Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 649 Competing for the V Shot

Chapter 649 Competing for the V Shot (5)
When Wang Yueshan woke up, there was only Du Haoyang sitting on the sofa and dozing in the room. This Du Haoyang moved her single sofa into the bedroom. At this moment, he was leaning crookedly on it. The legs are on the ground, and the head is supported by one arm and sleeping.

A chuckle slipped across Wang Yueshan's face, and she guessed that Du Haoyang would stay, but how could she, Wang Yueshan, make the brothers of the Du family, who are of noble blood, condescend to such an extent?

The little guy in her stomach moved, as if she was stretching after getting up in the morning. Wang Yueshan patted her stomach lightly and sighed.

"Are you awake?" Du Haoyang just squinted for a while, woke up when he heard the movement, looked at Wang Yueshan in a daze, and then said to Wang Yueshan: "Get up and get dressed, they are waiting for us!"

"They?" Who?Wang Yueshan looked at Du Haoyang in confusion.

"Aside from Tang Shishi and the others, who else is there?" Du Haoyang rolled his eyes, stretched his arms sleepily, and then couldn't help but gasp!To the wound on the corner of the mouth.

"Yueshan! Get up, I brought you breakfast!" Tang Shishi heard the voice, opened the door and came in.

"Shishi, what's wrong with you?" Wang Yueshan looked at Tang Shishi with surprise.

"Everyone is waiting for you, get up, get dressed and eat!" Tang Shishi gave Du Haoyang a gouged look, and urged Wang Yueshan without explaining why she appeared here.

"Okay!" Wang Yueshan replied happily.

After Du Haoyang threw a brand new set of maternity clothes to Wang Yueshan, he walked out of Wang Yueshan's bedroom and closed the door voluntarily.

"Yueshan, what happened to you and that Du Haoyang?" Tang Shishi was always worried about Wang Yueshan coming home late at night yesterday. When she came here early this morning, she saw the mess in Wang Yueshan's room and Du Haoyang's face The scars on her face startled her. She ran into the bedroom and checked Wang Yueshan carefully. After she found that she was not injured, she was relieved. However, she was still curious about how the wound on Du Haoyang's face came about. thing!This question has been holding her back all morning!
Could it be that Yueshan called her?She can understand that pregnant women will be irritable, but when did Yueshan become so violent?Du Haoyang must have done something outrageous!

She can't just watch her good sister suffer!

"Who knows, maybe I bumped into a ghost while walking at night!" Wang Yueshan said nonchalantly while getting dressed.

Du Haoyang's face is hurt like this, so Du Haoze's face must be invisible!Thinking of the fight between these two people at her place yesterday, Wang Yueshan became inexplicably irritable.

"Isn't it a female ghost?" Tang Shishi couldn't help asking tentatively.

"No! How can I be so violent! My hands will hurt, okay?" Wang Yueshan glanced at Tang Shishi resentfully, and then shouted: "Tang Shishi, you fucking call me a female ghost?"

Tang Shishi was overjoyed for a moment, and let go of the stone hanging in her heart. She couldn't help retorting: "I don't know who, I was thinking about fighting all day when I was in school!"

I'm ashamed to say it's not violent!This guy is more keen on fighting than himself, a person with kung fu self-defense!

"Chen Zhima's rotten millet, you should also bring it up! No grace! Go, go! Don't teach my baby!" Wang Yueshan pushed Tang Shishi angrily, and said.

"Hurry up and get dressed, I'll go and prepare breakfast for you."

Wang Yueshan thought that the people Tang Shishi was talking about were just the few of them from yesterday, but she didn't expect that after the gold powder arrived, everyone was here, even Liang Yue, who was raising her baby at home, also came.

"Everyone is welcome today, someone will pay for it!" Tang Shishi, Wang Yueshan, Du Haoyang, and Ling Rui shouted happily as soon as they entered the exclusive box.

Du Haoyang gave Tang Shishi a blank look, and thought to himself, this Jun family is notoriously stingy!If you pay the bill, you will pay the bill, and he is not short of money. As long as the big belly woman is having fun, go to G City with him to raise a baby with peace of mind. It doesn't matter how much it costs.

Everyone laughed happily and made a fuss.

"Sister Liang, when are you going to get the certificate with Jiang Fei? If you don't hurry up, Quan Shaobai will be disfigured with pimples all over his face!" Tang Shishi handed Liang Yue a glass of freshly squeezed juice , jokingly said.

"Sister-in-law three, what nonsense are you talking about!" Jun Nuanxin glared at Tang Shishi angrily after hearing Tang Shishi's words.

"Yes, I'm in a hurry!" Quan Shaobai admitted generously.In the past few days, he was almost suffocated to death by Jun Nuanxin, a cruel woman!Several pimples have grown up, if he doesn't hurry up and implement this matter, he will really disfigure the pimples as Tang Shishi said!

"We're going to get the certificate on the ninth day of the first lunar month, what about you guys?" Liang Yue felt a little embarrassed by Quan Shaobai's blunt words. If it wasn't for the last time, they would have all received the certificate now!
"The Civil Affairs Bureau is going to work on the sixth day, can we go to the sixth day?" Quan Shaobai suggested impatiently when he heard that he would go to the ninth day.

"You see how anxious General Shaobai is! Haha!" Looking at Quan Shaobai's anxious look, Jun Haodong laughed so hard.

Everyone was provoked into laughter, Jun Nuan kicked Quan Shaobai with a blushing face, and said angrily, "Why are you in a hurry! Shut up!"

"Can't you be in a hurry? I can't eat it!" Quan Shaobai looked at Jun Nuanxin angrily, with accusations in his eyes!

"Oh~ so you can't eat? No wonder Shaobai is so hungry!" Du Haoyang said with a smile.

The crowd burst into laughter again!
"Bastard! Shut up!" Jun Nuanxin angrily reprimanded Quan Shaobai, who was full of resentment, and sat between Wang Yueshan and Mo Youyou angrily, blushing as if she was about to bleed.

"Who is so cowardly that you can't eat?" Fang Ziming opened the door and walked in when everyone was in a heated atmosphere.

Seeing Fang Ziming's smug face, Jun Mubei sneered and asked, "Your hand?"

"I came back when I was full!" Fang Ziming raised his eyebrows happily, sat down on the empty seat next to Quan Shaobai, and couldn't help laughing at Quan Shaobai and said, "Why are you so cowardly?" !"

"Get lost! Go away! I don't want to talk to a guy like you who is rolling around in a pile of makeup! Lord, I have a wife!" Quan Shaobai glared at Fang Ziming pretending to be disgusted.

"Haoyang, Shaobai despises us!" Fang Ziming rubbed his neck awkwardly, pulling an alliance with Du Haoyang.

"I'm not the same as you. I've been in good health for a long time!" Du Haoyang rolled his eyes at Fang Ziming. The smell of perfume on this girl's body is so obvious. As for the two pregnant women here, they can't come back after taking care of themselves.

After Du Haoyang finished speaking, he glanced at Wang Yueshan, who was talking enthusiastically with Mo Youyou, and found that the big belly woman didn't feel anything about what he said, and felt frustrated.

(End of this chapter)

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