Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 671 Shishi is angry; Yueshan gives birth

Chapter 671 Shishi is angry; Yueshan gives birth (3)
"Shishi! I'm so scared!" Mo Youyou threw herself into Tang Shishi's arms, her whole body shaking uncontrollably.

"Thanks to you bringing the grenade this time, otherwise, we would have fought this battle!" Tang Shishi patted Mo Youyou on the shoulder, and then gave Ling Rui a wink.

Ling Rui glanced at Mo Youyou, snorted coldly, and went to deal with the aftermath with Zhou Hu and the others!

Sheep's hands and feet are very agile, and it took less than half an hour to treat Jun Mubei's injury.

Jun Haodong looked at Jun Mubei's lifeless look, and couldn't help but asked Yang Yang worriedly: "Why doesn't he show any signs of waking up?"

When taking the bullet, Yang Yang just touched some anesthetic on the scalpel, but Jun Mubei seemed to be indifferent to the whole operation, he didn't even frown, and the expression on his face remained unchanged. It's not that there is still breathing. It's really hard to believe that this guy is still alive.

Sheep rolled Jun Mubei's eyelids, then took off his gloves and said, "He hasn't had a good rest these days, and he is asleep now!"

"Asleep?" Jun Nuan looked at the sheep suspiciously. She saw the sheep digging Jun Mubei's back with a knife. She couldn't bear to watch it, thinking that the second brother was It hurt so much, her palms were covered with cold sweat, if it wasn't for the fear of affecting the sheep to take the bullet, she looked at the bloody back of her second brother, and almost couldn't help but collapse several times and wanted to cry out, and this man Tell them that the second brother is asleep?
What kind of answer is this?
Sheep saw Jun Nuanxin's doubts, spread his hands helplessly, and got out of the car.

Looking at Jun Mubei's peaceful sleeping face, Jun Haodong smiled and cursed angrily: "Stinky boy! I really belong to you!"

The group of them were so worried that Mo Youyou was crying outside, and he fell asleep here heartlessly?
Fortunately, he can also sleep soundly!

Immediately after Sheep got off the car, she was surrounded by Tang Shishi, Mo Youyou, and Quan Shaobai. When Sheep told everyone that Jun Mubei was fine and fell asleep, Mo Youyou jumped up and said, "Liar! He had a miscarriage." How can you sleep with so much blood?" After Mo Youyou finished speaking, she rushed to the door of the car frantically, looking at Jun Mubei who was lying there motionless, her little claws were about to touch Jun Mubei's bandaged wound photographed.

"Mo Youyou, you're crazy!" Ling Rui, who came over after hearing the news, stopped Mo Youyou's hand and threw it aside. Now he really wants to strangle Mo Youyou to death!
"I just want to see if he... is really asleep?" Dead, the two words, draw a circle on the tip of Mo Youyou's tongue with difficulty, and finally under the sharp eyes of Ling Rui's blade It has become another more euphemistic meaning.

"Yuyou, you can try your second brother's breathing." Tang Shishi reminded Mo Youyou helplessly, now she feels more and more that Mo Youyou's thinking is indeed different from ordinary people, if that slap is really taken, Tang Shishi will not Dare to imagine, Ling Rui would throw Mo Youyou out of Chutu!

After listening to Tang Shishi's words, Mo Youyou glanced at Ling Rui timidly, then stretched out her finger tremblingly, and slowly moved it towards Jun Mubei's nose. When she felt Jun Mubei's steady breathing, Mo Youyou covered her mouth with her other hand to hide her choked sobs, but the hand that was placed under Jun Mubei's nostrils was greedy and refused to withdraw until Tang Shishi noticed Ling Rui's expression Hei Shen pulled Mo Youyou's hand back, and Mo Youyou turned around, hugging Tang Shishi excitedly.

Seeing Mo Youyou rubbing the blood on Tang Shishi's body unceremoniously, Ling Rui's face darkened even more, he went up and pulled Tang Shishi into his arms, and then walked towards another car.

Mo Youyou looked at the backs of Tang Shishi and Ling Rui in a daze, until Tang Shishi blinked at her and pursed her lips at the car, Mo Youyou finally realized, smiled through tears, and got into the car.

"Husband, you are too strict with Yoyo." After Tang Shishi and Ling Rui got into another off-road vehicle, Ling Rui hugged her into her arms. Tang Shishi nestled in Ling Rui's arms, deeply Taking a deep breath, he said.

"Don't be strict, she will never learn the lesson!" Ling Rui's tone was still very bad and cold.

"She's still young..."

"The enemy won't let her go just because she's young!" Ling Rui interrupted Tang Shishi's displeasure, then pulled Tang Shishi's body and kissed her hard.

The moment Jun Mubei fell down, it wasn't just Mo Youyou who blamed himself, the self-blame in his heart was no less than Mo Youyou's. For such a long time, he, like Mo Youyou, didn't notice the difference. If Jun Mubei died like this, he would never forgive himself in his life!

Tang Shishi sensed the panic and self-blame in Ling Rui's heart, hooked Ling Rui's head hard, pressed him on the car seat, and kissed him back hard.

When Quan Shaobai opened the car door, he saw Tang Shishi pressing on Ling Rui's body. The two were kissing deeply, so he couldn't help but paused for a moment, and then said: "I didn't see anything. Go ahead!" and shut the door.

Tang Shishi wanted to get up from Ling Rui in a panic, but was hooked by Ling Rui's long arm and fell back again.

"Get up!" Tang Shishi struggled to sit up.

"People are gone, let's continue!" It's rare for the little wild cat to be so active and enthusiastic, and so fierce. He felt that his soul was going to be sucked out of his body by her just now, and that feeling was better than anything he had ever experienced before.

"..." Tang Shishi blushed and was speechless, thinking that it was Quan Shaobai who came here, and he knew how to avoid it. If Jun Mubei, that bastard, would definitely sit on the sidelines and watch a good show with a smile on his face. The reviews, the reviews are not counted, and everyone knows that they will make a lot of noise.

But thinking of Jun Mubei who was still sleeping there, Tang Shishi frowned.

"Now, I can only think about me!" Ling Rui domineeringly turned Tang Shishi down, and those who started to reciprocate continued the enthusiasm just now.

All Tang Shishi's struggles turned into exhortations in the end, but today's Ling Rui made Tang Shishi feel a little uneasy in her heart, but Tang Shishi couldn't tell why.

Ling Rui noticed the look in Tang Shishi's eyes, and kissed and sucked harder, domineering and wild, until Tang Shishi's body was as soft as a puddle of water, and her eyes were full of spring water, and at this moment only He alone, Ling Rui began to peck and lick Tang Shishi's lips gently, like water.

Since Jun Mubei was injured and the road conditions were bad, naturally she couldn't take a car anymore, so when Tang Shishi heard the roar of the helicopter, she was not surprised. She knew that if she was as meticulous and thoughtful as Ling Rui, she must have arranged for it long ago. Well that's all.

The second uncle Jun Shaoyang came with the helicopter. When Zhou Hu and others carried Jun Mubei onto the helicopter, Mo Youyou also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Jun Shaoyang: "Yuyou, come with me!" Haodong and the others go back together, boy Rui and girl Shishi come up!"

(End of this chapter)

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