Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 675 It's just here, I can't let it go!

Chapter 675 It's just here, I can't let it go! (2)
"How is that brat?" Yunmo suddenly remembered Jun Mubei's injury.

"There is no serious injury. Sheep took the bullet for him, and he lost a lot of blood. Big Brother and Nuan Xin gave him a blood transfusion. It's fine." Tang Shishi looked at Yun Mo apologetically and said, because she missed Yueshan, she They all forgot that the second brother was also injured.

"I know that brat has a thick skin!" Yun Mo smiled indifferently, and then said: "This time I have to make a good joke of him! Let's see if he dares to be so arrogant in the future!"

Tang Shishi nodded. She knew that Yunmo was worried about Jun Mubei's injury, but this was the way the second aunt and the second brother got along. The feelings and concerns between them were all expressed through laughing and beating.

Not long after Yun Mo left, Du Haoyang came in. He saw Tang Shishi looking at the child in the incubator, without saying a word, sitting in front of Wang Yueshan's bed, holding Wang Yueshan's hand, and began to behave like a menopausal woman. Yes, talking in a rambling manner.

"Big belly woman, you can't be called big belly woman. Now that you have unloaded the goods, you can finally stop complaining about the inconvenient things with this ball!" Du Haoyang said while brushing Wang Yueshan's slightly damp hair aside. go.

Tang Shishi glanced at Du Haoyang whose face was still red and swollen in surprise, and felt that the current Du Haoyang was completely different from the flirtatious Du Haoyang she knew before, especially since he had lost his wild and unruly face. Showing affection and gentleness, it seems a lot more mature and stable.

"You can't sleep for too long, your good friend is back, that thorny Tang Shishi, well, I listen to you, I won't call her thorny in the future, but she really hurts this time I'm sorry, wake up and look at my face. I was not as handsome as them before, but now I'm being beaten by that prickly man. I know you must be laughing in your heart! I'll tell you today, You have to be responsible this time, whoever told you that the thorny head belonged to your good friend, she hit me, you can't blame me!" When Du Haoyang said this, a gentle smile flashed on his face, and his tone was also Somewhat proud, as if looking at Wang Yueshan's distraught face.

Tang Shishi gave Du Haoyang a rather resentful look, feeling that the man in front of him was like an idiot.

Say she is a thorn in the head, right? She has written down this account!

"What do you think we should name that ball? Or just call it Qiuqiu! You haven't seen him like that yet, the more I look at him now, the more I think he looks like a ball, but it's a bit longer. Like rugby!" Du Haoyang smiled again, and then played with Wang Yueshan's little hand with his big, well-articulated hand, and said: "He is so young, but he is quite quiet, neither crying nor making trouble, you really should get up and look at him , in fact, he looks a bit like me when I was a child. Let me tell you, this child will definitely kiss me in the future. too much!"

Tang Shishi couldn't help being a little bit amused, unexpectedly Du Haoyang looked like a ball when he was a child!She carefully looked at the child's eyebrows, and then looked at Du Haoyang calmly. She really felt that the eyebrows were somewhat similar. However, Du Haoze and Du Haoyang were brothers, and the child looked like an uncle, so there was nothing strange about it!

"You should really get up! That bad woman was beaten by the prickly head, tsk tsk! I don't know how many times worse than me. She was so scared that she pretended to be dead on the ground and didn't dare to get up. I think it's funny when I think about it. You often tell me The stabbing skill is amazing, I used to doubt it, but now I believe it, get up quickly, I will not let you suffer in vain, I will get you back this debt with interest, wake up, and see Child, look at your friend, and look at me by the way..." Du Haoyang put Wang Yueshan's hand on his lips, and kissed her delicately, his tone suddenly choked up.

Tang Shishi felt that she couldn't stay any longer, felt that there seemed to be no room for her to stand here, she quietly retreated, and only sighed slightly after coming to the door.

After Tang Shishi came out, except for Cao Xinru who was missing, there were still those people outside the door, and Du Haoze still had that dazed expression, his eyes fixed on the door of the operating room.

After seeing Tang Shishi come out, Du Haoze's eyes finally glowed. He quickly stepped forward, took Tang Shishi's arm, and asked eagerly, "Shishi, how is she?"

"It's a good luck not to die!" Tang Shishi looked at Du Haoze with a cold tone.

Even if Tang Shishi calmed down and knew what happened, Du Haoze was also a victim, but who made him have a mother like Cao Xinru, so naturally Tang Shishi would not give Du Haoze a good face.

"Shishi..." Du Haoze's tone was difficult, with pleading eyes in his eyes. Looking at Tang Shishi, he knew that facing Tang Shishi now was to a certain extent the same as facing Wang Yueshan. No, then the chance of him wanting to be with Wang Yueshan is even slimmer.

It's a pity that Tang Shishi didn't give Du Haoze the slightest chance at all. She saw the pain in Du Haoze's eyes, but so what, compared to the injury Wang Yueshan suffered in the movie, his pain is nothing!
"Husband, let's go, first go to see the second brother, and then go back to see grandpa and the others and parents, so that I can come back and take care of Yueshan." Tang Shishi walked to Ling Rui, and said a little tiredly.

"Okay." Ling Rui put his arms around Tang Shishi's waist and stepped into the elevator.

When they arrived at the door of Jun Mubei's ward, Jun Mubei had already woken up and was yelling in the ward. Tang Shishi and Ling Rui were relieved to hear Jun Mubei's angry voice.

"Yunmo, you cruel woman, you fucking picked me up! Quickly pick it up somewhere and send me back, I want to find my biological mother!" Jun Mubei shouted while taking a deep breath , his throat was a little hoarse, beads of sweat hung on his forehead, his lips trembled a little, and his face was full of exasperation.

"Stinky boy! How dare you scold me! Fuck you, bah bah bah! Just give up, you will only be my mother in this life!" Yun Mo pressed Jun Mubei's body on the bed, while neatly Even if Jun Mubei's teeth and claws did not cooperate, Yunmo quickly wrapped Jun Mubei's bandage so that it was firm and beautiful, and by the way, also gave his wobbly arm It was fixed so that when he raised his arm, he would not pull the wound.

"Liar! I'm definitely not your own!" Jun Mubei was still struggling hoarsely!
"I regret giving birth to such an uneasy thing like you!" After dressing Jun Mubei firmly, Yunmo casually threw the scissors in his hand, and the scissors fell firmly into the box, Jun Mubei Shaoyang raised his hand to cover the box, and the two cooperated tacitly.

"Second brother, what's wrong? Is the wound infected and inflamed?" Tang Shishi looked at Jun Mubei's red and white face, and asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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