Chapter 661 Yoyo was caught (2)
The primary school in Yanliu Village was built on the middle of the mountain, a little far away from the village, and it was indeed as Sun Zuohua said, the mountain road was rugged and difficult to walk, but this did not bother Tang Shishi and Ling Rui.

In order not to attract attention, the two of them did not turn on the flashlights, but traveled by the moonlight. Fortunately, the only advantage of this place is that the air is clean, without any pollution, and the moonlight is bright enough to illuminate.

Just when Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were approaching Yanliu Village Primary School, they found that someone had arrived earlier than them.

The two of them came out of Yanliu Village Elementary School. They muttered something to each other along the way. They went down the mountain with ease. The two spoke with a strong local accent and their voices were low. Tang Shishi couldn't make out what they were talking about. The person who made the appointment heard clearly the three words "shameless".

Tang Shishi and Ling Rui looked at each other, and seeing Ling Rui's serious face, she pulled Ling Rui's sleeve suspiciously, and asked with her eyes.

Ling Rui shook his head at Tang Shishi, his sense of hearing was much sharper than Tang Shishi's. He had a rough idea of ​​what those two people said just now, and added his own guesses, so he understood a lot, but just because he understood He didn't want Tang Shishi to know even more.

The two sneaked into the elementary school in Yanliu Village late at night. The elementary school was dilapidated, and it was even more unacceptable than the pictures Tang Shishi saw on the Internet. The little people sleeping huddled up on the wooden bed with their heads propped up, their eyes were sore, this dormitory is drafty, there is not even a single piece of glass on the windows, and the holes in the doors are pasted with old newspapers. It was blown loudly by the wind, but the child inside was sleeping very soundly, as if it hadn't been affected in the slightest, and it was obvious that it had already adapted to such an environment.

Ling Rui came over and took Tang Shishi's hand, and the two left the primary school dormitory, then Ling Rui took Tang Shishi to the classroom to look around, and finally found the dormitory of Teacher Hu who was a supporting teacher.

Teacher Hu's name is Hu Weimin. Tang Shishi saw his picture on the Internet. He is a thin and handsome young man, but Tang Shishi did not expect that he is so thin and thin!
When Tang Shishi and Ling Rui touched the edge of Teacher Hu's dormitory, they were just catching up with Teacher Hu getting up at night. He was wearing a ragged padded jacket, and his gait was a little shaky. He came out of the dormitory, his body was light and thin. Like a corn stalk, as if a gust of wind could blow it down.

Just when Mr. Hu finished using the bathroom and Ling Rui was about to go up to greet him, he suddenly heard a female voice from the dormitory: "Why are you still not well? Come back soon!"

Tang Shishi's body in Ling Rui's arms froze, and Ling Rui sighed inaudibly. He originally thought that after taking Tang Shishi around for such a big circle, the woman over here should have left. Who knew that she was so bold? want to spend the night here!

"Here we come!" Hu Weimin responded without any emotion, and then pushed the door in. After a while, some ambiguous voices came from the room. Tang Shishi, who is already married, naturally knew that the voice was doing something. what!
"Could it be that Mr. Hu is already married here?" Tang Shishi asked Ling Rui in a low voice.

"Probably not." Ling Rui thought for a while and replied, "This woman seems to be the daughter-in-law of the village chief."

"Ah———" Tang Shishi almost screamed in fright. Fortunately, Ling Rui covered her mouth. Her big moist eyes widened to the extreme. She looked at Ling Rui in disbelief, and then looked at Ling Rui again. Hu Weimin's dormitory.

This Hu Weimin has the guts to steal someone into the village chief's house!
"It's not what you think!" Ling Rui knew that Tang Shishi was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a smile in his eyes, and he leaned into Tang Shishi's ear and said, "Borrowing seeds, have you heard of it?"

Tang Shishi shook her head, then nodded again, but the shock in her eyes was getting bigger and bigger.

The voices coming from the dormitory became louder and more exaggerated. Tang Shishi glared at the room angrily, thinking that fortunately the dormitory was a little far away from the student dormitory, otherwise it would really pollute the pure hearts of the children.

"Let's go, it seems that I can't get in touch with Mr. Hu tonight, and I can only play by ear tomorrow!" Ling Rui looked at and pulled Tang Shishi's hand.

"Yeah." Listening to the corner, it's not interesting, and she doesn't want to stay here for a moment.

When the two returned to Ma's house, the mother and his wife were still sound asleep. They returned to their room smoothly, as if they had never left.

It's just that this night, Tang Shishi tossed and turned in Ling Rui's arms, and couldn't sleep well. Later, she didn't fall asleep until Ling Rui threatened her to do something good for her physical and mental health if she didn't sleep.

Mo Youyou was not idle all night, who made her admit that she is used to walking at night!
Jun Haodong said that he wanted to "walk the night" with Mo Youyou, but was rejected by Mo Youyou. Although she knew that Jun Haodong was not weak, what she did was very technical. Skill doesn't matter much!
But Jun Haodong didn't insist too much, because he expected that Jun Mubei would definitely not let Mo Youyou act alone.

Sure enough, Jun Haodong's guess was correct, as soon as Mo Youyou touched Sun Zuohua's house, he saw that Jun Mubei was already there, and he also occupied the most favorable foothold.

Mo Youyou ground her teeth, then stood beside Jun Mubei, looking down from above.

In the room, the village chief's wife was bathing her stupid son, and she was muttering while washing: "You are unbelievable, you can't even handle a daughter-in-law, and you don't know if what's going on tonight will work, you give it to me!" Be honest!" The village chief's wife was a fierce woman at first glance, and her face was full of fierceness when she spoke.

And her silly son, who didn't know what his mother said, was playing with the water with a smile on his face. The water splashed everywhere, and the village head's wife kept scolding her!
Mo Youyou accidentally saw the little dick of the village chief's son, who was as small as a date stone, curled her lips, showing a look of contempt.

Jun Mubei looked at Mo Youyou just staring at the wrong place with relish, and was so angry that he wanted to take a picture of Mo Youyou, an idiot!Like a chicken, he grabbed Mo Youyou and went down from the roof. After taking her to a remote place, he let go of her mouth and threw her to the ground.

"Jun Mubei, are you crazy?" Although Mo Youyou was very angry, she didn't dare to shout!
"Why, haven't you watched enough? Then you go back and watch it again! Hooligan!" Jun Mubei gave Mo Youyou an angry look, and then strode towards the place where he lived.

Mo Youyou was embarrassed by Jun Mubei's puncture, she caught up with Jun Mubei, and said casually: "I'm just curious, why is his so small!" Mo Youyou's stupid, curiosity trumps everything, The difference between men and women is of secondary importance!

(End of this chapter)

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