Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 650: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family

Chapter 650: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family (1)
"Go change your clothes and clear the smell of your perfume!" Ling Rui said to Fang Ziming.

"Well, I can see that you all want to isolate me! Poor me, I just came back from selling my body!" Fang Ziming went out with a resentful face. He just came back from City A, and came here after getting off the highway, wearing hungry clothes , It's true that the smell of powder is too strong, and he himself feels a little pungent!

There were several people's spare clothes in the gold powder. Soon, Fang Ziming came in with a change of clothes, and took a battle bath, feeling refreshed.

"Go over there!" Ling Rui and Fang Ziming sat at the small coffee table at the corner of the private room.

Tang Shishi watched Ling Rui and Fang Ziming sitting alone in the corner, knowing that they had something to talk about, and continued to chat with Wang Yueshan, Mo Youyou, Liang Yue, and Jun Nuanxin, completely ignoring them, and haven't gotten an answer yet , Quan Shaobai with a gloomy face.

At this moment, the male and female factions in the box are very clearly divided!
"How is it?" Ling Rui asked Fang Ziming.

"I'm going out, why would there be a problem!" Fang Ziming proudly took out his mobile phone, then took out the passionate photos he took last night, and showed them to Ling Rui.

"This, is it enough to ecstasy!" Fang Ziming pointed to a photo of a woman, and raised an eyebrow at Ling Rui proudly.

"Give the photo to Wu Hao, it might be useful in the future. Take care of yourself!" Ling Rui rolled his eyes at Fang Ziming, this guy is really playing more and more out of line!Don't be afraid of being hollowed out!
However, the Bai family sisters really dare to play!These women are just like Bai Mo!
"Hey!" Fang Ziming smiled nonchalantly, and then swipe a few times on the phone's photos, as if he had endless aftertaste. Just as he was about to close the phone, Ling Rui interrupted him.

"Wait!" Ling Rui snatched Fang Ziming's phone, swipe back a few times, and stopped on a photo.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this photo?" Fang Ziming looked at the photo that Ling Rui slid over in puzzlement, and asked curiously.

This photo was taken on a whim when he and Bai Lan went shopping in the shopping mall. For the Bai family sisters who are greedy for petty gains, material benefits can move them the most, and they are also the easiest to convince them. Therefore, In order to get it early, he will inevitably have to spend a little money this time.

"It's nothing!" Ling Rui said to Fang Ziming with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Cut!" Fang Ziming couldn't help but give Ling Rui a blank look, there's nothing wrong with it!This guy is always so deep, I don't know what to find again!But he didn't bother to dig into the root of the problem. With these guys, he deeply understood a truth. Knowing too much is not good for him. With that American time, it is better to enjoy yourself while you are there.

"Remember to pass all the photos to Wu Hao, no one will be lost!" Ling Rui got up and asked again.

"Understood!" Fang Ziming said bluntly, then touched his stomach, and asked, "Is there anyone to take care of the food? I rushed back early in the morning, and I'm still hungry!"

"Yes! Haoyang's place today!" Ling Rui replied and walked back to Tang Shishi.

Fang Ziming also followed, sat down among the men, and then looked at Quan Shaobai who had a resentful expression, couldn't help but took out a cigarette, and joked while lighting it: "Shaobai, why are you living more and more? This is really a turn of events, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi! If you had known what would happen today, tsk tsk, you should have restrained yourself!"

Before Quan Shaobai could reply, Du Haoyang pulled the cigarette out of Fang Ziming's mouth and said, "Where are the two pregnant women, smoking is prohibited here!"

"Come on! You are all wife slaves now! You are all more promising than me!" Fang Ziming said meaningfully.

"Listen to brother, don't do it! Otherwise, you will regret it in the future!" Du Haoyang looked at Fang Ziming, as if he was looking at himself in the past, and persuaded him with deep emotion.

"Let's talk about the future in the future! I just want to eat my stomach quickly. Brother, can you satisfy this request quickly?" Fang Ziming didn't take Du Haoyang's words to heart at all, and patted his stomach, feeling weak Said.

Several men glanced at Fang Ziming, and all of them sat a little far away from him!
Did not pursue!
However, there is someone more unpursued than Fang Ziming.

"I'm hungry!" Just when everyone was chatting intensely, Wang Yueshan suddenly said this. She had a loud voice, but this one, with some effort, sounded like a roar.

"Eat, eat!" Du Haoyang heard Wang Yueshan said that he was hungry, and quickly left the rest of the people behind, walked up to Wang Yueshan's side, pulled Wang Yueshan up, and walked outside.

Tang Shishi looked at the backs of Du Haoyang and Wang Yueshan, and sighed, her brows were tangled.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!" Ling Rui said with his arms around Tang Shishi's waist.

They will leave tomorrow to go to remote areas to be goodwill ambassadors. Ling Rui knew that Tang Shishi was worried about Wang Yueshan, so he comforted her, "I've had someone secretly protect her for the past few days until Haoyang took her out of City B."

"En!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui moved, and said, "My husband, you are so kind!"

"Is there any reward?" Ling Rui glanced over Tang Shishi's lips, and then pointed to his side face.

Tang Shishi blushed, quickly kissed Ling Rui on the cheek, and said shyly, "Is it okay now?"

"This is interest!" Ling Rui curled his lips, and then whispered in Tang Shishi's ear: "I'll talk about the rest when I get home."

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a coquettish and angry look.

"Warm heart, please reward!" Quan Shaobai, who had been in front of Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, imitated his profile and put his profile in front of Jun Nuanxin.

"Death! Get out!" Jun Nuan kicked Quan Shaobai in shame and anger, and then hurried to the front.

Everyone looked at Quan Shaobai's deflated look, and laughed unceremoniously.

When Wang Yueshan heard that Tang Shishi was going to be a goodwill ambassador in a poor area, she yelled that she would go with her too, causing Du Haoyang and Tang Shishi a headache.

"Big belly, do you think they are going on a trip? Are you out of your mind?" Du Haoyang couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at Wang Yueshan.

Wang Yueshan naturally knew of Du Haoyang's kindness, but she couldn't understand Du Haoyang's way of controlling her everywhere, making him look like someone herself.

"Du Haoyang, you don't need to take care of my affairs, we don't know each other well! OK?" Wang Yueshan pouted angrily, as if she was about to fight to the end.

Du Haoyang really wanted to strangle the woman in front of him to death. He gritted his teeth and said, "Unfamiliar? Huh? Wang Yueshan, you little heartless! How can you be considered familiar? Wang Yueshan, believe it or not, I can dare to marry you right now." Knock down, let us become "very familiar", huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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