Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 673 Shishi is angry; Yueshan gives birth

Chapter 673 Shishi is angry; Yueshan gives birth (5)
"You—you beat someone! Killed someone!" Cao Xinru looked at Tang Shishi who was full of murderous looks in horror, and screamed, "Hao Ze, save me! Save me!" Cao Xinru shouted at Du Haoze in fear.

Du Haoze's body froze almost imperceptibly, but his eyes did not move away from the door of the operating room, as if he had not heard Cao Xinru's words at all, and he still stood there motionless like a tree stump.

"I asked you to yell for me!" Tang Shishi slapped her backhand again!

Cao Xinru was completely frightened, and when Tang Shishi's slap was about to fall again, she begged for mercy and shouted: "Don't hit me! Stop hitting me, I won't scream anymore!" When his own mouth touched a hand of blood, he rolled his eyes in fright and passed out.

Tang Shishi released Cao Xinru's body in disgust, and when she saw her body lying on the ground like soft noodles, she glanced coldly.

"What's the matter with the people inside?" Tang Shishi calmed down, pinching her palms tightly with her nails, controlling her trembling body, and asked calmly to the frightened male doctor in front of her.

However, that slightly trembling voice leaked her emotions at this time.

"It was delivered in time. There was a lot of blood loss, and the baby was not kept. It's been more than six months, and it's a boy." The male doctor was stunned for a moment, and immediately said.

"It was delivered in time, why didn't the child be kept?" Tang Shishi asked with scarlet eyes, staring at the male doctor.

It was the first time for a male doctor to see such a murderous female evil spirit. At this moment, she saw that there were many bloodstains on her body. It was clearly not from Cao Xinru's body. She really looked like a female soldier who had just come down from the battlefield. , making people a little breathless.

"Well, the child's injury is in a vital part..." The male doctor's tone was slightly hesitant.

Suddenly there was a loud bang behind him, Tang Shishi turned around and saw Du Haoze kneeling on the ground.

Seeing that Tang Shishi's attention had been diverted, the doctor immediately opened the door and entered the operating room. After closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When Ling Rui went upstairs, he saw Cao Xinru passed out on the ground, while Tang Shishi stood in front of Du Haoze, condescending, looking at him with pity, like a high-ranking queen looking at the humble ants under her feet.

After nodding to Du Sheng and saying hello, Ling Rui walked to Tang Shishi's side and asked softly, "How's the situation?"

"The child is gone." Tang Shishi took a deep breath and said, looking at Ling Rui with burning eyes.

"How is Yueshan?" Ling Rui stretched out his hand to wrap Tang Shishi's increasingly cold fingertips, his eyes full of worry.

Tang Shishi felt that her whole body regained some vitality when she felt the hot air spread to her heart through her fingertips. She looked at Ling Rui and shook her head stiffly.

With the second aunt here, Yueshan's life should be safe, but the child, who was already six months old, just disappeared!At this moment, Tang Shishi was so distressed that she wanted to kill someone.

"She—I beat her!" Tang Shishi raised her chin slightly, pointed at Cao Xinru who was lying on the ground and was left unattended, and said.

"Does your hand hurt? Next time you want to hit someone, let me do it. After all, I'm stronger than you." Ling Rui rubbed Tang Shishi's red and swollen little hand with some distress, his eyes were full of tenderness, and his tone was extremely pity.

"I want to kill someone!" Tang Shishi leaned in Ling Rui's arms, feeling Ling Rui's warm, generous and strong chest behind her, and her body, which had been tense all the time, finally softened a little.

"Then kill, the person you want to kill must be the one who deserves to die!" Ling Rui said as he hugged Tang Shishi's small body tightly, rubbing his chin against the top of her head.

"Murder violates the law." Tang Shishi sighed, looking at Cao Xinru's trembling body, her eyes became even colder.

"In City B, the master is Wang Fa! If you kill a lot of people, whoever dares to do anything to you, the master will kill his family!" Ling Rui whispered to Tang Shishi, but the voice was enough for the people around him to listen clear.

"..." Du Haoze moved his lips a few times, but he didn't open his mouth after all.At this moment, he wished that he was the one who died, and he would not plead for Cao Xinru again.

Cao Xinru, today she killed not only her own child, but also his heart!

"Boy Rui!" Du Sheng heard Tang Shishi and Ling Rui's words, coughed lightly, and called out to Ling Rui: "For this kind of woman, it's not worth getting blood on her hands."

Cao Xinru, who was pretending to be unconscious on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Du Sheng's words.Regardless of Gu Nian Du's family's face, or the affection of so many years, he finally pleaded for her, even though the pleading made people sound so uncomfortable.

"Uncle Du is right, it's not worth it! Compared to death, what's more terrifying is that life is worse than death!" Ling Rui glanced at Cao Xinru, sneered, and then asked Tang Shishi, "What does my wife think?"

"If there is a better way, you might as well try it first!" Tang Shishi struggled for a moment between killing Cao Xinru immediately or making her life worse than death, until Cao Xinru was almost suffocated from nervousness and worry, and then slowly Open your mouth.

The door of the operating room opened again, and it was Du Haoyang who walked out covered in blood this time.

Before Du Haoyang saw the situation clearly, he felt pain on his face and was slapped by Tang Shishi.

"Haoyang!" Seeing his precious son being slapped involuntarily by Tang Shishi, Du Sheng immediately stood up worriedly and walked forward.

Looking at Du Haoyang's red and swollen cheeks, Du Haoze suddenly felt envious. At this moment, he wished so much that Tang Shishi's slap was for him, but for him now, even being slapped by Tang Shishi was an extravagant hope.Tang Shishi was completely disappointed in him.

"Sister-in-law three!" Du Haoyang shook his head at Du Sheng, then looked at Tang Shishi with unprecedented respect and guilt.

"Du Haoyang, this is the protection you said? This is the promise you gave me? You can't even protect a pregnant woman. What's the point of living? Just kill yourself!" Tang Shishi ignored her in front of her. In Du Sheng's face, he beat and scolded Du Haoyang again and again.

"Wife, be careful! Let me do it!" Ling Rui pulled Tang Shishi away, and then kicked Du Haoyang, kicking him three or four meters away.

Fortunately, this place has been guarded by their people long ago, and outsiders can't get through, otherwise such a big commotion would really have a bad impact.

"Boy Rui, why are you attacking so hard!" Du Sheng went over to support Du Haoyang with distress, looked at Ling Rui, and said in a reproachful tone.

"Du Haoyang, I warned you a long time ago that Shishi and I belong to Yueshan's natal family. If you treat me as a fart, don't you? Or do you think I, Ling Rui, are a fucking bully, and anyone would dare to run on me? Shit!" Ling Rui ignored Du Sheng, looked at Du Haoyang with blood on the corner of his mouth, and his voice was as cold as ice.

(End of this chapter)

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