Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 682 The Orange Juice Incident

Chapter 682 The Orange Juice Incident (4)
"Me too, do you want to come together? I have been here for a while, and I am quite familiar with this place!" Lu Tao said enthusiastically.

"No need, I have someone with me. Your time is precious, so you should be busy with work." Tang Shishi refused with a light smile, politely and alienated.

She and Lu Tao should keep such a distance.It's okay to say hello and chat for this unexpected encounter. It's better not to go together without Ling Rui by your side.

Lu Tao glanced at Zhou Hu, noticed the defensiveness and hostility in Zhou Hu's eyes, and smiled bitterly.

Tang Shishi ordered another glass of ice water, took a sip, and suddenly felt the sweet taste in her mouth was washed away, and she breathed a comfortable sigh of relief.

Looking at Tang Shishi's appearance, Lu Tao didn't say anything, but silently drank the glass of orange juice in his hand, and the atmosphere became oppressive in the silence.

"Shishi, Yueshan, how is she recently?" Lu Tao hesitated for a while, looking at Tang Shishi and asked.

"Almost killed two people, what do you think?" Referring to Wang Yueshan, Tang Shishi's tone was a bit cold.

"I don't want to say good things for Hao Ze. You don't need to be so defensive when you inquire about something. I just care about it out of the friendship between friends. I am very sorry to hear about her." Lu Tao's expression changed when he saw Tang Shishi. explained immediately.

"Thank you." Tang Shishi heaved a sigh of relief when she heard Lu Tao say this, and knew that she was too defensive, but who made Lu Tao and Du Haoze good friends!

"Hao Ze said that he would sever ties with the Du family after he finished handling her mother's affairs." Lu Tao moistened his throat and said bitterly, "He has more courage than me."

"What's the point? Some injuries are irreparable!" Tang Shishi smiled mockingly.

She has been paying attention to Cao Xinru's affairs. Although she is protected by Mr. Du, Du Haoyang does not sell Mr. Du's account at all. This time, he is determined to turn the Du family upside down. But, and killed all the people around Mr. Du first, this Mr. Du has now become a veritable old man who has taken care of his life. He can't stretch his claws wherever he goes. I fell down, high blood pressure broke out, and I went to the hospital!
If Cao Xin did not have the help of Mr. Du, the current situation would be miserable. Du Haoyang settled the old and new accounts together with him. Originally, she wanted to rely on Du Haoze, but who knew that Du Haoze found out from her that she gave Du Haoyang more than [-] years ago. The letter written by my mother revealed the events of more than [-] years ago, submerged the truth of more than [-] years, and finally came to light, and Du Haoze also found out that the report of Cao Xinru's cancer was issued by the people in the hospital bribed The false report took Cao Xinru's face off!

Cao Xinru never dreamed that Du Haoze would betray her like this. The mother and son, like enemies, were in the same situation, extremely angry, and went to the hospital.

Of course, Cao Xinru is not pretending to be sick this time!

"Shishi, do you still hate me in your heart..." Lu Tao summoned up his courage, looked at Tang Shishi, and asked.

Tang Shishi looked at Lu Tao, smiled and shook her head.

Lu Tao's eyes suddenly burst into ecstasy, and then, like fireworks, they dimmed a little bit after the splendor.

Because he understood the meaning in Tang Shishi's eyes.

She doesn't hate anymore, because she doesn't love anymore, so she doesn't even hate anymore!

Tang Shishi drank the ice water, got up and nodded to Lu Tao, said "goodbye", and then led Zhou Hu away, but Lu Tao sat on the chair in the water bar for a long time, holding Tang Shishi's leftover The half glass of orange juice was lost in thought. Finally, Lu Tao lifted the half glass of orange juice and shook it. Under the surprised gaze of the waiter, he carefully held the straw in his mouth, took a deep breath, and narrowed his eyes slightly. Some subtle sadness and secret joy.

"Lu Tao, I can't drink anymore, drink it for me!" The girl flashed a pair of big moist eyes, and handed the glass of orange juice to the boy's mouth.

"Throw it away if you can't drink it!" The boy tilted his head, with an unnatural expression on his face, as if embarrassed.

"No, that's such a waste! You drink it, it's delicious!" The girl held up her glass reluctantly.

"What trouble!" Although the boy looked impatient, he still held the straw in his mouth and drank the remaining half glass of orange juice into his stomach.

"Isn't it very sweet?" The girl shook the empty cup, her brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, and she was a little helpless.

The boy deliberately kept his face stern and didn't speak, and walked forward.

"Lu Tao, tell me quickly, isn't the drink I drank very sweet?" The girl chased after him, shaking the boy's arm, and asked persistently.

The boy deliberately didn't answer, but the girl stubbornly wanted an answer. The two gradually drifted away, and the girl's stubborn voice was heard all the way: "Is it sweet?"

"Tell me, is it sweet or not?"

"Don't say it's not sweet!"

"Is it sweet?"

"Very sweet!" Lu Tao lowered his eyes and said two words in a low voice.

"Sir, our orange juice is very sweet, would you like another glass?" The waiter saw that Lu Tao drank half of the glass of orange juice in his hand, and muttered something "very sweet" If so, he stepped forward and asked enthusiastically.

This gentleman should really like to drink orange juice, right?
Lu Tao did not speak, and left with an empty glass.

That was the first time Tang Shishi "forced" him to drink the orange juice she had left. After drinking it, she was still like a bird, chirping around her, insisting on telling herself that the orange juice she drank was sweet. At that time, he deliberately teased her, but he didn't give her an answer in the end, but now, he wanted to give it, but she no longer needed it!
Tang Shishi led Zhou Hu for a stroll, then went to the supermarket, bought some fruit squeezed orange juice without buying anything, which made Zhou Hu start to worry again, making various guesses, until returning home, Tang Shishi entered After leaving the kitchen, Zhou Hu looked at Suzaku who had appeared, and asked worriedly: "Do you think this is an unforgettable old relationship, Young Madam?"

Suzaku gave Zhou Hu a blank look, got up and went upstairs without saying a word.

I really don't know if this man has a bunch of straws in his mind!
"Do you want to report today's affairs to the Lord?" Zhou Hu asked again worriedly.

"What do you want to report?" Tang Shishi asked after holding a glass of orange juice and taking a sip, looking at Zhou Hu with raised eyebrows.

"No! I just said it casually." Zhou Hu hurriedly dismissed it, but seeing Tang Shishi's joy in drinking a glass of orange juice, Zhou Hu immediately felt a sense of crisis again, and asked tentatively: "Young Madam, is this orange juice , is it really that delicious?"

"Not bad!" Tang Shishi replied calmly, then walked to the living room and sat down.

The phone jingled, it was the notification tone of WeChat, Tang Shishi checked the time, it was 04:30 in the afternoon, and it was time to chat with the grandpas on WeChat again.

(End of this chapter)

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