Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 676 It's just here, I can't let it go!

Chapter 676 It's just here, I can't let it go! (3)
"It's all right! It's all right!" Yunmo waved her hand indifferently.

"It's okay! You cruel woman! This is blatant revenge!" Jun Mubei stared at Yunmo angrily, as if he had a deep hatred for her.

"Who told you to sleep like a dead pig? I didn't wake you up because I was afraid that you would lose your mind and fail to get a wife and have a baby. There is no reward for your kindness!" Yun Mo stared back at Jun. Mu Bei said.

"You're the one who lost your mind!" Junmu Beiqi gritted his teeth!Originally, I slept soundly and comfortably, but I was woken up by a sharp pain. After I woke up, I realized that it was this woman who caused the trouble!
Tang Shishi looked at Yunmo and Jun Mubei speechlessly, and then looked at Jun Shaoyang, who was used to it and didn't take it seriously, remembering that when Mo Youyou wanted to see if Jun Mubei was dead or asleep, he had to take a look. The scene of paws slapping Jun Mubei's wound, I thought, no wonder Jun Mubei likes Mo Youyou, look at Mo Youyou's technique is exactly the same as the second aunt Yunmo!
If it is, it is not a family, do not enter a family!

"Why are there only the two of you? How long have I been asleep?" Jun Mubei looked at Ling Rui and Tang Shishi at the door, but he couldn't find the person he wanted to see behind them, and asked in confusion.

"It's only a few hours, I don't want to see us, who does the second brother want to see?" Seeing Jun Mubei's lively appearance, Tang Shishi felt that the listless second brother had returned, and deliberately teased him in a good mood.

"Hmph! I'm going to sleep, you all get out!" Jun Mubei was poked at the center, angrily lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and started chasing people away!
Tang Shishi and Yun Mo looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths turned up involuntarily. Jun Mubei's thoughts were so simple and clear!
After everyone had left, Jun Mubei opened his eyes, which were filled with melancholy.

Sure enough, I was hallucinating!That bastard!
After Tang Shishi returned home, Mr. Bai and Sun Xiaofen were also in the Jun's compound. After reporting what they saw and heard in the past few days to the elders, Tang Shishi returned in a hurry. Hospital.

Ling Rui did not come with Tang Shishi, this time it was Sun Xiaofen who came with Tang Shishi.

Du Sheng left, but Du Haoze was still guarding the door, but there was Cao Xinru beside him. When Tang Shishi and the others came, Cao Xinru was persuading Du Haoze to eat, looking earnest.

It's just that Du Haoze remained indifferent and kept a certain distance from Cao Xinru. No matter what Cao Xinru said, he just ignored her and let her cry and talk to herself.

When Cao Xinru saw Tang Shishi, she shrank instinctively in fright, and when she saw Tang Shishi was surrounded by Sun Xiaofen instead of Ling Rui, the fear on her face became less, but she was still cautious about Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen walked to Cao Xinru's side, and Tang Shishi slapped Cao Xinru hard in front of Du Haoze without saying a word.

"Ah——" Cao Xinru didn't expect Tang Shishi to hit someone again without saying anything, and howled, "Tang Shishi, you lunatic! Why did you hit me?" Okay, it was red and swollen, and now with a slap, his face was swollen as high as a steamed bun, and his mouth was full of blood.

"Why? Because my friend is still lying in there! I think you are pleasing to the eye! Cao Xinru, I will leave my words here for now. From now on, once I see you, I will hit you once!" Tang Shishi said to Cao Xinru again. On the other side of the face, he slapped hard, then clapped his hands, and said, "Don't worry, I still have a bit of aesthetic vision, and I especially like symmetry the most!"

"Haoze, just watch your mother being beaten by this woman! Huh..." Cao Xinru was so frightened that she pulled Du Haoze's sleeve and hid behind Du Haoze, crying mournfully.

Du Haoze pulled out his sleeve, then walked to the side, and continued to keep a certain distance from Cao Xinru, without saying a word and expressionless.

"Haoze, I'm your mother! How could you treat me like this..." Cao Xinru was stunned by Du Haoze's indifference, and looked at Du Haoze in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

"You killed my son!" Du Haoze finally looked at Cao Xinru, but his eyes were heavy and sharp.

"Haoze, mother is doing this for your own good! Haoze! All of this is for you!" Cao Xinru continued to cry as she trembled from Du Haoze's gaze.

"No! You are always for yourself!" Du Haoze glanced at Cao Xinru as if looking at a stranger, and then looked at the door. The expectation in his eyes was sad and desperate.

Tang Shishi snorted coldly, and led Sun Xiaofen to push the door and walk in.

Du Haoze watched the door open. Through the crack, he looked in greedily. Even though he knew that Wang Yueshan would never be seen, he still had unrealistic imaginations in his heart. The sound is also good.

That door closed again, and the door of Du Haoze's heart was also closed heavily.

Wang Yueshan hadn't woken up yet, Du Haoyang continued nagging beside Wang Yueshan like a menopausal aunt.

Tang Shishi was really annoyed by Du Haoyang's nagging, she walked to Du Haoyang's side, pushed him politely, and said, "Go away!"

Du Haoyang looked up at Tang Shishi, then started to hold Wang Yueshan's hand again, talking non-stop, completely ignoring Tang Shishi's bad attitude.

Tang Shishi was a little speechless, and she didn't know whether the second aunt's trick was punishing Du Haoyang or poisoning her ears.

It turned out that the reason why Wang Yueshan was still in a deep sleep for so long was because, on the one hand, she had indeed been severely injured and was very weak this time, and on the other hand, it was also because Yun Mo had added some sleeping pills to Wang Yueshan's medicine in order to punish Du Haoyang for not taking good care of her. However, he lied to Du Haoyang that Wang Yueshan's vitality was weak, and she might just sleep like this forever and never wake up again.

Yun Mo's words were absolutely authoritative, so Du Haoyang naturally took it seriously, so he stood beside Wang Yueshan's bed and kept talking to Wang Yueshan, trying to arouse Wang Yueshan's will to survive.

"Go away!" Tang Shishi's mood was a little frizzy.

Du Haoyang was unmoved, instead he stroked Wang Yueshan's hand and said, "Look, you thorny friend is here to bully me again! I know, you wish I could be punished by her, but I just Not as good as you wish!"

"Du Haoyang! Have you had enough!" Tang Shishi shouted depressed.

"Listen, she is spoiled by Ling Rui so bad-tempered and lawless! In the past, if any woman dared to yell like this in front of me, I'm sure her parents wouldn't know her, but it's for your friend's sake." Come on, I can bear it, you wake up quickly, otherwise, I can't guarantee how long I can endure, you know, I just have no patience!" Du Haoyang turned a blind eye to Tang Shishi and continued to hold Wang Yueshan's hand Nagging.

(End of this chapter)

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