Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 668 We still need the Zhang Family to create humans!

Chapter 668 We have to go home and make humans! (5)
What's more, Ling Rui and Jun Mubei think further. It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. The incident in Yanliu Village has given them a great warning. If they want to really do good deeds, let people like Yanliu Village The village has been completely lifted out of poverty, and social donations alone are not enough.

The commune incident caused disturbances in the city of H, and involved a lot. In the end, Ling Rui, Jun Mubei, and Jun Haodong, in the name of the Taisheng Foundation, put pressure on H city to bring Sun Shiren and others to justice. It also contributed to the election of a new village official and commune secretary.

Xiao Huining is already fine, the bullet didn't hurt the bones, and he just needs to rest for a while to recover. However, Xiao Huining is very sad about the upcoming parting.

"Auntie, will you really come to see me in the future?" Xiao Huining held Tang Shishi's hand, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes, Auntie promises!" Tang Shishi felt very uncomfortable. Originally, she wanted to adopt Xiao Huining, but when she thought that she was going to City A soon, she didn't know what kind of wind and rain and dangers she would face. It would be very unsafe for Ning to stay by her side, so she dismissed the idea again.

"Then you must come!" Xiao Huining was very sensible, although she was very reluctant, she let go of her hand. She knew that Tang Shishi had more important things to do.

"I will definitely!" Tang Shishi assured again and again.

"Okay, Xiao Huining, don't delay Auntie's return home, I will take care of you with you, Teacher Hu!" Qiulan hugged Xiao Huining, coaxed the child, and then smiled heartily at Tang Shishi .

Xiao Huining buried her head on Qiulan's shoulder, rubbed it against her, then raised her head again, smiled at Tang Shishi, and waved firmly at Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi looked at Xiao Huining's red eyes, covered her mouth with one hand, and waved goodbye to Xiao Huining with the other.

Ling Rui sighed, put his arms around Tang Shishi's waist, and led her into the car.Tang Shishi left her tears on the bumpy road.

When they arrived at the nearest supply station, Tang Shishi's mood finally improved. Several people ordered some dishes, but they were not in a high mood, and they ate very little.

While eating, Mo Youyou thought of going to feed Da Mao, but when she just got up, she saw a red spot on Tang Shishi's body, she was so scared that she screamed: "Shishi, get down!"

Before Mo Youyou finished speaking, a gunshot rang out, and before Tang Shishi could react, she was dragged into Ling Rui's arms and rolled on the spot. It turned out that Ling Rui saw that Mo Youyou's expression was wrong At that time, he was already aware of the danger, and instinctively reacted one step faster.

Tang Shishi nestled in Ling Rui's arms, feeling that Ling Rui's arms were holding her tightly, and the hearts of both of them were beating like thunder, as if they had survived a catastrophe.

Gunshots rang out intensively, and Tang Shishi realized that there were no other people in the supply station. She thought to herself, these people would really pick the right time to attack. At this time, they are indeed the weakest to let go, and the most spiritually. When you relax.

Tang Shishi was glad that she hadn't been soft-hearted for a moment before, so she brought Xiao Huining with her, otherwise she would have really hurt her!
"Brother, you and Shaobai chose to hide with Nuan Xin, and try to find a way to get in the car first!" Although Jun Nuan Xin stretched out her hand a little, compared to Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou, her little means, It's not enough to watch, in order not to let her become a hindrance to everyone, Ling Rui asked Quan Shaobai and Jun Haodong to bring Jun Nuanxin to the car.

The walls of this supply station are going to be turned into hornets' nests, and it will take at least half an hour for Zhou Hu and the others to get here. They have to find a way to buy time.

"I will protect Nuanxin and let the eldest brother stay and help you!" Quan Shaobai disagreed with being with Jun Haodong, he has the ability to protect his own woman.

"Where are so many nonsense coming from! This is not the time to be a hero, are you planning to make my sister a widow?" Ling Rui gave Quan Shaobai a look.

Quan Shaobai became obedient immediately, he and Nuan Xin were about to get a certificate when they went back, he didn't want Nuan Xin to be a widow, he must live a long life!

"Be careful!" Jun Haodong glanced at Ling Rui and Jun Mubei, and then escorted Jun Nuanxin away with Quan Shaobai without saying anything!
Jun Nuanxin knew that she was holding everyone back, and she felt very guilty, but until she stayed, it would hinder everyone even more, so she left obediently, but before leaving, she asked Ling Rui to follow Jun Mubei took good care of Tang Shishi and Mo Youyou, and asked everyone to take care.

Although Ling Rui, Tang Shishi, Jun Mubei and Mo Youyou cooperated for the first time, the four of them had a tacit understanding and launched a guerrilla war in the supply station. Policy.

However, although Ling Rui and the others all carried pistols with them, and their marksmanship was very accurate, their bullets were limited, and they quickly used up almost all the bullets in the guns.

"Oh, I'm out of bullets!" Mo Youyou was the first to scream in a loud and loud voice.

"Idiot!" Jun Mubei scolded Mo Youyou angrily, but slowly approached Mo Youyou.

Mo Youyou glared at Jun Mubei angrily, and with a shake of his arm, there was a small round ball in his hand.

Sure enough, someone heard Mo Youyou's voice, and most of the firepower came towards Mo Youyou.

Ling Rui glanced at Mo Youyou worriedly, then exchanged glances with Jun Mubei, after shooting down the two killers, Ling Rui gestured to Tang Shishi and took out his mobile phone .

Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui a puzzled look, quickly followed suit, took out her mobile phone, and asked Ling Rui with her eyes: "And then?"

Ling Rui put his index finger next to his mouth and pointed to the phone.

Tang Shishi quickly turned the phone to silent.

Ling Rui dialed Tang Shishi's mobile phone and signaled Tang Shishi to answer the phone.

Tang Shishi picked it up as she said, and then looked at Ling Rui, waiting for the next step.

"I'll cover you, you go back to the car, there is a sniper machine gun on the back seat, you assemble it, and then kill the opponent's sniper, only 5 minutes!" Ling Rui whispered into the phone.

"I'll cover you, you go!" Tang Shishi was not confident in her sniper skills!She knew that if Ling Rui went, the success rate would be [-]%.

"This is an order!" Ling Rui lowered his face, "The opponent's sniper is in the southwest direction, and he wants to hit him with one hit!"

Of course he knows that if he goes by himself, there is great hope, but Little Wild Cat and Mo Youyou have no bullets in their guns. If he and Jun Mubei stay at the same time, at least they can delay, and as long as the opponent's sniper No, they won't be so suppressed, the delay will be longer, and maybe they don't need reinforcements at all!
Therefore, all the hopes this time were pinned on Little Wild Cat. Even if she couldn't succeed, at least she was safe in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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