Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 672 Shishi is angry; Yueshan gives birth

Chapter 672 Shishi is angry; Yueshan gives birth (4)
Tang Shishi glanced at Jun Shaoyang puzzledly, then looked at Mo Youyou who was dazed and lost, and finally her gaze fell on Ling Rui. Seeing Ling Rui nodding at her, her eyes were heavy, Tang Shishi The uneasiness in my heart suddenly increased.

"Second Uncle, Yoyo didn't mean it, you let her go!" Seeing the tears on Mo Youyou's face, Jun Nuanxin stepped forward to persuade her.

"There's not enough space, boy Rui, girl Shishi, come up quickly!" Jun Shaoyang interrupted Jun Nuanxin's words, and said rather impatiently.

Mo Youyou suddenly covered her mouth and ran back to the car crying all the way.

"Get on the plane!" Jun Shaoyang looked at Mo Youyou's back, sighed helplessly, and then urged Tang Shishi.

Ling Rui came over to pull Tang Shishi's hand, and felt that Tang Shishi's fingertips were trembling. His big hand wrapped Tang Shishi's small hand, tightened it tightly, and then pulled her onto the helicopter.

"Who happened? Is it Yueshan?" Tang Shishi asked with difficulty after getting on the helicopter, after a moment of silence.

Something happened to the second brother, but the second aunt who is good at medicine didn't come with the helicopter at the first time. Instead, only the second uncle, who has always been around the second aunt, came alone. Moreover, the second uncle didn't let Yoyo get on the plane just now. He ordered her and Ling Rui, not because the second uncle angered Yoyo because of the injury of the second brother, but because what happened in city B must have something to do with them!
Grandparents, uncles, aunts, godfathers and godmothers will have nothing to worry about. If there is something to do, Ling Rui and her will not board the plane alone. In city B, the only thing that makes her worry and worry is Wang Yueshan is gone.

"Is it Yueshan?!" Tang Shishi looked at Ling Rui and asked again.

"Second uncle, how was Wang Yueshan's condition when you came?" Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi tightly and looked at Jun Shaoyang.

When he also reported to his family that Jun Mubei was injured and contacted the helicopter, he knew that something had happened to Wang Yueshan, and he didn't know the specific situation.

"The situation is very bad, but with your second aunt here, don't worry, she will do her best!" Jun Shaoyang looked at Tang Shishi, who suddenly turned pale, and said tactfully.

Before he came, Yunmo was still in the operating room, and he couldn't say for sure what the situation is now, but from the time of this operation, he guessed that Wang Yueshan's condition was very bad. It may be difficult to keep both children and children.

Tang Shishi suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe, a little dizzy in front of her eyes, and her whole body was on the verge of falling.

Ling Rui hugged Tang Shishi tightly in worry, touched her cold fingertips, rubbed her hands with heartache and said, "Don't worry, it will be fine! With the second aunt here, I will be fine!"

Tang Shishi lay on Ling Rui's shoulder, her eyes hurt, but she couldn't cry out, and even her throat was so painful that she couldn't make a sound. She suddenly opened her mouth and bit Ling Rui's shoulder, her body began to tremble uncontrollably. stop.

"Unfortunate, just cry." Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's appearance, his heart ached, he ran his big hand along Tang Shishi's back, his eyes were cold.

The air in the helicopter was dull and oppressive.

Tang Shishi never cried or spoke, which made both Ling Rui and Jun Shaoyang worried.

The plane landed directly at the General Hospital of the Military Medical Center. As soon as it touched the ground, Tang Shishi rushed out like a lion cub out of its cage.

"Boy Rui, follow up!" Jun Shaoyang worriedly watched Tang Shishi bump into a nurse, and immediately pushed Ling Rui who was about to hug Jun Mubei, urging.

Without saying a word, Ling Rui strode towards Tang Shishi in pursuit.

Tang Shishi couldn't wait for the elevator, and ran all the way upstairs. When she appeared at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, Cao Xinru's complaints were coming from the corridor.

"I said to protect the child, protect the child, did you hear it because you are deaf?" Cao Xinru asked sharply to the doctor who came out to announce the result.

"You give back my grandson! Give back my grandson! Do you know that this is the blood of the Du family! The eldest grandson of the Du family! You murdered the eldest grandson of the Du family! You murderers!" When the child was a boy and was already dead, Cao Xinru was going crazy. She shook the doctor who had just come out of the operating room desperately, screaming and roaring.

"Ma'am, please let go..." The doctor who was caught by Cao Xinru said a little at a loss.

He can understand that the patient's family members are emotional, but this is not a fact they can change, they have tried their best.

"Slap!" At this moment, he stretched out a hand obliquely, and slapped Cao Xinru's crazy face hard.

Cao Xinru was thrown to the ground by that slap. She felt that five hundred bees had entered her head, buzzing non-stop, and her face seemed to have been squashed, and her neck was dislocated. Tilted to one side, something hot flowed out of his nose, and his mouth was fishy and sweet.

There was some noise around, and Cao Xinru regained her sanity when she heard the startled breathing of people. She struggled to stand up from the ground, and squinted her eyes to see who was so desperate to attack her!
But before Cao Xinru could see the person in front of her clearly, she only felt the clothes on her chest tightened, and her body was pulled up, and then there was another crisp sound, and the other side of her face also suffered the same treatment. His cheeks were burning with pain.

"You little one? Huh? You old witch! You killed her, right? You, right?" Tang Shishi stared fixedly at Cao Xinru's eyes, with a bloodthirsty and fierce light shining in her eyes. asked a question.

When Cao Xinru met Tang Shishi's eyes, she was so frightened that her body went limp. This was the second time she saw such eyes today. It was from Du Haoyang's eyes before, and now it was from Tang Shishi.

"You—why do you beat someone? Tang Shishi, do you know who I am?!" Cao Xin screamed while supporting herself, but her eyes were full of panic. She turned her head to look at Du Haoze and Du Sheng, thinking He wanted to seek some help from them, but it was sad to find that Du Haoze's eyes seemed to be glued to the door of the operating room, completely turning a deaf ear to her situation.

Not to mention Du Sheng, he looked at her with a cold, disgusted and mocking gaze that hadn't changed for decades, which made her feel desperate.

"Cao Xinru! I hit you!" Tang Shishi said, raised her hand and slapped again. Seeing the bloodstains continuously flowing from Cao Xinru's face, Tang Shishi's eyes were full of ferocious killing intent.

Since the first time she killed someone with a gun, she has never wanted to kill a person so much!

Just now when she ran upstairs, she heard Cao Xinru yelling about protecting the young but not the big. She wished she could tear this woman into pieces!

(End of this chapter)

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