Chapter 660 Yoyo was caught (1)
Jun Mubei still looked like he didn't care about others, as if he was completely out of it.

Seeing Jun Mubei's attitude, Mo Youyou wanted to say something a few times, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again, and sat beside Jun Haodong sullenly.

"That's good!" Tang Shishi smiled, and then said her plan.

"Well, at that time, I'm afraid the sharp knife troops will come forward to cooperate." After Tang Shishi finished speaking, she added another sentence.Because there are sharp knife troops here, Tang Shishi feels very confident.

"No problem! I will fully cooperate with any decision my wife makes!" Ling Rui said seriously.

There are five villages under the X Town Commune, and the terrain is relatively remote. Tang Shishi and his party left behind three golden powder guardians to guard the supplies. The seven of them did not separate and act alone. Yanliu Village, where Huining lives, has a clear goal.

Sun Shiren and Liu Yuejiang were secretly relieved when they heard that Tang Shishi wanted Yanliu Village. After Tang Shishi and the others left, Sun Shiren and Liu Yuejiang showed great hospitality to Wu Hao and said some embarrassingly grateful words, saying In the emotional part, even they themselves couldn't help being moved by the stories in their mouths, but Wu Hao and the three of them had already seen clearly the ugly faces of these two people, so naturally they wouldn't be fooled, so Sun Shiren and Liu Yuejiang didn't trick anything The useful news came that even the donated items this time were not covered, which made the two of them extremely depressed, so they had to look at a large truck of supplies and sigh!
The more mysterious the things in the car, the more their curiosity and greed will be aroused.

Just after Sun Shiren and Liu Jiangyue returned to the office disappointed and unwilling, the phone in the commune rang. Sun Shiren answered the phone angrily, and yelled at the other side.

Just when Liu Yuejiang was secretly happy, guessing that he didn't know which winking thing was calling Sun Shiren to vent his anger at this time, he saw Sun Shiren nodding and bowing to the phone like a grandson, promising and bowing, His jaw dropped in shock.

Although the call was intermittent due to the poor communication signal, Sun Shiren quickly figured out the meaning of the other party. After hanging up the phone, Sun Shiren smiled wretchedly on his greasy face.

Tang Shishi and the others each carried a big bag on their backs. After walking for three hours, they finally arrived at Yanliu Village. At this time, Mo Youyou and Jun Nuanxin were already so tired that their legs were trembling. Sitting on a big rock at the head of the village, I don't want to move!Even though the big bags on their bodies had already landed on Jun Haodong and Quan Shaobai, they were still panting with exhaustion!
Compared with the two of them, Tang Shishi is much better. After all, she has never been negligent in exercising. Besides, she also travels lightly. Her backpack was forcibly taken away by Ling Rui long ago.

"This is Yanliu Village!" Tang Shishi stood at the entrance of the village, looked at the small village built on the middle of the mountain, and exclaimed.

At this time, the sun had already set in the west, and fires had already been lit in several houses, and some gray smoke came out of the chimneys on the roof. It did not have the beauty of the smoke curling up as described in the book, but instead exuded a dull atmosphere of decay. Because this place is so dilapidated!
Yanliu Village is a small village with just over 200 households. People here rely on growing grain for a living, and there is no sideline business. However, this place is mountainous and lacks water. The grain harvest is very bad, and the weather is good. No, I can't even maintain food and clothing!

The appearance of several handsome men and beauties in Tang Shishi quickly spread throughout Yanliu Village. The villagers looked at the seven of them as if they were watching something strange. After all, although there were people who came to their village before, they had never seen them before. With such handsome men and women who look like heavenly immortals, even Teacher Hu, their primary school support teacher on the mountain, is not half as handsome as these people.

The village head is a 50-year-old man named Sun Zuohua. He is quite stocky, with dark skin and a tough body. He has a square face and looks very simple and honest, but because of Tang Shishi and the others Knowing that the secretary of the commune colluded with the people in the village below to embezzle donations, he was also on guard against the head of Yanliu Village. After several conversations, Tang Shishi clearly felt that Sun Zuohua's eyes were dodging, especially when When he heard them say that he was going to visit the elementary school in Yanliu Village, Sun Zuohua's attitude was obviously not as good as before.

"The mountain road here is difficult to walk, and it is even more difficult to walk at night. Even people in the village who are used to mountain roads may accidentally fall. Why don't you sleep here for the night and go tomorrow morning!" Sun Zuohua's tone was a little tough , with some coercion, it doesn't seem like a discussion at all, but a decision has been made.

Mo Youyou was the first to lose her composure, and said angrily: "We are all people who are used to walking at night! A broken mountain road, just trying to scare us? Dreaming!"

Tang Shishi looked at Mo Youyou's angry little face, and the corner of her mouth twitched. She, Mo Youyou, is indeed a person who is used to walking around at night!
Sun Zuohua didn't expect that Mo Youyou, who looked young and tender, would still have a fiery temper, and his face was a little displeased, but Jun Mubei, who was photographed beside Mo Youyou with a cold face, didn't dare to say anything, but said in a deep voice: " I kindly remind you that it's fine if you don't appreciate it. If something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you. You all know that the terrain here is remote. If something happens, it will cost a lot to send it to the doctor time."

After hearing Sun Zuohua's words, Mo Youyou was unconvinced and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Tang Shishi, who smiled lightly and said: "The village chief is right, in fact, we are mainly afraid that living in the village will be too disturbing. , If you think about going to elementary school, at least there are student dormitories you can borrow."

"You're offended by what you said!" Sun Zuohua was obviously relieved when he heard Tang Shishi say this, so he immediately arranged a place for Tang Shishi and the others.

Seven people were arranged to live in the homes of three local residents. Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were together, Quan Shaobai was with Jun Nuanxin, Jun Mubei was with Jun Mubei, and Jun Haodong was with Mo Youyou.

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui lived in a family named Ma. The husband and wife seemed to be refreshing people with a very enthusiastic attitude. Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were arranged to rest in the side room of Ma's house. There are only a few pieces of rough wooden furniture in the room, and then there is an earthen kang, and simple bedding, but the bedding is so dirty that it can no longer see its original appearance, and it has been covered for many years.

Tang Shishi is a little lucky now, fortunately, they didn't plan to spend the night here.

After the lights were blown, Tang Shishi and Ling Rui pretended to lie down, and after the old Ma and his wife came to listen to the corner, Ling Rui sneaked out and used the drug Tang Shishi gave him to stun the old mother and his wife , put them on the kang, covered them with quilts, and then slipped out of Lao Ma's house with Tang Shishi.

(End of this chapter)

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