Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 666 We still need the Zhang Family to create humans!

Chapter 666 We have to go home and make humans! (3)
Soon, there was a sound of a beep, and the cover of the lock box popped up. Leng Maolin opened the cover of the lock box, and the golden light inside dazzled everyone around!In the lockbox, a box full of gold bars was neatly stacked!

"Ah—" The village head's wife and the village head struggled and rushed towards the box, trying to snatch it away.When the village head's daughter-in-law was in the cellar, Jun Mubei broke an arm. At this moment, she couldn't care about the pain on her arm, she just wanted to step forward to protect the box.

It's just that before they got close to the box, they were twisted tightly by the sharp knife troops. They could only stare at the box of gold, but they couldn't move a bit!

"You robbers! Bandits!"

"Mine! It's mine!"

The village chief and his wife screamed.

"This is gold?!" The surrounding villagers began to commotion!

"Gold! Gold! It's the first time I've seen so much gold!"

"Where did the village head get so much gold?"

The villagers of Yanliu Village are boiling!
Although Tang Shishi had expected what was inside, she was still very surprised when she saw the box full of gold. A village head in a poor mountainous area had so much gold!How much relief supplies would it take to embezzle them in exchange for these?

At this time, Ling Rui and Jun Mubei were the ones with the ugliest faces. When they chose to come here, they originally had doubts about the flow of relief supplies here in H City, and they meant to inspect them, but they didn't expect that they would come here With such a thing, it is conceivable that how much of the relief supplies provided by the Jun family every year in H City has actually been put into practice!
It is true that there are policies above and countermeasures below, making it hard to guard against!

Jun Mubei walked around in Sun Zuohua's yard, and stopped in front of a package. He stretched out his hand and unzipped the package, revealing the clothes inside. He rummaged through the pile of clothes, and after a while, There was an extra piece of white paper in his hand, and Jun Mubei looked at the paper, his face darkened even more.

Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou took a closer look in confusion, only then did they realize that this piece of paper listed the contents of this package, and there were some words of blessing on it, and the signature at the end was really the Taisheng Foundation.

Now, even Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou's faces were ugly.

"You bastard!" Mo Youyou kicked the village chief. With all his strength, he kicked the village chief away!

"Beast! Beast!" Seeing the village head being beaten, the villagers not only did not step forward to persuade him to save him, but instead followed Mo Youyou and started cursing together!For a time, the crowd was excited!
Village head Sun Zuohua looked at the villagers who were filled with righteous indignation, his face was as white as ashes!
The village head's wife was frightened and dumbfounded. Looking at those angry faces, she crouched and curled up her body, wishing she could plunge her head into the ground and dare not look at anyone.

Only the village chief's silly son didn't know what happened. He looked at the shouting villagers around him and kept smiling, thinking that something lively and fun had happened.

"Kill them! Kill them!" shouted the villagers!

The village head and the village head's wife, when they heard everyone's voices, turned paler with fright, they couldn't help searching the crowd, and when they saw the old Ma's couple, they cast a look for help.

The couple of Lao Ma's family pretended not to see the village chief's gaze, lowered their heads, and shrank their bodies into the crowd, trying to sneak away while everyone was not paying attention.

But as soon as they exited the crowd, two tower-like gods stood in front of them. When the couple saw the guns in their hands, they were so frightened that they sat on the ground, shaking like they were sifting chaff, begging for mercy. Said: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I confess! I confess!"

Soon, the couple from the old Ma family and the couple from the other two families were taken away to the center of the yard. They were frightened and began to scramble to explain what they had done these years When I came out, I was afraid that if I said less, if I was too slow, I would end up like the village chief and his wife.

After hearing the explanations of these three couples, the village seemed to be exploding again, especially when Leng Maolin led people to the three houses to move their hidden supplies to the yard of the village chief's house, the villagers They all started yelling to kill these people, and there was a row of noise for a while.

In the end, it was Zhou Hu who fired his gun into the sky under Ling Rui's signal to calm these people down.The villagers who heard the gunfire looked at Ling Rui, Tang Shishi, Jun Mubei Mo Youyou and others in fear and awe.

"These people will be handed over to the relevant departments to deal with them according to law. As for the stolen goods, I will ask someone to make a special registration. After the registration is completed, they will be distributed to everyone. If you feel worried, you can recommend a trustworthy person in charge to supervise " Ling Rui's clear and mellow voice rang out with an irresistible yet submissive aura.

The villagers talked a lot, and soon someone shouted: "We believe in Mr. Hu! Mr. Hu is a good character and educated. We recommend him!"

Everyone agrees!These people don't know a single character in Dou Da, so they can't play the role of supervision at all.

"Then go and invite Mr. Hu!" Ling Rui nodded and agreed, and soon some villagers happily headed towards Yanliu Village Primary School. After a while, Hu Weimin came and followed him Along with them were Qiulan and the children from Shanshang Primary School.

"Is it Xiao Huining...?" Hu Weimin was worried about Xiao Huining's injury when he came, and he obviously didn't see the things in the yard.

"She'll be fine!" Tang Shishi comforted Hu Weimin.

"As long as it's okay, her grandma entrusted her to me when she was dying last year. If something happened, I would really be ashamed of trusting that old man!" Hu Weimin said with a sigh of relief when he heard Tang Shishi's assurance.

Only then did Tang Shishi know that Xiao Huining was an orphan.Tang Shishi was very moved when she thought that Xiaohui Ning pushed herself recklessly, just to prevent the bad guys from soiling her clothes.This kid, well taught, has a heart of gold.

The children didn't go to school today, they wore new clothes and ate a lot of delicious food. They were happier than New Year's Eve. When they came down the mountain to see their parents, they were very excited, especially when they saw that the fool's family was defeated. Happy and excited, chatting non-stop.

"They are the ones threatening us not to let us talk nonsense with Mr. Hu, or Mr. Hu will not teach us!" A child angrily picked up a small stone and threw it at Sun Zuohua, saying.

(End of this chapter)

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