Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 639 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room

Chapter 639 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room (4)
"How are you doing today?" As soon as Tang Shishi stepped into the Jun's compound, Sun Xiaofen stepped forward and asked happily. Seeing Tang Shishi's smiling face, she knew that her whole person plan was very successful today.

"En!" Tang Shishi nodded, then hugged Sun Xiaofen's arm, sat back on the sofa, and talked to Ling Yue and Cai Xiaofen about the banquet.

Jun Nuanxin and Mo Youyou also quickly joined in, and the three of them talked vividly, making the elders in the living room laugh constantly.

"You ghost spirit!" Sun Xiaofen couldn't help but smile after listening to Tang Shishi and the others, and looked at Tang Shishi lovingly and sighed: "Those girls on the side branch, I don't know why It's petty, and none of them got on the stage! They used to flatter Bai Mo, don't look at Bai Mo who always looks superior, but they have suffered from their dumbness! When you arrive in City A, try your best to Stay away from them!"

Sun Xiaofen asked worriedly!
"Godmother, I have my own measure, don't worry, I can handle it!" Tang Shishi smiled indifferently.

"I know you have an idea!" Sun Xiaofen heard that Tang Shishi said so confidently, so she didn't say anything more.

A group of people started chatting about it, until Tang Shishi's cell phone rang.

"Wang Yueshan! You woman, you still know how to contact me!" Tang Shishi looked at the caller ID on her mobile phone, and quickly picked it up, complaining as soon as she opened her mouth.

She called Wang Yueshan many times in the past few days, but they didn't get through. She was originally worried about Wang Yueshan's accident, but she heard from Ling Rui that Du Haoyang had been with Wang Yueshan during this period and hadn't even been home during the Chinese New Year. Accompanying Wang Yueshan in G City, although she still had a lot of opinions about Du Haoyang in her heart, she was relieved when she heard that Du Haoyang was by Wang Yueshan's side.

"Shishi, I'm back to City B." Wang Yueshan's voice over there was cheerful and loud as always: "I didn't know that you miss me day and night, so I called you as soon as I got off the plane! Sisters are interesting, right? Come to the airport to pick up the driver soon!"

Wang Yueshan said with a stinky face.

"Huh! You have a conscience!" Tang Shishi said with a smile: "Standby, I'll be right there!" Tang Shishi hung up the phone, and then greeted Jun Nuanxin and Mo Youyou, the three women shouted happily, chattering Running out of the house, Jun Nuanxin drove to the airport.

Wang Yueshan's belly is already showing, her body is rounded a lot, and her face is also rounded a lot. Because of her pregnancy, her skin has also improved a lot. It can be seen that this stage is extremely moist.

Seeing Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin, Wang Yueshan ran over exaggeratedly, and gave Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin a bear hug!
Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin saw Wang Yueshan running so fast with a ball, they were so frightened that they almost lost their wits. They hurriedly caught Wang Yueshan's body before jumping a ball into their throats My heart is put back in place.

"I said, you are a pregnant woman, so you can't pay attention, you scared me to death!" Tang Shishi carefully avoided Wang Yueshan's stomach, complaining, with a careless mother like Wang Yueshan, how tough this child is!

"Haha, I'm not happy to see you!" Wang Yueshan didn't care at all. She is in good health and can run another 200 meters without any problem!
"You're good, you've killed us!" Jun Nuanxin said, looking at Wang Yueshan in disapproval.

"Okay, okay, let's not be an example! This girl is..." Wang Yueshan found out that Mo Youyou was next to Jun Nuanxin. At first, she thought that Mo Youyou was a passerby, but only then did she realize that Mo Youyou was with Tang Shishijun. Heartwarming together, the woman who is pregnant is much duller.

"Mo Youyou! Youyou is Wang Yueshan, my best friend!" Tang Shishi introduced Wang Yueshan and Mo Youyou.

With Wang Yueshan's familiar temperament, she soon got acquainted with Mo Youyou.

Several people talked for a while, then Wang Yueshan suddenly covered her growling stomach, and said pitifully to Tang Shishi, "I'm hungry!"

Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin, Mo Youyou laughed out loud.

Wang Yueshan didn't hold back at all, instead she glared at Tang Shishi angrily, and said, "It's not because I miss your cooking that I came back!"

"You are heartless! Fortunately, I still have such strengths that you miss!" Tang Shishi gave Wang Yueshan an angry look, and then the two of them laughed again.

The four got into the car and drove all the way back to Jun's mansion.

When we were in the car, Tang Shishi asked about it, and then I realized that Du Haoyang, that domineering guy, confiscated Wang Yueshan's mobile phone just because Du Haoze called Wang Yueshan a few years ago and talked a little longer , and looked closely at Wang Yueshan, not allowing Wang Yueshan to communicate with the outside world at all, Wang Yueshan naturally quit, this finally found a chance to send Du Haoyang away, and after stealing the phone, in a fit of anger, she simply took the plane back City B.

"It's best to piss off that nervousness!" Wang Yueshan couldn't help cursing angrily after explaining the reason.

Tang Shishi couldn't help frowning after hearing Wang Yueshan's words, this Du Haoyang is too domineering!Although she knew that Du Haoyang was interested in Wang Yueshan, she couldn't put Wang Yueshan under house arrest just because of a phone call from Du Haoze, right?It's too unreasonable!After all, Yueshan was still pregnant with Du Haoze's child!
"Men are all neurotic!" Mo Youyou thought of Jun Mubei, and echoed Wang Yueshan's words with deep emotion.

Tang Shishi and Jun Nuanxin looked at Mo Youyou and Wang Yueshan's angry appearance, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

The Jun family showed a great welcome to Wang Yueshan's arrival, especially Wang Yueshan's arrogant and obedient appearance, which made Mr. Jun a lot of joy, and he was happy all night.

"Shishi, I've been in G City for such a long time, I don't think about anything, I just miss your cooking!" Wang Yueshan said that she wanted to eat Tang Shishi's cooking, and it was definitely not an excuse to prevaricate Tang Shishi, she really liked it. I think, and at this stage, her appetite has been spoiled by Du Haoyang, and her temper has become much stronger. If she wants to eat, she has to eat it in her mouth quickly. After a while, she can't help being irritable!

Therefore, at this stage, Du Haoyang, on Wang Yueshan's side, not only failed to get any benefits, but was also treated as a free errand by Wang Yueshan!
"Then eat more!" As soon as Wang Yueshan said this, everyone sent food to her bowl. After a while, the bowl piled up into a hill. .

However, everyone never mentioned who the child in Wang Yueshan's womb belonged to, but sincerely cared about her body. Yunmo, Ling Yue, and Chang Guiru also carefully instructed Wang Yueshan on many things that Wang Yueshan needed to pay attention to during pregnancy.

(End of this chapter)

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