Chapter 684 Meeting by chance (2)
Ling Rui saw Tang Shishi's smirk and pain for a while, and thought it was funny. He took Tang Shishi into his arms, put one of her legs on his waist, and then clasped Tang Shishi's little one tightly with his big hand. waist, another big hand began to massage her.

Tang Shishi was so well kneaded by Ling Rui's strong and warm fingers, she couldn't help but let out a sigh, but she looked at Ling Rui, reluctant to close her eyes and go to sleep.

Ling Rui looked at the way Tang Shishi was staring at him, and couldn't help but slapped her butt amusedly, and said threateningly and coaxingly, "Sleep!"

Tang Shishi reluctantly gave up fighting against those heavy eyelids and closed her eyes.This night was really crazy, she was really sleepy and tired!

After serving Tang Shishi and fell asleep comfortably, Ling Rui pitifully kissed Tang Shishi's smooth forehead and got up to wash.

It's already bright.

Ling Rui took a shower, got dressed and left the bedroom, Jun Mubei had already had breakfast in the dining room, looking at the two rows of dark shadows left by Ling Rui's eyes due to lack of sleep and excessive indulgence, Jun Mubei smoked Wiping his mouth with a tissue, he joked in an unscrupulous manner, "Have you been sucked dry by a banshee? Look at you!"

"Second brother, you have been very angry recently, and you should consider finding a woman! Although this gun cannot be cleaned too often, it has not been cleaned all year round. If it is rusted, it will not work well, so it's a pity!" Ling Rui sat down. At the table, he took a sip of the chicken soup that the servant had prepared long ago, and took a sip gracefully. His appearance really made one suspect that those angry words just came out of his mouth.

"You don't have to worry about this, you should worry about your goblin, tsk tsk! Look at the peach blossoms, they are really flourishing!" Jun Mubei put down the tableware in his hand slowly, and then glared at Zhou Hu : "Zhou Hu, you are not a gecko, what are you doing on the wall? Bring the newspaper from this morning and show it to your master! The headline on the front page is really a sensation!"

Poor Zhou Hu, who always wanted to lower his sense of presence, was named by Jun Mubei, and he slowly took the newspaper in his hand, put it on Ling Rui's dining table, and then ran back to the living room in a hurry.

Ling Rui glanced at the photos in the newspaper, and sure enough, the headlines on the front page, the pictures were very clear, the angles were well captured, and the expressions were well captured. Just looking at the above group of photos, it really smelled of adultery.

"Well, yes, my daughter-in-law is very photogenic, and the photos are beautiful!" Ling Rui took a sip of the chicken soup and said slowly.

"Hehe! The scale is quite big, it seems that the thief woman worked hard last night!" Jun Mubei didn't see Ling Rui's face changed, and he felt a little unwilling, and continued to taunt and joke Ling Rui.

This guy is obviously the youngest among them, but he is the one who pretends to be deep the most among them. It's so boring!He risked being discovered by that woman, Mo Youyou, and waited all night for nothing!
"Second brother, I told you this, but you don't understand!" Ling Rui ignored Jun Mubei and continued to eat breakfast gracefully and calmly.

Jun Mubei snorted coldly, gave Ling Rui a white look, and then spat out two words in disdain: "Wife slave!"

Ling Rui's movements of eating breakfast became more and more noble and elegant. It was obviously just a bowl of chicken soup, but what he drank was like eating a royal banquet in the palace. He squinted his eyes, as if he was shooting an advertisement.

Jun Mubei was completely disappointed, is this soup really so delicious?Jun Mubei couldn't help scooping up a bowl, took a sip, and then glanced upstairs.

"Last night I was working hard to create a human being. Shishi is sleeping now. It's better for the second brother not to go up and disturb her, so as not to cause public anger! After all, you and the eldest brother are not married yet, and Shishi and I have a heavy burden! "Ling Rui can see what Jun Mubei is up to with just one glance, the second brother is too busy these days!

"Pfft!" Jun Mubei gulped down the soup in his mouth by Ling Rui's phrase "diligence makes a man", but because the dinner table was too long and Ling Rui was sitting opposite him, he was not affected .

Jun Mubei wiped his mouth in embarrassment, then looked at Ling Rui who was still drinking chicken soup in a gentle manner, and couldn't help complaining: "Do you have to be so explicit?"

"Second brother, I'm telling you about important matters involving children. Where did you think? Your thoughts are really impure!" Ling Rui finished drinking the chicken soup, and then ordered the kitchen: "Continue to simmer the chicken soup for the young lady. Drink it when she gets up."

"Yes!" The servant quickly agreed, then turned and went into the kitchen.

"Where am I not pure? Brother, I am pure from the inside out!" Jun Mubei gave Ling Rui an angry look: "You are the one who is not pure!".

"Second brother, it's because you are so old and so pure that the problem is more serious! Such things as love between men and women, relying on imagination alone, are very harmful to the body!" Ling Rui glanced at Jun Mubei Said.

"Who imagined it? Brat, you think everyone is like you. You know how to get into a woman's bed when you have a belly every day!" Jun Mubei yelled guilty when Ling Rui said this.

"Second brother, it's only right and proper to get into your wife's bed! As for women, if you spot them, you should do it, otherwise you will become someone else's. Isn't Lu Tao a ready-made example?" Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei pointedly and said .

"Cut! Do you want any kind of woman? Wave your hand, a lot! Don't worry about it! Boring!" Jun Mubei stood up and went back to his room to change clothes.

Ling Rui looked at Jun Mubei's fleeing back, and sighed lightly, he could only mention it here!I hope that the second brother knows how to fight for himself and seize the opportunity.

But thinking of Mo Youyou's idiot, Ling Rui frowned unconsciously. The two of them are really going to be together, and they don't know what will happen to the house!

Zhou "Gecko" stuck to the wall, watching Ling Rui continue to eat breakfast, his expression seemed to be the same as usual, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect that there would be a follow-up to what happened yesterday, but he reported it to the master immediately. Who knew that the newspaper was still published. I really don't know what happened!

It's too dangerous here, he'd better go back to the army and stay there!

"Master, I think..." When Ling Rui had finished his breakfast, Zhou Hu walked over, intending to express what he had been thinking all night.

It's just that when Ling Rui's eyes swept across Zhou Hu's body lightly, Zhou Hu was so frightened that he immediately swallowed the second half of his words.

This is not angry!The second master has hurt him this time!

"Do you want to talk?" Ling Rui looked at Zhou Hu and asked expressionlessly.

"Master, I think... I think... Lu Tao might be instigated by someone behind this!" Zhou Hu mourned for himself for three seconds after he finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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