Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 648 Competing for the V Shot

Chapter 648 Competing for the V Shot (4)
In his eyes, Du Haoyang was always the only one, and he could only let Du Haoyang go. Could it be - what Du Haoyang said was true?

Cao Xinru also realized Du's father's indifference, she turned her head and complained to Du's father unwillingly: "His father, don't worry about it, it's the New Year's Eve, and beating Hao Ze like this is beating our Du family. face! This matter can’t just be left alone!” Cao Xinru looked jealous.

After so many years, this man is still so indifferent to Hao Ze, Hao Ze is already so good, but he only has that bastard Du Haoyang in his eyes!

"If you can't beat it, behave yourself and don't cause trouble. Since you have caused trouble, you must have the courage to bear the consequences. Go home and incite my mother. What kind of skill is it? My Du Sheng's son is not so spineless!" Father Du didn't even raise his head. He scolded Cao Xinru.

"But, isn't the kid drunk? Besides, Haoze never initiates trouble!" Cao Xinru defended Du Haoze.

"Drunkenness is wrong, drunkenness causes trouble, and if you get beaten to death, you can only consider yourself unlucky!" Du Sheng said mercilessly, with a hint of ruthlessness in his tone.

"His father—how can you talk like that!" Cao Xinru was so angry that she couldn't help but began to accuse Du's father, thinking that he was completely biased and biased!
"Mom! My dad is right!" Du Haoze pulled Cao Xinru, who was about to lose control of his emotions, and then looked at Du's father who had finished eating and was drinking oatmeal, and said, "Father is right, a man should have such a responsibility, It was me who became immoral after drinking, and deserved to cause today's situation, thank you for your father's teaching, I will keep it in mind!"

Father Du heard that there was something wrong in Du Haoze's words, so he looked up at Du Haoze, and found that Du Haoze was looking at him with piercing eyes. He pondered for a moment, and said expressionlessly: "You just need to know!" Then he continued to drink Oatmeal in its own bowl.

Du Haoze looked at Du's father's expression, and his heart sank. He deliberately said that he had lost his morals after drinking, but he didn't expect to get Du's father's reaction, "It's good that you know!" This word, like five steel needles, pierced deeply in Du Haoze's heart.

"Hao Ze, you just don't listen to Mom. Why would you go out to drink alone during the Chinese New Year? Mom made an appointment with that girl from the Li family yesterday. She's not bad. You can find a time for Mom to meet her. At this age, there should be a woman by my side to take care of everything." Cao Xinru rubbed ointment on Du Haoze while chattering, the same topic was asking Du Haoze to go on a blind date.

Ever since Cao Xinru was diagnosed with cancer, she became more and more concerned about Du Haoze's marriage. She intervened fiercely. She wanted to make Du Haoze and those daughters she fancy against her all day long. In the previous stage, Du Haoze went to A I stayed away from the city for a while, and in the past few days when I went home for the New Year, it started to stop.

Originally, Du Haoze planned to return to City A today, but when Wang Yueshan returned to City B, he delayed his trip to City A. Anyway, Lu Tao will be in City A after the next year, so it's fine if he doesn't go for now .

"Mom, you let me have a quiet mind!" Du Haoze frowned displeasedly, interrupting Cao Xinru's chatter.

"You child, this is all for your own good! Look at your face. I even invited a girl from the Li family to play this afternoon. How are you meeting people?" Cao Xinru sighed and complained.

"..." Du Haoze felt that once he entered this house, he was like a trapped animal in a cage. Now he is glad that Du Haoyang beat his face like this, at least he didn't have to be dragged by Cao Xin like a commodity It's out for auction!

"Hao Ze, now your brother doesn't know where he went, and he doesn't know when he will come back. You can't run away anymore, so you can stay in City B and let your father change jobs for you. What's the matter with staying under Lu Tao's command!" Seeing that Du Haoze was silent, Cao Xinru said again.

Her son, who is much more noble than a merchant's son, how could he always be inferior to others!
"Mom, I like my current job very much. As for what you said about my elder brother, he should be home soon, so don't worry about it!" Du Haoze looked at Cao Xinru with an irritable expression on his face.

The mother's desire to control is getting stronger and stronger. She wants to control her marriage, and also wants to control her future life path. Asking her father to change jobs for him is nothing more than trying to push herself into politics, and these, It doesn't suit me at all!

"Haoze, you are still young, and you don't have a lot of experience in life. You just listen to your mother about this matter, and will your mother harm you?" Cao Xinru knew that Du Haoze would object, and she didn't think that this matter would be accomplished immediately, but Just remind Du Haoze first.As for Du Haoze's words that Du Haoyang would come back soon, Cao Xinru thought that Du Haoze was just evasive, and didn't take it to heart.

If you don't take advantage of the time when Du Haoyang is not at home to settle the dust, you don't know what will happen in the future!
"Mom, life is my own. I have my own life plan, so don't worry about it!" Du Haoze stood up angrily, then went upstairs to his room. Originally, he wanted to come back to find Cao Xinru Ask about what happened back then, but right now, it's obviously not a good time to talk.

"You child, why are you so stubborn! You are under Lu Tao, what good is it to look at people's faces? A man, how can you be so spineless! Mom can't see you being so decadent!" Cao Xinru looked at Du Haoze's back and spared no effort shouted.

Du Haoze didn't look back, he pushed open the door of his room, and after entering, he closed the door heavily.

Cao Xinru looked at the door of Du Haoze's room, and there was something unclear in his eyes. What happened to this child?She said it was caused by drunkenness, she believed it was a ghost!Not to mention that Du Haoze didn't smell of alcohol at all, how could her own son not know what kind of temperament he was?Hao Ze is not the kind of person who flaunts his strength and fights fiercely!

Cao Xinru withdrew her suspicious gaze, sighed, then turned her gaze to Du's father who had finished his porridge, and said angrily, "His father, you don't know how to take care of this child! You have to give the staff to the staff for changing jobs! "

Father Du raised his eyes to look at Cao Xinru, something deep and unclear flowed in his eyes.

Cao Xinru felt guilty when she was shown by such an unpredictable Father Du. She still didn't understand this man after decades. He seemed like a puzzle that could never be solved. It is unpredictable.

"His dad, it's not easy for this kid to be outside for so many years!" Cao Xinru said, with broken eyes showing some wetness.

Father Du didn't speak, neither objected nor agreed, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, got up and went to the study.

Cao Xinru watched Du's father's back disappear into the study, and clenched his fists bitterly. His beautiful and elegant nails were pinched straight into the palm of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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