun Mubei's hand, and wanted to knock Jun Mubei on the head when she was angry. Can't stop cursing: "Jun Mubei, you bastard, let you laugh at me! Let you laugh at me!"

Jun Mubei was knocked innocently, and his head hurt. He reacted, grabbed Mo Youyou's hand, and was about to grab the blood wishful, and shouted angrily: "Mo Youyou, you stole the master's hand!" Baby, it’s still reasonable to bring a fake charitable donation? Hurry up and return Blood Ruyi to me!”

When he saw this blood wishful at the auction just now, Jun Mubei was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. Mo Youyou, a woman, took his things so little, he was really mad at him!So he spent some more money to take this blood Ruyi back, but he didn't expect that Mo Youyou would snatch it away again if he didn't pay attention!He even hit him on the head with this, Jun Mu Bei grew up so big, even his parents didn't hit him on the head, this woman is going against the sky!If he doesn't teach her a lesson today, his surname will not be Jun!
"Mu Bei, what are you doing? Let Yoyo go!" Jun Haodong saw that Jun Mubei was going to get rough on Mo Youyou, so he immediately stepped forward to stop him, and rescued Mo Youyou from Jun Mubei's clutches.

"Brother, get out of the way, if you don't give this woman a good lesson today, I will take your surname!" Jun Mubei was obviously impatient, looking at Jun Haodong, his mind flashed Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou just now. The scene of clasping hands during the auction made the anger in his chest even hotter!

"Second brother, you are really getting younger and younger! You have the same surname as the elder brother, but you also have the surname Jun!" Tang Shishi complained bluntly.

Everyone couldn't help laughing out loud.

Jun Mubei threw off Jun Haodong's arm angrily, looked at Mo Youyou who was already holding Xue Ruyi, and ran far away, and glared at Tang Shishi angrily!
When Tang Shishi and the others returned home, Sun Xiaofen, Cai Xiaofen, Ling Yue and the others were chatting happily at home. Since yesterday, the three of them cooked together with Tang Shishi and cooked a meal, there was a birth between the three of them. The "revolutionary" friendship, the three of them originally planned to accompany Tang Shishi to participate in the charity auction today, but after listening to Tang Shishi's suggestion, they drank tea and chatted at home, and only asked Tang Shishi to bring their charity donations. past.

(End of this chapter)

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