Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 680 The Orange Juice Incident

Chapter 680 The Orange Juice Incident (2)
Unexpectedly, this Mo Youyou's writing is good, the description is meticulous, and she also made detailed notes on the widow's special hobby of red lace thongs, which makes it clear at a glance.

But this "money-greedy girl sells her body overnight" is not so good. The whole article describes CHUANG's voice, and the big men like him are blushing and heartbeating. I don't know how this woman wrote it!

not good!not good!
Zhou Hu glanced at Suzaku, who was standing on the other side of Tang Shishi, with a calm expression. If the master sees such things and uses them to pollute the young lady's eyes and ears, he must be hung up and beaten!Your next review should be stricter!

Suzaku turned a blind eye to Zhou Hu's eyes, but it was just a few "hmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" young lady, so what's the point!
Zhou Hu rubbed his nose embarrassingly. These days, women are more deadly than each other.

That day, Mo Youyou wanted to follow Tang Shishi and Ling Rui to City A, but Ling Rui refused to agree. Later, Yun Mo acted as a lobbyist in the middle, and Ling Rui reluctantly agreed, but he also made a request to Mo Youyou, that is, let Mo Youyou play to his strengths , to collect the "unknown" things about the ladies of city A, and then report to Tang Shishi in detail.

Mo Youyou naturally agreed, it was a breeze for her, who made climbing people's walls to listen to nonsense in the middle of the night is her great hobby!

But, obviously, even Mo Youyou overestimated his dedication. Although Mo Youyou who came to City A still loves to climb people's walls at night, he obviously loves to chase Junmu around and run northward. These two people are playing now. The cat-and-mouse game became addictive, Jun Mubei hid tightly, and Mo Youyou chased it like chicken blood, as soon as there was news about Jun Mubei, even if it was just catching wind and hearsay, this woman immediately ignored it followed.

"Alas—" Tang Shishi let out another long sigh, and Zhou Hu and Suzaku, who were following Tang Shishi, began to feel their scalps tingling.

Originally, Zhou Hu felt that he was selected by Ling Rui, and he was valued by Tang Shishi to be with Tang Shishi. He would definitely be more colorful and interesting than facing the poker faces in the army. Skinny, this life is like a slow suicide.

Suzaku is the only female protector in the Golden Phantom. She was transferred by Yun Mo to protect Tang Shishi. Phantom rarely shows up. When she saw Suzaku, she was very excited, and for the first few days, she pestered Suzaku to fight every day. Although she was hit hard by Suzaku, her fighting power was greatly improved. Since elementary school, those kung fu, The practicality has been enhanced a lot.

However, Suzaku only showed up when she was in Jun's mansion. At other times, she hid in the dark, and most of the time Tang Shishi couldn't feel her presence.

"Young Madam, how about we go out for a stroll?" Zhou Hu looked at Tang Shishi who was sighing, and asked tentatively.

"Where are you going?" Tang Shishi was a little interested in Zhou Hu's proposal.

"Didn't the Lord say that there is a banquet to attend in three days' time, why not make preparations in advance?" Zhou Hu said after thinking for a while.

What is there to prepare for?She doesn't lack any clothes and jewelry, and if she wears one casually, she doesn't have to worry about someone bumping into her shirt, because hers are all exclusively customized.

"Zhou Hu, what have you been up to these two days?" Tang Shishi looked at Zhou Hu and asked, speaking a little sadly. As Ling Rui's wife, she had to ask an outsider about her husband's whereabouts. It's a soldier!

When Ling Rui went out, he said that he would be very busy these few days, and that he would call Tang Shishi if it was convenient for him. Tang Shishi understood what she meant, and told her not to call him casually.

But this old hooligan was full of food and drink, and he had been away for seven days without hearing from him, which was really worrying. At the beginning, Tang Shishi hoped that Ling Rui would call every day, and his mobile phone was turned on 24 hours a day. Put the phone within easy reach, for fear of missing Ling Rui's call.Whenever there is a call from her mobile phone, she is very excited, hoping that it will be Ling Rui, but she is always very disappointed.

As the days passed, Tang Shishi became angrier the longer she waited, and she simply got angry with Ling Rui. Ling Rui didn't call, and she didn't take the initiative to ask about Ling Rui's whereabouts. Look at the two of them, who can survive the other!

Moreover, Tang Shishi secretly made up her mind that she would never feed him full next time, at most half full each time, let's see if he dares to walk for so many days without thinking about her!
However, Tang Shishi still misses Ling Rui very much in her heart, so she heard Zhou Hu take the initiative to mention Ling Rui this time, so she took advantage of the opportunity to ask.

The phone cannot be made, but Tang Shishi knows that Zhou Hu must know something about Ling Rui.

"Our lord hasn't been busy these two days!" Zhou Hu's tone was a little emotional. Hearing Tang Shishi ask about Ling Rui, he thought to himself, this young lady finally spoke, and he thought she was serious. I don't even care that Grandpa stays away for so many days and nights!
In fact, when Ling Rui assigned Zhou Hu to Tang Shishi, one of the meanings was that it would be convenient for him and Tang Shishi to know each other's movements at any time, but he also specially told Zhou Hu that if Tang Shishi didn't take the initiative to ask, let Zhou Hu Hu don't say it, because Zhou Hu has such a big mouth, some things will completely change when he says something out of his mouth, it's better to wait for him to come back and tell Tang Shishi himself.

Therefore, Zhou Hu held it back for seven days. If Tang Shishi didn't ask any more questions, he would definitely suffer from it before Tang Shishi did.

"Don't talk about pulling down!" Tang Shishi gave Zhou Hu a gouged look, and then said to Suzaku behind him, "The two of us go out!"

"Ah? Young Madam, you can't favor one person over another! I was ordered by the Lord to protect you!" Zhou Hu became a little impatient when he heard that Tang Shishi would not take her with him.

"I'm going to favor one thing than another, what's the matter?" Tang Shishi glanced at Zhou Hu indifferently, and walked out.

"Young Madam, if you really don't take me with you, I won't sue you. My grandfather has fallen into a nest of beauties now, and he is so happy." Zhou Hu saw that Tang Shishi really planned not to take him, standing behind Tang Shishi, and said stinky .

"Beauty's Nest? Do you miss Sichuan?" Tang Shishi turned her head, looked at Zhou Hu with a half-smile, and said, "Very good! Very powerful!" After finishing speaking, she turned and left.

Suzaku cast a cold glance at Zhou Hu, and followed Tang Shishi's footsteps.

Zhou Hu was chilled by Tang Shishi and Suzaku's eyes, and only then did he realize that he had made a big joke, and immediately caught up with Tang Shishi, and said with a flattering smile: "Young madam, that, just kidding, you know our master's charm Boundless, I don’t know how many women dream of clinging to him, but our master is clean and self-loving, and only young lady is in his heart!”

"How do you know that I'm the only one in his heart? Have you read into his heart?" Tang Shishi glanced at Zhou Hu lightly, with no emotion in her tone, which just made Zhou Hu feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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