Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 652: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family

Chapter 652: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family (3)
After Mo Youyou finished speaking, she took Xue Ruyi and slammed it hard at Jun Mubei. Jun Mubei didn't block him. Xue Ruyi hit him on the head, and fell to the ground with a bang, breaking into three pieces.

Jun Mubei looked at the bloody Ruyi broken into three sections on the ground, but he forgot his distress, and just stared blankly, without speaking for a long time, making it hard to see his emotions.

Mo Youyou and Jun Haodong looked at each other, panic flashed in their hearts, this guy won't be knocked stupid by himself, right?

"You...why didn't you catch it?" Mo Youyou didn't expect Xue Ruyi to be so ruined, she felt a little guilty for a while, and her heart ached, she actually liked that Xue Ruyi quite a lot, she would touch it every day and hold it in her hand Play around for a while.

"Mo Youyou, you broke my blood Ruyi, how do you plan to pay for it?" Mo Youyou's question made Jun Mubei wake up. He looked at Mo Youyou and asked with cold eyes.

"What do you care about me?" Mo Youyou's heart thumped when she heard that Jun Mubei wanted her to pay.

"One billion!" Jun Mubei ignored Mo Youyou and directly quoted the price!
"Jun Mubei, are you robbing money? This junk thing costs one billion, why don't you just rob the bank!" Mo Youyou screamed.

"One billion is not a lot. The price of this blood ruyi is far more than one billion in my heart. It's all because you are my brother's girlfriend!" Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou calmly and distantly, Then he said "it's all because you are my brother's girlfriend" and blocked Jun Haodong's words.

Jun Mubei's reputation of loving money, accumulating money, and making money is well-known in the entire Huaxia Kingdom. It is not surprising that he can offer a sky-high price of one billion.

"You really want revenge!" Mo Youyou roared.

If you kill her, you won't be able to spend a billion yuan, even if you can, you won't give it to him, Jun Mubei is a money scorpion, a vampire!Mo Youyou cursed angrily in her heart.

"Otherwise you will pay me exactly the same right now!" Jun Mubei made it clear that it was unreasonable, Mo Youyou's fall was not a bloody Ruyi, it was his heart that was broken by her fall!
"It's all broken like this, where can I find an identical one? This thing is rare in the first place!" Mo Youyou was angry.

"You also know it's rare, so I charge you one billion, not much!" Jun Mubei folded his arms across his chest, leaning lazily on the wall by the window, looking at Mo Youyou and said unhurriedly.

"Do you want money, or do you want to die!" Mo Youyou stood up straight, stared at Jun Mubei and said, as if, let me see what you can do with me.

What Jun Mubei was waiting for was Mo Youyou's words, who knew, before Jun Mubei could speak, Jun Haodong interrupted him first.

"I'll give it!" Jun Haodong looked at Jun Mubei, and smiled slightly, with some subtle streamers in his eyes that only men can understand, "I'll give it! Isn't it just one billion, I can give it back!"

Jun Mubei's breath was stagnant, and then he looked up at Jun Haodong with deep eyes. After a while, he said, "Okay! I want to see the money arrive in the account in an hour!"

"No problem!" Jun Haodong smiled nonchalantly, looking into Jun Mubei's eyes with some precaution and provocation.

Jun Mubei didn't speak, and bent down to pick up the Xue Ruyi that had been broken into three pieces. He felt that this Xue Ruyi was like his love, which was already dilapidated before it could bloom.

This is the first time that Jun Mubei is soberly aware of his feelings for Mo Youyou. He knew it before, but he has been unwilling to admit it, doesn't want to think about it, and dare not think about it until he has the courage to admit it. At that time, he suddenly realized that he and Mo Youyou were far away from each other in just one thought.

Sure enough, no one will stay in place, waiting for you to turn around!
"Since we have lost money on this thing, it is no longer yours!" Jun Haodong's words made Jun Mubei's hand that was about to touch Xue Ruyi suddenly shrink back, as if being stung by a scorpion, and took it back hands.

Jun Mubei stood up, and instead of looking at Mo Youyou and Jun Haodong in the room, he left a sentence of "Hurry up and pay", and turned out of the window again.

Mo Youyou looked at Jun Mubei's back, angrily grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it over, cursing bitterly: "Stingy! Robber! Bastard!" But tears fell down!

Jun Haodong looked at Mo Youyou, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and his eyes flashed with interest. This game was just about to be the final blow to fuel the flames. He was really looking forward to that boy Jun Mubei, after the tortoise shell was broken, would he be What a look!
It seems that tomorrow's trip will not be too boring or lonely along the way!

After taking Jun Haodong's one billion yuan, Jun Mubei was not as happy as expected, but instead felt heavy. The one billion yuan seemed like a gap, reminding him all the time that there was an insurmountable distance between him and Mo Youyou.

After the car ran for more than an hour, Tang Shishi, who was pillowed on Ling Rui's lap, couldn't stand the dull atmosphere in the car, so she pinched Ling Rui's thigh quietly, signaling him to speak.

"Hmm! Wife, don't move around!" Ling Rui, who was leaning against the car window to doze off, groaned hoarsely suddenly, and Tang Shishi was startled by the loud voice.

Where does the old hooligan have sex dreams?This reaction is too strong!

"How can I move!" Tang Shishi retorted weakly.

"Don't wriggle your head on my lap, it's itchy!" Ling Rui murmured to Tang Shishi as if deliberately lowering his voice, but in fact, this voice made everyone in the small carriage Everyone can hear clearly.

Mo Youyou, who was sitting in the co-pilot, heard the conversation between Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, her small face flushed. She put her fists to her mouth in a concealed manner, coughed, and then helped the big swollen face on her face. Sunglasses, a face that can't wait to stick to the window glass, dare not look back, let alone look in the rearview mirror.

Jun Mubei snorted coldly, also showing his dissatisfaction with the two people in the back seat.

"Damn it! Where did I move!" Tang Shishi was also a little embarrassed, and gave Ling Rui a sideways look.

"You don't move around now, and you're winking at me again! Is your waist still sore? How about we ask the second brother to put down the baffle, and I'll pinch it for you?" Ling Rui stretched out his hand and tugged Tang Shishi's nose, "whispered" asked.

Mo Youyou moved towards the car door again. Jun Mubei saw Mo Youyou who was almost like a gecko, pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and reprimanded Ling Rui: "Boy Rui, restrain yourself. Playing hooligans in broad daylight!"

"Why is this called hooliganism? This is at most called flirting, scolding and hurting your wife, it's just a couple's love!" Ling Rui said, deliberately holding Tang Shishi's little hand, and slapped it hard: "Do you want to pinch it for you?" ?”

"Then squeeze it!" Tang Shishi really felt that her waist was sore after being mentioned by Ling Rui.

"Second brother, put down the baffle!" Ling Rui said to Jun Mubei while turning Tang Shishi's body over.

(End of this chapter)

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