Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 655 Fucking big hair without rules!

Chapter 655 Unscrupulous big hair! (1)
Seeing Tang Shishi eating bread and drinking milk in small mouthfuls, with a bright red mouth, chewing and swallowing non-stop, Ling Rui felt a little hot in his body, and he relaxed his body on the back of the chair, slender Open her thighs, reaching out to play with a strand of Tang Shishi's hair.

"Aren't you hungry?" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and asked curiously. She knew that Ling Rui didn't eat much at night.

"I'll wait until you're full before eating." Ling Rui wrapped Tang Shishi's hair around his fingers, watched Tang Shishi's throat growl and swallowed a mouthful of milk, and he also swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"It's not just this one bread, there are many more, I'll get you one!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a white look, he was clearly "greedy", okay?
"It's not my stomach that I'm hungry, it's here!" Ling Rui took Tang Shishi's arm and asked, "Are you full? Let me relax when I'm full! From the afternoon to the present!" Ling Rui said quite distressed .

"Be serious!" Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui angrily.

"Little wild cat, you can't just light the fire, not put it out!" Ling Rui grabbed Tang Shishi's hand firmly, and refused to let go.

"When did I light the fire? Don't wrong people!" Tang Shishi pulled her hands back angrily. Although this is the wilderness, there are so many people around!Besides, if Bao Qi Zhou Hu and Leng Maolin come to him for something later, or if the eldest brother and the second brother come to him, she shouldn't do this kind of thing in the car!
"In the afternoon, I don't know who it was. It was so ecstatic. If it wasn't for the second brother and Yoyo in the car, I wish I could kill you at that time!" How could Ling Rui let Tang Shishi break free and catch her? Get straight to the point.

"Isn't that a massage? I can only blame you for being so good! It's so comfortable!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an annoyed look. It turned out that in the afternoon, this guy was dishonest and had a wrong idea. She also thought about how honest this guy was.

"I have made you comfortable, so you have to make me comfortable too! This is called courtesy, do you understand the rules?" Ling Rui dragged Tang Shishi's smooth and tender scallioned hands towards him twice, Said: "Be conscious!"

Tang Shishi didn't know if she was angry or was scalded by the heat from her hands. She had a small face that was as red as a cloud of fire. She looked around the car window with a guilty conscience and said, "You are not afraid of being caught by the plane. Or some UFO or something?"

Recently, the Internet did not report that the car was shaking or something, and it was photographed by the plane. At that time, she used this as a joke and told him about it. Who knows, this guy doesn't know how to restrain himself.
"Don't worry, don't worry, do it boldly. There is no waterway here. Besides, I have an anti-location system device in my car. It's so easy to take a picture! Both hands together." Ling Rui groaned in enjoyment, brows relaxed Unfolding, he looked at Tang Shishi with burning eyes, but his tone was like an order, with some undeniable toughness.

"I haven't finished drinking the milk yet!" Tang Shishi held up the box of milk in her hand and shook it in front of Ling Rui. There was still a lot in it, and she only took a few sips.

"I'll hold it for you!" Ling Rui said as he snatched the milk box from Tang Shishi's hand, and pointed the straw at Tang Shishi's small mouth. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and fell next to Tang Shishi's ear, Teasingly said: "Why don't you just drink Grandpa's milk later!"

"Smelly shameless!" Tang Shishi spat at Ling Rui in an infinitely shy manner. In his enchanting smile, she pouted, like a bullied little maid, and began to work.

Tang Shishi now regrets that her heart is soft and easy to speak!
"Ouch..." Tang Shishi just stood up, but the nauseating feeling rushed up again, and she bent over quickly and retched again.

"Wife! How's it going?" Ling Rui asked worriedly while patting Tang Shishi's back helplessly.

"Go away! It's all your fault! It's all your fault! I feel bad in my mouth right now!" Tang Shishi brushed Ling Rui's hand away, and her stomach feels so uncomfortable now that tears are bursting out!

"It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It's all my fault, I'm guilty!" Ling Rui carefully accompanied Xiao Xin, speaking softly; while handing over a bottle of mineral water: "Drink, rinse your mouth!"

"Ling Rui, what did you feed Shishi? Did she suffer like this?!" Mo Youyou, Jun Mubei, and Jun Haodong, who sensed that something was wrong here, got out of the car and surrounded her Come here!

"Uh! Cough!" Tang Shishi had just taken a sip of mineral water, but before she could swallow it, she choked on Mo Youyou's sudden question, and started coughing again and again!

"Shishi, what's the matter with you?" Mo Youyou stepped forward and pushed Ling Rui, who was slapping Tang Shishi on the back, and cursed: "Go away! Clumsy! You almost killed her!"

Ling Rui frowned, and glared at Mo Youyou displeasedly, it was just this woman's speechless words that caused the little wild cat to choke on water!But when he thought that he was the ultimate culprit for what happened tonight, Ling Rui felt a little annoyed.I plan not to argue with Mo Youyou for the time being!
In fact, he also felt a little wronged, he had gotten into the mouth of the little wild cat before, and the little wild cat didn't have such a big reaction?I don't know what happened this time?
Mo Youyou was frightened a little stiff by Ling Rui's stare, the three brothers of the Jun family, she was most afraid of Ling Rui!
"Ahem..." Tang Shishi was still retching and coughing!
Mo Youyou hurriedly patted Tang Shishi on the back, looking at Tang Shishi with red eye circles, as if she had cried a lot, her small face was pale and pale, Mo Youyou couldn't care less about the fear in her heart, and asked angrily Ling Rui: "What did you feed her? Look at what you have done to her!"

"Yuyou has nothing to do with Ling Rui! Cough..." Actually, the most embarrassing thing now is Tang Shishi. Every time Mo Youyou questioned her, she became more embarrassed. How could she say what Ling Rui ate for her? ?

"You're already like this, and you're still protecting him! Did you forget that you told me? Men can't get used to it!" Mo Youyou looked at Tang Shishi and said solemnly.

Looking at Mo Youyou's serious face, Tang Shishi felt sad again!Is it possible to use his own way to treat his own body?

Inadvertently glanced at Jun Mubei, who was watching the show, Tang Shishi snorted coldly, turned to Mo Youyou and said, "It's because I drank too much milk, and my stomach feels a little nauseous!"

As soon as milk was mentioned, Tang Shishi couldn't help but glanced at Ling Rui again, and found that there was some subtle ambiguity in his eyes that only the two of them could understand, and couldn't help but blush!
Damn!She swore that she would never drink milk again!

"Did you drink expired milk?" Mo Youyou asked suspiciously.Probably not, all the milk and bread were bought by her, Shishi and Nuanxin, and they are definitely up-to-date!
(End of this chapter)

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