Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 658 Fucking big hair without rules!

Chapter 658 Unscrupulous big hair! (4)
Who knows, after she walked out of the tent and came to the car, she saw the door was open, Jun Mubei was sleeping on the steering wheel, frowning, as if sleeping very uncomfortable, she wondered why this guy didn't wear a coat She was not afraid of catching a cold, but when she took the clothes from the back of the car and wanted to put them on Jun Mubei, she inadvertently discovered that the big hair in the cage was gone.

Mo Youyou panicked, she immediately woke Jun Mubei up, and asked him if he saw Da Mao, but Jun Mubei told her in a daze that Da Mao was on the roof of the car, and Mo Youyou got out of the car, and sure enough, he saw Da Mao on the roof. On the roof of the car, it was still covered with its own blanket, but it was already dead!
Mo Youyou explained the matter sobbing, then raised her finger to Jun Mubei, and said, "It's him! He drove Da Mao to the roof of the car and froze to death!" Obviously, she had already identified Jun Mubei It's a snake killer, and it's not the first time he's done something like this!

She doesn't have to worry about the little bug, but Da Mao has been her good friend for many years, so she definitely won't let it go!

"Second brother, you really drove Da Mao to the roof of the car?" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei and asked.

"Second brother, you should talk quickly!" Jun Nuanxin urged Jun Mubei to say, she also felt that the second brother did not do this, the second brother obviously likes Yoyo, and knows how much Da Mao is to Yoyo Important, how could Da Mao be killed?
But the second brother's stubborn temper came up, and if he didn't speak up, he could really make them die!

"No comment, you can think whatever you want!" Jun Mubei said indifferently.

"Look, he's really guilty of being a thief, and he can't quibble!" After hearing what Jun Mubei said, Mo Youyou started to go crazy again.

"Okay! Where's Da Mao? Didn't you say it's on the roof? Why is it gone?" Tang Shishi grabbed Mo Youyou who was about to attack again, looked at the roof of the car, and found that there was a small blanket on it, and there was no Da Mao's body at all.

"It's gone?" Mo Youyou heard that Da Mao didn't even have a corpse, and immediately cried even more sadly, pointing to Jun Mubei and saying, "Why are you so bad, you don't even leave a corpse for Da Mao! Huh... ..."

Tang Shishi rubbed her temples with a headache, glanced around, and sure enough, she saw the big hair with "no bones left" coiled on a tree, constantly turning its body, up and down.

"Yuyou, you really wronged the second brother!" Tang Shishi sighed helplessly, then pointed to the tree where Da Mao lived, and said to Mo Youyou who was pouting angrily, "Where is Da Mao!"

Mo Youyou followed the direction pointed by Tang Shishi, and she saw Da Mao there. She wiped her eyes in disbelief, and then let out a whistle in surprise. After Da Mao on the tree heard it, he quickly jumped out of the tree. Come down, and after a while, he came to Mo Youyou's side.

"Big Mao! You scared me to death!" Mo Youyou hugged Da Mao, and couldn't help crying again.

Looking at Jun Mubei's already ugly face, Tang Shishi felt more at ease and relieved, and sighed inwardly.

"Yuyou, I just said that my second brother wouldn't do such a thing, right? You really wronged him this time!" Jun Nuanxin saw Mo Youyou crying and laughing while hugging Da Mao, feeling a little creepy, and stepped back a little After taking a step, he pointed to Mo Youyou.

"Da Mao, do you think that bad guy drove you out of the car?" Mo Youyou patted Da Mao on the head, then pointed at Jun Mubei, and asked.

Da Mao seemed to understand Mo Youyou's words, and looked at Jun Mubei, his eyes suddenly lit up, then he abandoned Mo Youyou and quickly went to Jun Mubei's side.

Seeing Da Mao crawling towards Jun Mubei, and spitting out his core quickly, everyone thought Da Mao wanted to attack Jun Mubei, and they exclaimed again and again.

"Second brother, get out of here!"

"Mu Bei, get out of the way!"

"Big Mao, don't!"

Even Mo Youyou screamed in fright after seeing Jun Mubei's motionless appearance, while Ling Rui, who was standing beside Tang Shishi, drew his gun directly and aimed at Da Mao, as long as Da Mao attacked Jun Mu North, he shot Da Mao to death.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Da Mao crawled to Jun Mubei's side, rubbed Jun Mubei's thigh flatteringly, and then looked up at Jun Mubei with hope and expectation.

Jun Mubei snorted coldly, glanced at Da Mao, and turned away.

Da Mao didn't give up, and rubbed Jun Mubei's thigh flatteringly, and even used his own tail to polish Jun Mubei's shoes, pretending to be cute and cute, without moral integrity!

"Da Mao, what are you doing? Come back!" Looking at Da Mao like this, Mo Youyou felt extremely uncomfortable, especially when Da Mao even cleaned Jun Mubei's shoes. Mercy, the benefits given to her, this meeting has gone so far to curry favor with Jun Mubei!

Da Mao turned his head to look at Mo Youyou's words, and then continued to spare no effort to please Jun Mubei.

Jun Mubei turned and walked into the car, sat on the co-pilot, closed his eyes and rested, ignoring anyone.

Da Mao also climbed into the car, and obediently sat cross-legged behind the co-pilot.

Tang Shishi patted Mo Youyou's shoulder sympathetically, not knowing how to comfort her.

Obviously, things were very different from what Mo Youyou imagined.But Junmu Beifei did not murder Da Mao, on the contrary, he got along very well with it. The relationship between one person and one snake has grown by leaps and bounds. The current situation is that in Da Mao's heart, Jun Mubei's status has faintly surpassed that of Mo Youyou.

"Fortunately, it was a misunderstanding, Yoyo, next time you must figure out the situation before you talk about it!" Jun Nuanxin also stepped forward and patted Mo Youyou on the shoulder and said.

"I just said why the second brother has trouble with a bastard, Yoyo, you have too much imagination!" Quan Shaobai looked at Mo Youyou disapprovingly and said.

Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou's little face that turned red and turned pale, and thought of the scratches on Jun Mubei's face, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

These two are really enemies!

"Shishi, even you are here to laugh at me!" Mo Youyou glared at Tang Shishi angrily and said.

"Yuyou, you scratched my second brother's face that everyone loves, flowers bloom, cars look like cars, you are responsible for it!" Tang Shishi teased Mo Youyou and said, Moreover, he deliberately used the word "responsible", speaking in a cadence and with a long aftertaste.

"Fuck you!" Mo Youyou blushed and glanced at Jun Mubei whose eyes were closed in the car window, and said coyly, "I'm Haodong's girlfriend now!"

Jun Mubei, who was dozing off in the co-pilot, almost twitched his eyelids when he heard Mo Youyou's words.

Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Haodong, and both of them were speechless.

After breakfast, the group set out on the road again.

This section of the road is extremely slow, even their cars are excellent, Tang Shishi also feels that her intestines are going to be knotted due to the bumpy road.

(End of this chapter)

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