Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 653: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family

Chapter 653: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family (4)
Jun Mubei put down the baffle helplessly. He knew that if he didn't let go of the baffle, the two of them might directly make a picture that was not suitable for children. It's a little funny in my heart.

But thinking of the two lingering kisses she had with Jun Haodong last night, Jun Mubei's eyes turned cold immediately.

This dumbass!Pretending to be pure for whom!
After the baffle was put down, Jun Mubei regretted it!
"Old rascal, take it easy!"

"Okay! How about this?"

"Hmm! So comfortable! A little bit to the left!"

"Here? Are you comfortable, sir?"

"Yeah! Husband is mighty!"

"That's right! Do you have something more powerful? Try it tonight!"


From time to time, such dialogue sounds came out from behind the baffle, and occasionally a few monosyllables that were easily misunderstood were added, making the whole car full of adultery.

Mo Youyou originally relaxed a lot because the baffle was put down, but when she heard the conversation between Ling Rui and Tang Shishi, she tensed up all of a sudden, even her breathing was suppressed, she didn't dare to take a big breath, for fear Like the person behind the fender, with a face as red as a ripe tomato, a pair of small hands clutching the hem of his clothes helplessly.

Jun Mubei was really speechless to the pair of thieves behind the baffle, but he couldn't say anything. He was clearly pinching his waist. If he spoke out, he would definitely be accused by the thieves of his impure thoughts!

However, after seeing Mo Youyou's more uncomfortable appearance than him, Jun Mubei suddenly felt at ease.

Although the two of them still didn't speak, the atmosphere in the carriage was not as tense as before.

At night, most of the distance has been gone, but the remaining small part is the most difficult to walk. Originally, everyone was going to stay at this last supply station for one night, but Ling Rui was receiving After a phone call, he discussed with Jun Haodong, Jun Mubei, and Quan Shaobai, and decided to continue on his way.

"What happened?" Tang Shishi had a bad premonition when she heard Ling Rui let Jun Nuanxin and Quan Shaobai sit in the carriage of the cart.

"Take you to go fishing, are you afraid?" Now Ling Rui's car was only left with him and Tang Shishi. He looked at the road ahead, half-closed his eyes, and asked.

Tang Shishi already understood that they were being targeted.

These people really don't let go of a chance, probably someone has been paying attention to their movements in City B!

"What's there to be afraid of! I like fishing the most. I don't know if the fish this time is big enough or fat enough!" Tang Shishi stretched out her hand and pressed it on her nightingale. Looking forward to and excited!
It had been a long time since she touched a gun, and even Nightingale felt lonely.

"Shouldn't let us down!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi and smiled knowingly.The reason why Tang Shishi was left in the car was because only in this way could he protect her nearby. At this time, no matter where he put her, he didn't put her by his side, which made him feel at ease.

When the car reached a forested area, the other party obviously couldn't wait any longer and launched an attack. Tang Shishi felt distressed when she saw the extra scratches on Ling Rui's open Porsche window.

This place is at the foot of the mountain, the road is rugged and covered by forests, the enemy is in the light, and we are in the dark, the situation is extremely unfavorable.

"Old hooligan, are we going to continue to be beaten passively like this?" Tang Shishi watched Ling Rui turn off the car, but still had no intention of moving, and couldn't help being a little impatient.

The opponent's firepower is getting more and more fierce, and there is an arrogance to beat them into a honeycomb. Are they going to wait in the car and wait for them to smash the glass of the car?Then, get caught?
Ling Rui rubbed the hair on the top of Tang Shishi's head, hooked the corners of his lips, and said, "Let's consume their firepower first. In half an hour, we will climb the mountain!" Ling Rui looked at his watch as he spoke, as if that was the case It's like a thing!

Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui in confusion. Could it be that after half an hour, the bullets on the opposite side ran out?

Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's small appearance, but smiled without saying a word, but carefully discerned the gunshots outside the car window, with a leisurely attitude, as if he was not facing the assassination siege of the other party, but watching a gunfight movie.

Ling Rui didn't say anything, Tang Shishi simply didn't ask, anyway, if she should know, the old hooligan would definitely say it, if she shouldn't know, it's useless to ask!In short, no matter when, just trust this man.

However, only at this time did Tang Shishi realize that she had thought about this trip simply. This was no longer a simple goodwill ambassador activity. Before Ling Rui asked her to take Nightingale with her, she was quite critical. Now that she thinks about it, she is still an old hooligan. , wily and thoughtful!

The gunshots outside became chaotic, and even Tang Shishi could hear something was wrong. The current situation outside was more like a siege than these killers who appeared suddenly and surrounded them with guns.

Tang Shishi guessed right, the killers outside were indeed being besieged. They thought that this action would catch Ling Rui by surprise, but who knew, in the end it was their fate to be buried in a barren mountain.

The gunfight lasted for about half an hour, during which a green signal flare rose in the air. After a while, someone knocked on the car door. Through the film, Tang Shishi saw Zhou Hu in black clothes standing outside the car window. His body is all black, and his white teeth are dazzling.

"How many times did you run?" Ling Rui asked after getting out of the car.

"One, was injured, and evacuated very quickly. That person's skill doesn't look like he came from the army!" Zhou Hu reported the news to Ling Rui.

"Qingshan, you must find him!" Ling Rui gave Zhou Hu an order in displeasure.

He asked Zhou Hu and the others to set up an ambush here early in the morning, but he didn't expect someone to run away!If this person climbed over this mountain and ran to the residents' homes, it would be very easy to find. The most important thing was that he was afraid that this person would cause harm to the residents here.

"Yes!" Zhou Hu took the order and took people to Qingshan.

"When did you call Zhou Hu and the others here?" Tang Shishi asked puzzled.Zhou Hu's appearance was both unexpected and expected, but she was curious about when Ling Rui had arranged him here.

"Sharp Knife Troops don't need approval now, they can be dispatched by me." This was a compromise made by the Shen family when they sent Ling Rui to City A.

"What's the difference between this and a private army?" Tang Shishi never knew that Ling Rui was in control of an army. Although the army was small in number, all of them were excellent soldiers who could fight ten against one hundred.

"There is no difference!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's surprised face with a smile. Back then when he joined the army with Ling Rui, the darkness turned into light.

(End of this chapter)

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