Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 654: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family

Chapter 654: The Encirclement and Suppression of the Feng Family (5)
When Tang Shishi was kidnapped, he and Jun Mubei had joined hands to clean up all the traitors and people who shouldn't exist in the Sharp Knife Troop. Since then, the Sharp Knife Troop has been completely under his control. With one mind in hand, this time, the Shen family's fight with the Han family only made this situation clear and legal.

Tang Shishi opened her eyes incredulously when she heard Ling Rui's words, and asked, "Does that mean that no one can appoint or remove you?"

"How come?!" Ling Rui smiled and tugged Tang Shishi's nose, and said, "It's just not as easy as before!"

"Oh!" Tang Shishi nodded clearly, she understood a little.

After a while, Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin dragged a person and threw them in front of Ling Rui.

Ling Rui looked at the man in front of him, covered in blood, with sunken eye sockets, small but energetic, although his complexion was as pale as paper at the moment, with a look of defeat, but there was still a little arrogance on his face.

Ling Rui looked at the man slumped on the ground with a cold face, and said two words lightly: "Kill it!"

That man didn't expect that Ling Rui would even ask, so he ordered someone to kill him. Tonight, a total of 100 of them surrounded and suppressed Ling Rui and the others. They thought they had a chance to win, but they fell into Ling Rui's trap. Everyone was dead, and he was the only one left alive. He originally thought that Ling Rui would at least try to coerce and lure him, but who knew that after these people took such a big effort to capture him alive, they only did it for Ling Rui's sake. Two words "Kill!"

In these years, he has killed countless people and experienced countless lives and deaths. This is the first time he feels that the word "kill" sounds so murderous, so shocking!

"Yes! Master!" Zhou Hu loaded the bullet without hesitation and aimed it at the people on the ground.

"Wait!" The man on the ground spoke. He looked up at Ling Rui, who was dressed in awe, and asked curiously, "You don't intend to interrogate me?"

"Interrogation can't find anything, so there's no need to waste time!" Ling Rui said indifferently.

"Why are you sure I won't say it?" The man became even more curious!
Because of what the person sitting on the ground said, Tang Shishi couldn't help but look at that person carefully: he has dark brown hair, thick eyebrows, and although his eyes are small, they are like two small spotlights with bright light inside. The bridge of the nose is a bit straight, the beard is full, the skin and lips are a little dry, stained with blood, the clothes are torn, and the blood is stained. He was shot in one arm and three or four times in both legs. Even so, he still He didn't show any painful and distorted expression because of this, but Tang Shishi couldn't help admiring him, this man is really tolerant!

"Your eyes are sharp, firm and spirited. You have been shot several times, but you have not shown the slightest sense of pain. At first glance, you are a person who is often injured and extremely firm and patient. A person like you cannot be used by me. It is better to kill me. I'll give you a good time, and I'll save your Ye family's last bit of face!" Ling Rui said unhurriedly, looking down at the man on the ground.

"You already know my identity? Let me tell you that, I don't want to die anymore, what should I do?" Ye Mingxun spread his hands with difficulty, staring at Ling Rui and asked.

"Why, when did you come out of the Ye family who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" Ling Rui laughed lightly.

"It's better to die than to live. Ants are greedy for life, not to mention I'm a living person!" The man's ridicule towards Ling Rui seemed to be completely indifferent, and instead asked: "Is there any water? I'm thirsty!"

"You can drink your own blood if you're thirsty!" Ling Rui said coldly, "Otherwise your own urine will do!".

"At any rate, there are female compatriots here, and it's not good to openly "release water", isn't it?" Ye Mingxun said as if discussing with Ling Rui.

"It's not good, it's the last time anyway!" Ling Rui obviously didn't have the patience to chatter with the man in front of him.

"It's really cold-faced killer!" Ye Mingxun heard Ling Rui's words, and he didn't know whether it was pain or because he was frightened by Ling Rui. What a fart man!
"I'll give you three seconds!" Ling Rui's murderous aura grew even stronger.

"Little horse crossing the river, have you heard of this story?" Ye Mingxun looked up at Ling Rui and said, "That's all I can say!" As for whether Ling Rui can understand it, it's not his business!

"You can get out!" Ling Rui gave Ye Mingxun a sideways look in disgust, then took Tang Shishi's hand, walked to the passenger seat, opened the door for her, and let her get in the car.

Ye Mingxun looked at the sudden gentleness in Ling Rui's eyes, and suddenly felt a little unreal, the kind of dizzy, this cold-faced murderous look just now made him feel a little timid in his heart, but now he showed such a diametrically opposite expression, which would scare him dead person's!
When Ye Mingxun came back to his senses and realized that he was moving, he realized that the dizziness just now was real. At this moment, his body was being dragged by Leng Maolin and Zhou Hu, walking towards the forest.

"The green hills remain unchanged, and the green waters flow forever. Let's—hmm!" Ye Mingxu just wanted to say goodbye to Ling Rui, but Zhou Hu slashed him unconscious.

"Noisy!" Leng Maolin looked at Zhou Hu approvingly, then sneered at Ye Mingxun disdainfully.

"Do you know who it is?" Tang Shishi asked impatiently as soon as Ling Rui got into the car.That killer, playing charades, asked Ling Rui if he had heard the story of the pony crossing the river?Could it be that there is something deep in that story?
Tang Shishi took out her mobile phone and wanted to search the story of "Little Horse Crossing the River", but found that there was no signal on the mobile phone, picked up Ling Rui's mobile phone, and found that there was no signal on it, Tang Shishi realized that they had already entered It's a poor mountainous area. People here, if they want to make a phone call, they have to go to the commune dozens of kilometers away to make a public phone. When you get here, you can only check the time and play stand-alone games. !
It's a total display.

"Feng's family!" Ling Rui unwrapped a piece of bread, handed it to Tang Shishi, and then handed her a box of milk.

At dinner time, the little wild cat ate very little, so it should be hungry now.

There is nothing strange about what the Feng family said. While taking the milk and bread from Ling Rui, Tang Shishi thought about the resignation of Director Zhao, and the last time Feng Yunxiao stumbled in city B and was returning to city A again. The tragic death on the way to the city, I have some concerns in my heart.

They haven't gone to City A yet, those people can't wait to start!
"Don't think about it, eat first!" Ling Rui said, pulling Tang Shishi's nose.

Tang Shishi nodded. She was really hungry. It might be because she had been in the car all day. She felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach and lost her appetite. The food at the supply station was really not flattering. She looked at those greasy things , she felt even less appetizing. She just got out of the car and blew the night breeze for a while, and she felt much more comfortable in her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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