Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 640 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room

Chapter 640 Ling Rui Was Kicked Out of the Room (5)
Feeling the concern of Jun's family, Wang Yueshan completely let go of the fear of being laughed at and looked down upon by Jun's family before she came here, and she felt warm in her heart.

When Ling Rui was halfway through eating, he went out to answer the phone, and when he came back, he looked at Wang Yueshan who was eating happily, and showed a helpless look at Tang Shishi.

This woman is so heartless, she eats like a joke here, and the poor Du Haoyang found Wang Yueshan missing in City G, which almost turned the world upside down. After finding out that Wang Yueshan had bought a ticket back to City B, and Afraid that she would go to find Du Haoze after she came back and be bullied by Du Haoze's mother, so she anxiously called for help!

Ling Rui thought of Du Haoyang's hoarse voice that seemed to be on fire and foaming when he called just now, and secretly thought, it seems that he is going to have a deep communication with Little Wild Cat about Wang Yueshan's behavior this time, but he can't let Little Wild Cat If you learn from others, you will be like Wang Yueshan in the future, making such a toss.

It's just that Ling Rui's idea is good and conducive to the harmony of husband and wife, but it is extremely difficult to implement it!

"Honey, you mean to let me—" Ling Rui hugged the pillow Tang Shishi stuffed into his arms, then pointed to his nose, and asked in disbelief: "You mean to let me sleep in the study tonight? "

What is rhythm?Separate rooms for husband and wife?

Ling Rui looked at Wang Yueshan's big belly woman, sitting down on the bed in his and Tang Shishi's room, patting and pinching, with a slightly critical look in his eyes, he couldn't help but burst into anger!

"Well. Go to bed early! Good night, husband!" Tang Shishi stood on tiptoe, gave Ling Rui a slap on Ling Rui's handsome face, then pushed Ling Rui out of the room, closed the door, and did not see that Ling Rui was already dark Comparable to the ashes of the bottom of the pot.

Ling Rui hugged a pillow, and before he could rescue himself from the loss of being expelled from the bedroom by Tang Shishi, Jun Mubei's gloating laughter came from his ears: "Boy Rui, you have today too!"

Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei Youzai Youzai's body upstairs, then walked to the door of his room, pushed the door in, and before entering, he stood by the door and sighed: "Poor!" Ling Rui was so angry that he couldn't help it. Start smashing doors!
He must "abandon" Tang Shishi for no reason tonight, and ask for an explanation!
After slamming the door twice, Tang Shishi opened the door, but she only opened the door a small crack, revealing half of her body stuck by the door, looking at Ling Rui's angry face, and The murderer's hand showed doubts.

"Honey, did you forget to take something?" Tang Shishi asked in a low voice, then glanced at the pillow in Ling Rui's arms, with a look of sudden realization on her face.

Ling Rui mistakenly thought that Tang Shishi had finally realized what she had done tonight, and when she was about to speak, she heard Tang Shishi say, "Wait a minute!"

Ling Rui's heart trembled, wait a minute?But then it became clear that Wang Yueshan was still in the room, and she heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, it was really inconvenient to go in by herself now, so just wait a while!
It's just that when Ling Rui waited for a few minutes and looked at the quilt that Tang Shishi stuffed into his arms again, his face turned green with anger!

The little wild cat said wait a minute, just to get the quilt for himself?

"Wife—" Although he was very angry, Ling Rui's voice was still lingering and rippling. He knew that Little Wild Cat was very obsessed with his low and magnetic voice.

Sure enough, Ling Rui's calling wife brought Tang Shishi's coquettish and shy little daughter attitude. Just when Ling Rui was about to strike while the iron was hot and put the question of where to sleep on the agenda, Tang Shishi said angrily: "It's so late at night, you It's called Chun! Go to sleep, I have to rub Yueshan's back!"

what? !

Want to rub Wang Yueshan's back? !This is the treatment you can only enjoy, okay?Moreover, letting the little wild cat rub his back was something he would enjoy occasionally after they had some private activity in the bathroom!
Ling Rui was angry from the bottom of his heart, feeling that Wang Yueshan had invaded his private territory, it was too much!

"Honey, this is our room!" Ling Rui emphasized the word "we" in an attempt to arouse Tang Shishi's consciousness and be fair to him.

"I know, doesn't Yueshan have no place to sleep? It's late at night, don't you want to drive her away?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui disapprovingly, if you said to drive her away, I would follow The way she walks together!
Ling Rui had no choice but to remind gently: "There is a guest room at home!"

If Wang Yueshan was sensible, she should sleep in the guest room instead of occupying the master's bed, and what is most hateful is occupying the master's wife!

"She's pregnant, how can she sleep alone?" Tang Shishi didn't understand why Ling Rui was so nonchalant tonight, and seemed a little hostile to Wang Yueshan. Could it be because of Du Haoyang's phone call?
"You can let her go to sleep with Yoyo, warm your heart and don't sleep at home!" Ling Rui proposed a solution again.

"How can you do it!" Tang Shishi said disapprovingly: "Youyou is still a child, what if you don't sleep well and kick Yueshan in the stomach, what should you do if you hurt the child?"

It's really unsafe for Yoyo's detached personality to be put together with Wang Yueshan. She's really afraid that the two will hit it off and something will happen. Moreover, tonight, Wang Yueshan showed the big hair of Yoyo's family. With great interest, she was really afraid that Wang Yueshan would be jet-lagged at night, so she and Mo Youyou went out to join Da Mao!

Ok!If there is a time difference between city G and city B!

Thinking of Wang Yueshan's sleepy look after dinner, Tang Shishi felt that it was impossible to go to Da Mao, but she had to guard against it, after all, these two women were not ordinary rowdies!
"Then how can you do it? I remember that when you were sleeping, you loved putting one leg on my waist the most, and the other..." Ling Rui appealed, "Aren't you afraid of hurting Wang Yueshan's stomach! "

"Nonsense! It's not the first time Yueshan and I have slept together, how could we be inappropriate!" Tang Shishi blushed at Ling Rui's words, especially when she heard Wang Yueshan calling her in the bathroom, so she scolded Ling Rui With a sound from Rui, he quickly closed the door and locked Ling Rui out!
Ling Rui's nose was twisted by Tang Shishi's last words, and he stared at the door in front of him, wishing he could pierce it through with his eyes!
She even said it wasn't the first time she fell asleep!It's really unreasonable!

"Boy Rui, just accept your fate!" Jun Mubei, who had been paying close attention to Ling Rui, suddenly leaned out half of his body from his room, and looked at Ling Rui who was turned away while holding the quilt and pillow with feigned sympathy. Rui, "Tsk tsk! Poor!"

It's as if he regards Ling Rui as a poor person who was cruelly abandoned by that wicked woman Tang Shishi!

Ling Rui resisted the urge to kick open the door, and gave the sarcastic Jun Mubei a hard look, then went to the study with the pillow and quilt in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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