Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 674 It's just here, I can't let it go!

Chapter 674 It's just here, I can't let it go! (1)
"Third brother, I was negligent!" Du Haoyang lowered his head with guilt and self-blame. If there were no hidden guards arranged by Ling Rui by his side today, he couldn't imagine what Wang Yueshan would be like!Thinking of Wang Yueshan lying in a pool of blood all over her body before, Du Haoyang felt terrified.

It was the first time for Du Sheng to see Ling Rui who was so angry. In the past, although Ling Rui seemed cold and reticent, he never showed his murderous aura.

In fact, when Du Sheng heard the news about the child, he had thought about it and didn't want the child to be born, because he felt that Cao Xinru in the Du family was already unlucky, and he was afraid that Wang Yueshan would be the second Cao Xinru. Disaster for the lives of his two sons.Just like he knew that if Cao Xinru hid to give birth to a child back then, then he would definitely remove the child before the child was born, and then it would not cause the tragedy of the next few decades.

But later, because of Du Haoyang's concern, he dismissed this idea. Now, seeing Du Haoze and Du Haoyang's pain, he is glad that he did not bring this harm to the child, and he also feels distressed that his son has to bear such a pain harm.

Especially his most cherished eldest son had to bear the scolding and beating from Ling Rui and Tang Shishi.

"One word of negligence is a life! Du Haoyang, you like this, why should you give Wang Yueshan happiness? In City B, on your territory, you can't even deal with such a woman. Are you still a man? You bastard!" As Tang Shishi said, she raised her hand and pointed at Cao Xinru who was on the ground, and asked sharply.

Du Haoyang was speechless.He has always been proud and arrogant. Since he was a child, he has never been pointed at his nose and scolded him like this. Even his father has never said such harsh words to him, but now he is pointed at his nose by a woman and scolded him like a coward. , but he was powerless to refute, and even a voice in his heart shouted over and over again: Du Haoyang, you are a coward!Du Haoyang, you are a complete coward!
That voice made him have a splitting headache, and his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and lungs were all hurting together!
"Girl, you should at least find out what's going on before you judge!" Du Sheng said with a trace of displeasure on his face, looking at Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi snorted coldly, and said coolly: "No matter what the reason is, the bitter fruit has already happened. From now on, please trouble Uncle Du to take care of your two sons and don't pester my friends again. If they get close to my friends again, give me a break." If my friend caused harm, I will definitely repay it a hundredfold! As for this woman—" Tang Shishi kicked Cao Xinru, who was still pretending to be unconscious, in disgust, and said, "I won't just let it go!"

Du Sheng was very angry at Tang Shishi's words. He had heard that the Jun family had married a daughter-in-law who was a thorn. He heard Du Haoyang say: "Sister-in-law three, give me another chance!"

"Tang Shishi, you can't..." Du Haoze also said impatiently.

"I can!" Tang Shishi glanced at Du Haoyang and Du Haoze, and said with certainty.

"Sister-in-law three, go and see Yueshan first, she's already woken up!" Du Haoyang wisely knew that now that Tang Shishi was angry, it was not a good time to discuss all this with her, so he immediately diverted Tang Shishi's attention away Come.

"Awake?!" Sure enough, Tang Shishi immediately changed her attitude, looking at Du Haoyang with mixed joy and sorrow.

"En." Du Haoyang nodded: "Go in and someone will change your clothes for you."

Tang Shishi immediately pushed the door and walked in impatiently.

"I'll go too!" Du Haoze got up from the ground, trying to keep up with Tang Shishi's footsteps somewhat staggeringly.

"You don't need to, Yueshan said that you are the last thing I want to see now!" Du Haoyang stepped forward to stop Du Haoze's body, his voice sneering.

The light in Du Haoze's eyes dimmed little by little. He looked at the door that was so close, as if it was as far away as the sea and the sky.

Du Sheng looked at his two sons and sighed. When he walked to Cao Xinru's side, he glanced at him with disgust and asked coldly, "How long will you lie on the ground?"

Cao Xinru huddled and sat up, terrified and far away from Ling Rui and Du Haoyang, not daring to look up at them.

Tang Shishi finally couldn't help covering her mouth with tears streaming down her face when she saw Wang Yueshan, whose face was as white as paper in a coma on the hospital bed, she walked quickly to Wang Yueshan's bed, and carefully pulled up her cool When she was crying uncontrollably, her gaze inadvertently fell on the incubator next to Wang Yueshan, and then she opened her eyes wide in disbelief, with surprise in Senliang's tears.

"Silly girl, why don't you believe in your second aunt's ability?" Just when Tang Shishi looked at the sleeping soundly little guy wrapped in blue light in the incubator without blinking, there was a smile in his ear. Suddenly remembered Yun Mo's teasing voice.

"But...but..." Tang Shishi's eyes were full of water, flowing between Yunmo and the child, and suddenly, she was so happy that she didn't know what to say.

"It's Yueshan's meaning!" Yunmo glanced at Wang Yueshan who was still unconscious, with emotion in her tone.Thinking of Wang Yueshan holding on to her consciousness, she was relieved only when she knew that the child was still alive. The last sentence before she passed out was, don’t let the Du family know that the child is alive. The woman applauds!

Tang Shishi thought that when she went upstairs, Cao Xinru immediately understood Wang Yueshan's good intentions when she heard the hysterical look of the child after she died. This child can no longer be the second Du Haoze. They can give children a better environment for growth.

And Du Haoyang——Tang Shishi thought of Du Haoyang's beating and scolding just now, and suddenly became a little entangled.

Headache!Let Yueshan handle the emotional matters by herself!She just needs to do her best to protect the safety of her and her children. Originally, she couldn't interfere. The harsh words she said just now were just out of temper and ruthless. She was too disappointed with the two brothers of the Du family. It's just angry words!
Fortunately, there is still hope!Tang Shishi looked at Wang Yueshan's pale and somewhat transparent face, no matter what happened to the two brothers of the Du family, she only hoped that Yueshan and the child could live well!
"Second Auntie! Thank you!" Tang Shishi looked at Yunmo's tired expression, walked forward slowly, hugged Yunmo's body, leaned her head on her shoulder, and said gratefully and attached.

"Family, why don't you say thank you!" Yun Mo patted Tang Shishi on the back.

Wang Yueshan's situation was indeed dangerous. If she hadn't happened to be nearby today and arrived in time, I'm afraid the child would have been lost at night. Today's operation was done against the clock, and she was really tired.

(End of this chapter)

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