Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 657 Fucking big hair without rules!

Chapter 657 Unscrupulous big hair! (3)
"Then I'll listen to Brother Jun." After listening to Jun Haodong's words, Mo Youyou felt relieved, and then lay down again.

Jun Haodong reached out to turn off the small light beside Mo Youyou, then rested his head on his arms, closed his eyes slightly, and thought about something.

Jun Mubei, who was in the car, looked at the shadows of Jun Haodong and Mo Youyou reflected on the tent in the tent, watched the two people kiss passionately, and then Jun Haodong pressed Mo Youyou under him again, fisting Squeezing tightly, he suddenly looked up at the cold night sky, and felt the stars twinkling towards him, from clear to blurred.

The rustling sound resounded around, Jun Mubei looked away, and when he turned around, he met Da Mao's upside-down triangular face.

Da Mao was alarmed by Jun Mubei's sudden turning back, and immediately took precautions, spitting out his core quickly, as if ready to attack at any time.

"Are you hungry?" Jun Mubei, who originally hated Da Mao very much, now has a rare kindness towards Da Mao. In this cold and lonely night, it is rare to have him by his side.

Jun Mubei got off the car, then opened the trunk of the car, took out the food that Mo Youyou had prepared for Da Mao, and threw it to Da Mao.

Da Mao didn't expect Jun Mubei to give it food. After staring at Jun Mubei defensively for a while, he swallowed the food in one gulp, and then began to digest it slowly. After a while, he looked at Jun Mubei again.

"Not full yet?" Jun Mubei looked at Da Mao's appearance, then opened the trunk again, took out a piece of food and gave it to him.

Da Mao swallowed it in one gulp as usual, and after a while, he looked at Jun Mubei expectantly.

Jun Mubei went to open the trunk again, and Da Mao also got out of the car this time. When Jun Mubei closed the trunk, Da Mao had already climbed onto the roof of the car, crossed his body, and lay on it, looking like he didn't intend to leave. look.

Jun Mubei threw the food to Da Mao, and after Da Mao ate it, he still didn't intend to leave the roof of the car. Jun Mubei had no choice but to take Mo Youyou's blanket, covered Da Mao's body, and then returned to the car alone.

It's almost dawn.

Tang Shishi slept very comfortably last night. Ling Rui's extra-large sleeping bag, although the two of them were a bit crowded when lying down, it was enough for the two of them to hug each other tightly, especially when Ling Rui's body was burned One night, she didn't feel cold at all, she was so down-to-earth and warm that Tang Shishi didn't even want to wake up.

Tang Shishi was woken up by a sharp cry. She wanted to sit up reflexively, forgetting that she was in a sleeping bag and in Ling Rui's arms, but fell back clumsily.

"What's wrong?" Ling Rui held Tang Shishi in his arms, rubbed his chin against Tang Shishi's head a few times, and muttered.

"I heard Yoyo's scream just now. Could it be that something happened? Get up!" Tang Shishi urged impatiently.

"What could happen? That woman likes to be startled, so ignore her!" Ling Rui raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said, "Sleep for a while."

Last night, he warmed Tang Shishi's bed. In order to let her sleep comfortably, he recommended his arms. Now his arms are numb and sore, and he hasn't had a good rest at all.

Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui's dark circles, then nestled obediently into Ling Rui's arms, arched her body, and became gentle.

Ling Rui moved his body in satisfaction, so that the two bodies fit better, and closed his eyes comfortably.

"Jun Mubei, you bastard! Killing a thousand swords!" Mo Youyou's scream rang out again.

"Yuyou, what happened?" Jun Nuanxin, who was sleeping on the big truck, got out of the car when she heard Mo Youyou's scream.

"Don't stop me, I'm at odds with this bastard!" Mo Youyou's voice was filled with tears, obviously extremely sad.

"No, I have to go out and have a look." Tang Shishi listened to the movement outside, couldn't lie down anymore, and sat up carefully.

Ling Rui sighed helplessly, and sat up with Tang Shishi.

"Sleep for a while." Tang Shishi kissed Ling Rui's chin lightly and said good morning.

"I'll accompany you!" He couldn't fall asleep without the little wild cat, so he might as well get up.

Tang Shishi listened to the loud noise outside, and looked at Ling Rui nodding, feeling a little distressed in her eyes.

Jun Mubei's bastard, I don't know how to provoke Mo Youyou again, when will these two people stop, I really want to feed them a piece of medicine, and just send these two people to pile up!Tang Shishi thought quite angrily.

When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui came out, Jun Nuanxin and Jun Haodong were holding Mo Youyou with all their strength, while Mo Youyou was a little crazy and wanted to fight Jun Mubei, because he couldn't use his hands anymore. Just kicking, Tang Shishi saw the obvious scratches on Jun Mubei's livid face, she couldn't help speeding up her pace, it seems that the situation this time is really serious.

"What's going on?" Tang Shishi stepped forward and asked.

"Sister-in-law three, you are finally here, hurry up!" Quan Shaobai looked at Tang Shishi, as if seeing a savior, with joy in his eyes.

"What's going on?" Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, with a sad and angry face, and asked in a soft tone.

"Shishi! Woohoo..." When Mo Youyou saw Tang Shishi, tears flowed like a flood that had opened its gates.

"Tell me what's going on first?" Tang Shishi asked while wiping Mo Youyou's tears.

"He killed Da Mao! Huh... The little bug is dead, and Da Mao is dead too! I don't want to live anymore!" Mo Youyou cried heartbroken!

"Second brother killed Da Mao? Why did second brother kill Da Mao?" Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Mubei, who was livid, with some puzzlement. Seeing that Jun Mubei did not refute, Tang Shishi had deep doubts on her face , she comforted Mo Youyou, and said: "Yuyou, this must be a misunderstanding, the second brother would not do such a thing."

"There's no misunderstanding! It's him!" Mo Youyou pushed Tang Shishi away, then wiped away his tears angrily, and said, "He didn't like Da Mao long ago, so he kicked Da Mao out of the car and froze him to death Already!"

"Second brother drove Da Mao out of the car, did he freeze to death?" Tang Shishi heard Mo Youyou's words, and thought to herself, this is what the second brother would do, but——Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei's expression still livid With his lips pressed tightly together, he seemed to be suppressing his emotions, trying his best to control the desire to refute, but also seemed to disdain to refute, thinking that Jun Mubei would not do this.

"Yuyou, I believe that the second brother will not do this. Please tell me what happened carefully." Tang Shishi said comforting Mo Youyou.

"What's there to say! Hmph! Of course you are all partial to him!" Mo Youyou said angrily, tears began to fall down again.

She woke up early this morning. In fact, last night, she didn't sleep well. As soon as she closed her eyes, Jun Mubei's face flashed in her mind, whether it was happy, angry or something, In the end, all that was left was the decisive look in her eyes, which made her unable to sleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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