Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 681 The Orange Juice Incident

Chapter 681 The Orange Juice Incident (3)
"Our master's thoughts, others don't know, you don't know!" Zhou Hu was stopped by Tang Shishi, and immediately said in a different way.

"I really don't know! I just knew that he left me alone here and ignored me, and then he was in the army with a beauty beside him, living a happy life!" Tang Shishi finished speaking with a little anger, and got into the car inside.

Zhou Hu immediately occupied the driver's seat, and then explained while driving: "Our master is also the kind of woman who can think like that?"

Tang Shishi snorted coldly and stopped talking.I thought about it for a while, but luckily Ling Rui left after he was full!

After glancing a few times at Tang Shishi, who was sitting in the backseat without any emotion, Zhou Hu cried out inwardly, regretting that he shouldn't have acted impulsively. He should have been more tactful when he told the news in this way. Being euphemistic will not change the fact that Grandpa is surrounded by a woman.But—Zhou Hu hesitated, whether to tell Tang Shishi who that woman was.

Forget it, go back and ask my master for instructions!
Tang Shishi asked Zhou Hu to drive to the most high-end shopping mall in City A. Originally, she didn't plan to buy anything, but it would be nice to come here for a stroll, show your face, and listen to some gossip.It's just that Tang Shishi didn't expect that she just wanted to sit down and drink something to rest her feet, but she herself became the biggest gossip.

"Shishi?!" Tang Shishi just sat down at the water bar, when she heard someone calling him behind her, with a little uncertain excitement in her voice.

"What a coincidence!" Tang Shishi looked back at Lu Tao who was standing two meters behind her, and smiled awkwardly.

It's not a coincidence, the first time I went out in City A, I bumped into Lu Tao, and it was still in this place.

"I thought I was mistaken!" Lu Tao strode forward excitedly, sat down beside Tang Shishi, and asked, "When did you come? Come to play?"

In fact, how could he admit the wrong person? It's just that he couldn't believe that he would meet Tang Shishi here.

Since the last time because of Du Haoze's incident, he returned to City B and took a look at Tang Shishi from a distance through the glass on the ward door, he felt that he hadn't seen Tang Shishi for a long time.

Lu Tao took a closer look at Tang Shishi. She was wearing a nude pink sports suit and the same color of sneakers. Her long hair was casually tied up and tied into a ponytail. She looked pretty and lively with a good complexion and a tender face. Pink and tender, with bright eyes and bright eyes, it can be seen that life is very satisfactory. Lu Tao let go of his mind and glanced at Zhou Hu who has always been somewhat resistant to him. He felt a little shy, how could she live with that person? not good!
"It's been a few days since I've been here. Ling Rui has been transferred to City A and will stay here for a long time." Tang Shishi said frankly, with a natural look, as if she was talking to a familiar friend.

Zhou Hu was on high alert the first time Lu Tao appeared, seeing that Lu Tao was about to speak again, he hurriedly asked first, "Young Madam, what would you like to drink?"

"Two glasses of orange juice, thank you!" Lu Tao spoke to the waiter before Tang Shishi could speak. ...or you can change to something else!"

"No, just orange juice." Tang Shishi originally wanted to order orange juice, but for some reason, she suddenly missed the refreshing and delicious taste. She originally thought that she would not like that taste anymore!But this has nothing to do with Lu Tao, she just wants to drink orange juice, she doesn't need to wrong her mouth just to avoid this, the more she does that, the more people think she still cares.

She has really let go. Looking at Lu Tao now, she no longer has any resentment and anger in her heart, nor does she have that kind of heart-wrenching feeling, although Lu Tao is much more mature and attractive than before.

She was poisoned by Ling Rui's man, and there is no cure for this poison!

Thinking of this, Tang Shishi laughed unconsciously.

But Tang Shishi thinks like this, it doesn't mean that Lu Tao and Zhou Hu think like this, especially Zhou Hu, thinking of the unpleasantness before going out, decisively thinks wrongly, thinking that Tang Shishi did it on purpose, especially when he saw Lu Tao Because Tang Shishi didn't refuse the orange juice, but smiled at him, as excited as if she had picked up gold, and she was sweating for Ling Rui in her heart.

Well, not for Ling Rui, but for himself, Zhou Hu felt his scalp tighten up.

Lu Tao lost his mind because of Tang Shishi's inadvertent smile, and his thoughts drifted far away, until the waiter's sentence: "Hello, your orange juice!" He came to his senses.

Tang Shishi was unaware of Lu Tao's absent-mindedness. She picked up her own cup, frowned, and took a small sip. After swallowing, her brows relaxed, and then she took two sips freely.

Lu Tao looked at Tang Shishi and took a few sips. After putting down the cup, he smiled and said, "You are still the same as before!"

Tang Shishi was stunned, and looked at Lu Tao puzzled, before?What was she like before?She can't even remember it!

"Every time I try to take a sip first, and then I am willing to drink it with confidence." Lu Tao looked at Tang Shishi beside him with a gentle and bitter smile.

In the past, every time he bought orange juice for Tang Shishi, Tang Shishi would do the same. The first sip, with a little expectation and temptation, seemed a little apprehensive and suspicious, like a kitten eating, Sniff it first, lick it tentatively, and only after confirming the taste will you continue to eat it with confidence, and Tang Shishi used to give him a loud kiss after drinking orange juice to comfort him, but now... …

"I didn't find out!" Tang Shishi smiled indifferently: "Actually, this is not very good!" Tang Shishi was telling the truth. When she first sat here, she really wanted to drink orange juice. But the orange juice here is not the taste she wants, it is too sweet, a little greasy in the throat, not refreshing enough.

Zhou Hu curled his lips after listening to Tang Shishi's words, and seeing Lu Tao's disappointed face for a moment, Zhou Hu rolled his eyes again, thinking, could this young lady not refuse the orange juice on purpose, and then Said these words, severely hit Lu Tao?

A woman's mind is so scary!
"It's not very tasty!" Lu Tao took a sip of the orange juice, feeling bitter in his mouth.There is not even a glass of orange juice left between them.

Tang Shishi didn't know that her words of seeking truth from facts actually aroused Zhou Hu and Lu Tao's wild imagination, making the surrounding atmosphere weird.

"Come here to buy something?" Although he was disappointed, Lu Tao didn't intend to leave immediately. Although he knew that Tang Shi and him were no longer possible, Lu Tao still wanted to stay with Tang Shishi for a while more greedily.

"Come out for a stroll, how about you?" Tang Shishi asked casually.

(End of this chapter)

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