Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 659 Fucking big hair without rules!

Chapter 659 Unscrupulous big hair! (5)
When they arrived at X Town Commune, there were mountain roads ahead, and cars couldn't drive forward, they had to go up the mountain on foot, but Tang Shishi, Mo Youyou and Jun Nuanxin felt like they were relieved.

When I came to City H, I didn't contact the people here in advance, so the people from X Town Commune felt that Tang Shishi's arrival was very sudden, but they still welcomed Tang Shishi and the others very warmly.

Tang Shishi and the others were having lunch in the commune, politely declined the company of the commune secretary and others, but when looking at the unpalatable food on the table, Tang Shishi frowned slightly.

"Don't want to eat? I'll have some bread or something in a while. Why don't Wu Hao take out the things in the refrigerator on the truck and cook something for the three of you alone." Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's wrinkled face Little face, a little distressed.

There is a small refrigerator on the truck, which is full of fish and meat. Tang Shishi specially prepared it for Xiao Huining and her classmates to make a big meal.

Tang Shishi shook her head decisively. Due to the limited space, the ingredients that can be brought are also limited.Although there are only 21 children in elementary school, for those children who seldom eat big fish and meat, they don't know if that little food is enough.

"I've wronged you!" Knowing Tang Shishi's persistence, Ling Rui said as he put his arms around her waist.

"Husband, don't you think there is something wrong?" Tang Shishi picked up a chopstick and put it under her nose to smell it. She really didn't want to put it into her mouth, and asked with a frown.

"What's wrong? Is there poison in the food?" Ling Rui asked after watching Tang Shishi's movements.Tang Shishi's sense of smell is naturally more sensitive than ordinary people, and he has been researching medicinal materials at this stage. In this regard, everyone present has the right to speak than them.

When the rest of the people heard Ling Rui's words, they all put down their chopsticks and looked at Tang Shishi.Originally, these things really made them find it difficult to swallow. Even if this place is poor, there can be less meat and less oil in the dishes, but the taste of the cooking is really unflattering. This is strong!
I don't know if I will have diarrhea after eating this thing!
But when they thought about the living conditions in this place, the few people before them didn't say a word.

Tang Shishi shook her head, then said suspiciously: "I smelled it before, and it's obviously not like this!"

Before lunch, she went to find the toilet, walked to the kitchen sideways, although she didn't go in, but she smelled the smell of vegetables inside, this lettuce obviously didn't taste like this before!
After hearing Tang Shishi's words, Ling Rui winked at Wu Hao who was opposite, Wu Hao understood, and went out from the window quietly.

Everyone was in no mood to eat.

Wu Hao was ordered to leave the apartment, and then walked around the commune like a gecko. He had visited this dilapidated commune several times with his father when he was a child. Although the place had been renovated, the layout had not changed significantly. Soon, he I touched another office building in the commune, outside a room on the second floor.

"Old Liu, where do you think this group of people came from? I saw that they were dressed and looked like virgins. I have never seen such characters!" There were two people, one fat and the other thin. The fat man was the secretary of the commune named Sun Shiren, and the old Liu he was talking about was thin and named Liu Yuejiang.

"Whoever they are! Aren't they all here to give you tributes and gifts! Boys and girls, they don't have to give you things! I guess they are some sons and brothers who came down to experience life, so I have specially taken care of the kitchen." Liu Yuejiang Smiling obsequiously, probably thinking of the three cars Tang Shishi and the others were driving, with a greedy gleam in their eyes.

"Did someone say hello to the people below?" Sun Shiren listened to Liu Yuejiang's words very pleasantly, but he still asked again worriedly.

"It's all explained, no matter where they are going, the things will definitely pass through your hands first." Liu Yuejiang said.

"Well! Tell them, it's the same as usual this time!" Sun Shiren nodded in satisfaction, then put down his chopsticks, rubbed his hands together, and said, "It's so cold that even a stove can't cook!"

"Two days ago, I received a box of old clothes in the mail. I saw that there were many small cotton clothes worn by little dolls, which were useless." Liu Yuejiang said, with the intention of asking for instructions in his tone.

"Take it out and light a fire. The dolls in the mountains are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so they don't need to wear such careful clothes!" Sun Shiren said.

"Yes!" Liu Yuejiang dragged out a box from under the table, took out a few new baby pants and a small padded jacket, threw them into the stove, and then lit it, and the two of them surrounded the stove Start a fire.

Seeing this, Wu Hao was already very angry. After his eyes fell on the food on the table, Wu Hao almost couldn't help pushing the door in and killing the two scumbags, but he finally restrained himself and returned to his home. The original suite, tell everyone about the matter.

"I don't think it's right. No matter how bad the conditions here are, the food won't be prepared like this!" Tang Shishi was so angry that she almost threw the table over after hearing Wu Hao's words.

"Bastard, kill those two scumbags and feed them!" Mo Youyou also jumped up angrily.

"Kill them to death! You even burned the clothes donated by others, and didn't give them to those in need!" Jun Nuan's eyes were red with anger.

"I'll go there with you!" Quan Shaobai immediately responded to Jun Nuanxin's call, and the two got up and were about to go out.

"Don't be impulsive, you two!" Tang Shishi stopped Quan Shaobai and Jun Nuanxin, and said.

"Third sister-in-law, it's too hateful! I can't bear this breath. Over the years, I don't know how much donated property they have embezzled and destroyed! We spend a lot of effort every year to raise donations for disaster relief and poverty alleviation, but these things end up in these In the hands of the scum!" Jun Nuan was already trembling with anger.

"Killing them won't solve the problem, let's figure it out!" Tang Shishi was naturally angry, but after listening to what Wu Hao brought back, this kind of thing obviously didn't happen once or twice. They had already formed an organization. Organized and premeditated, going out now will only scare the snake, it will not benefit them at all, and it will not solve the substantive problem.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Ling Rui, what do you mean?" Tang Shishi persuaded Jun Nuanxin and Quan Shaobai, then turned around and asked Jun Haodong, Jun Mubei and Ling Rui.

"I'll obey my wife's orders!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi unscrupulously and laughed mischievously.

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look, then turned to look at Jun Haodong and Jun Mubei.

"Tell me about your plan!" Jun Haodong smiled gently, he knew that Tang Shishi already had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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