Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 667 We still need the Zhang Family to create humans!

Chapter 667 We have to go home and make humans! (4)
"They also threatened Teacher Hu, saying that they would not send us new textbooks!"

"If you don't give Mr. Hu food, Mr. Hu will starve to death!"

"They said they would throw Mr. Hu into the ravine, where there are big wild wolves!" a little girl said timidly, with frightened tears in her eyes.

A child opened his mouth, and immediately a group of children began to complain.

Only then did Tang Shishi and the others know the truth. It turned out that the children were afraid that their beloved teacher Hu would be driven away, and Hu Weimin was worried about the whereabouts of the children's new textbooks!
This Sun Zuohua is really doing all kinds of bad things!
Jun Mubei told Hu Weimin about the general situation, and then told him the wishes of the villagers. Hu Weimin readily agreed, but he repeatedly emphasized that it was not that he didn't trust Jun Mubei and the others, but that he was just helping to make statistics.

The villagers didn't know where these people came from, but when Tang Shishi and others were distributing clothes to the children, he saw the logo of the Taisheng Foundation on their bags. These people were different from those in previous years. It should be the leader of the foundation.

Jun Mubei knew Hu Weimin's worry, so he just smiled indifferently.

Soon, all the work started in an orderly manner.Hu Weimin took a pen and paper to list all the items and recorded them in the book, while Qiulan stood beside Hu Weimin regardless of the worldly eyes.

When distributing supplies, Qiulan even dared to open her mouth and exposed several families who lied about the situation and tried to ask for more supplies. Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou were very fond of her for her aggressive, daring, and upholding justice. appreciate.

Soon, all the things in the yard were confiscated, and Sun Zuohua fell, and the villagers were not worried about taking back the things they got. They were all happy, happier than New Year.

As for the box of gold, after Ling Rui asked Hu Weimin to register it, he put it away. Originally, some villagers who were waiting for the gold distribution had a lot of opinions on this, but later, Hu Weimin made Ling Rui and others the stewards of the "Taisheng Foundation" After the person's identity was told to everyone, the people in the village had no objections.

On the one hand, they believed in Hu Weimin. On the other hand, the Taisheng Foundation came here to donate food and materials every year. They all knew the name of the Taisheng Foundation and believed that Ling Rui and the others would not embezzle the money.

When the villagers had dispersed, Qiulan pulled the coy Hu Weimin to Tang Shishi and said, "You promised me!"

"You married a fool and got a marriage certificate?" Tang Shishi looked at Qiulan and asked.Now she doubts at all that Qiulan and the fool were just having a local marriage, and they didn't get a certificate at all.

Qiulan looked suspiciously at Tang Shishi and then at Hu Weimin, apparently not knowing what a marriage certificate was.

"That old man traded me for a cow!" Qiulan pointed to Sun Zuohua who was still lying on the ground and said, "The wedding was not held yet, so I yelled a few times in the village, saying that I am the wife of a fool. Then tie me up and send me to the fool's room!"

Tang Shishi showed a hint of understanding on her face, and then looked at Hu Weimin who was a little embarrassed and asked: "This kind of thing, the forced cows don't drink water, what does Teacher Hu mean? If you like Qiulan, go to the city and get her Got the marriage certificate."

Hu Weimin rubbed his hands in embarrassment, looked at Tang Shishi, his face flushed, he was embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

He, a people's teacher, actually did such a thing, which made him feel ashamed and unable to lift his head for a while.It's fine in this backward Yanliu Village, but in front of such educated "civilized people" as Tang Shishi, he is really ashamed.

Although, the development of this matter is beyond his control.

"You can't renege on your debt! When I gave it to you, I was an innocent girl with yellow flowers!" Seeing Hu Weimin's hesitation, Qiulan thought that Hu Weimin was not happy, and immediately became anxious, saying: "If this old hag didn't force you to I will borrow a seed from you, and I will not give you my innocent body, and besides, you agreed to it at the beginning!"

"What is a borrowed seed?" Mo Youyou, who was confused while listening, couldn't help asking curiously.

"Shut up!" Jun Mubei knocked Mo Youyou's head angrily: "Don't talk, no one will treat you as a mute!"

Mo Youyou gathered Jun Mubi's clothes vigorously, then gave Jun Mubei a vicious look, thinking: I won't return it to you, I'll freeze you to death!

Mo Youyou's inadvertent question made Hu Weimin even more embarrassed, blushing like a red cloth, not knowing what to say.

"You're talking! Are you a man?" Qiulan was impatient. She risked everything today just for the child in her stomach and this man, but now she can't forget it like that.

"What are you yelling about! Go home and tell me!" Hu Weimin's face was flushed with embarrassment, and he yelled at Qiulan with a red face and a thick neck, and then strode away, looking like he was running away!
"Hey - don't go, make it clear! You really don't look like a big man!" Qiu Lan stomped behind Hu Weimin angrily.

"Hurry up and go home with your man and discuss about getting married!" Tang Shishi reminded Qiulan with a smile.

Only then did Qiulan understand, she smiled happily, and then complained in embarrassment: "The people from outside are so unhappy, they are all sleeping on the kang, so why be ashamed!" After finishing speaking, she didn't care Tang Shishi and the others happily chased after Hu Weimin.

Tang Shishi looked at the bold and bold Qiu Lan, and shook her head amusedly, thinking that she and Hu Weimin were really a perfect match.

Because Yanliu Village was monitored by sharp-knife troops, the news did not leak out. According to Sun Zuohua and others later, Ling Rui, Junmu Beitang Shishi and others defeated each other and cleaned up the villages below the commune. Once again, the collected stolen goods were distributed, and those that could not be distributed were registered in the register. It only took one day to do all of this.

When Tang Shishi and the others returned to the commune, Sun Shiren and Liu Yuejiang were already under control, and because Wu Hao intercepted Sun Shiren's call records, he forced a confession on Sun Shiren, and found out who called Sun Shiren. After going through layers of human flesh, the final target turned out to be the Han family.

When Tang Shishi heard the results reported by Wu Hao, a strange smile appeared on her face.

The account between her and the Han family has not yet been settled, yet the Han family dares to come to H City and get involved!it is good!very good!

The matter of the H city commune has come to an end here. Although what they have done this time is very satisfying, it is all temporary. There are still many things to follow, such as the election of new village officials and the election of commune leaders. It takes time to implement many issues, such as the supervision of charitable donations and finances, and these cannot be handled in the name of the Taisheng Foundation or the name of the Jun family.

(End of this chapter)

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