Chapter 685 Meeting by chance (3)
Ever since he came to City A, the Lord seems to be colder these days than before. He dare not say that he wants to return to the army at this time, otherwise he will not know how he died!

Fortunately, he was quick-witted and immediately came up with something to deal with. If it was Leng Maolin's elm bump, he would be fined if he didn't keep it straight!

Zhou Hu thought comfortingly and thankfully in his heart.

"Maybe?" Ling Rui picked up the newspaper and asked coldly instead of looking at Zhou Hu.

Zhou Hu shrank his neck and didn't dare to speak again.

The Lord hates this kind of specious and uncertain speculation the most!
"Suzaku, this photographer has good skills!" Ling Rui put down the newspaper and said, looking in a certain direction in the mansion.

"Yes! Master!" Suzaku appeared from the direction Ling Rui was looking at, and after replying respectfully, he disappeared again in a blink of an eye.

Zhou Hu knew that Suzaku was out on a mission, but he couldn't figure out what kind of riddle Ling Rui and Suzaku were playing!
It wouldn't be for Suzaku to invite that photographer to take pictures!
Ling Rui glanced at Zhou Hu who was still confused, and said coldly: "Learn more from Suzaku!"

"Yes!" Zhou Hu responded quickly, his body covered in cold sweat. It seems that he needs to get in touch with Suzaku more often, and Suzaku is definitely a master of the game to try to figure out what the master thinks!
Ling Rui didn't pay attention to Zhou Hu anymore. This guy got used to staying in the army, and his head has become stupid. He still needs to practice, otherwise he has no brains, what's the use of all his abilities?Sooner or later, he will be played to death!

Ling Rui returned to the bedroom and saw that Tang Shishi was still sleeping soundly, but her mobile phone on the bedside table was flickering non-stop. He had already turned Tang Shishi's mobile phone to silent last night.

Ling Rui picked up Tang Shishi's mobile phone, saw the number flashing on the screen, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Ling Rui didn't pick up the phone. When the phone stopped flashing, Ling Rui looked at the missed calls. There were more than [-] calls, and all of them were called by Lu Tao alone. He frowned slightly.

However, the phone lighted up again unwilling to be lonely. Ling Rui looked at the caller ID, and it was indeed the same person, really stubborn!

"Shishi, you are finally willing to answer my call!" As soon as the call was connected, before Ling Rui could speak, Lu Tao's excited and eager voice came from the opposite side.

"What's the matter?" Ling Rui asked coldly.

Lu Tao obviously didn't expect that it would be Ling Rui who answered the phone, and all the words he had prepared to say were stuck in his throat, and he asked in a stammering tone, " is it—— What about poetry?"

Does Ling Rui know?Could he have misunderstood?How is Shishi?Why don't you answer the phone?Could it be...

For a while, countless questions flooded into Lu Tao's mind.

"Shishi was tired all night last night, and she was still sleeping, what's the matter?" Ling Rui's mouth curved into an evil arc, and his tone was indifferent and provocative.

"You—impossible, Shishi wakes up at 05:30 every day, what do you do to her? Ling Rui, you can't—it's not her fault!" How could Lu Tao fail to hear the meaning in Ling Rui's tone? Provocative, but now he is more concerned about why Tang Shishi didn't answer the phone!

"05:30, you remember it very clearly! But she was still awake at that time!" Ling Rui sneered, and continued: "Lu Tao, what do you think I will do to her?"

"I——I'm sorry! I always call to apologize! I didn't expect..." Lu Tao said weakly, his throat was dull and dry.

Yes!What will Ling Rui do with Tang Shishi?Beating and scolding are definitely not allowed. What else is there other than a man's bestial punishment for a woman?
However, this so-called punishment is something she is willing to cooperate with, right?

Lu Tao forced himself not to think about it!
"Lu Tao, she is my wife now. If you don't want to cause trouble for her and push her to the forefront, I advise you to forget about some things early. If you can't forget them, hide them for me! Lu Tao Has the company gone bankrupt? As the president of the Lu company, you need to pick up junk drinks thrown away by others!" Ling Rui's voice was deep and powerful, with a stinging warning.

"This kind of thing will never happen again in the future!" Lu Tao said apologetically and embarrassingly.

Even though the two of them just communicated on the phone, Lu Tao could still feel Ling Rui's sharp eyes on him, those eyes that knew everything, made the secret thoughts in his heart invisible.

He knew that no matter how well he concealed it in front of Tang Shishi, he couldn't hide it from Ling Rui's eyes.

"It's better if you say so!" Ling Rui snorted coldly and hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound coming from the opposite side, Lu Tao leaned over on the sofa, as if he was drained of all his strength in an instant.

Today, when he came to Lu's early in the morning and read the newspaper, his whole head was a little dazed. He didn't expect that the meeting with Tang Shishi yesterday would be followed by someone to take pictures, exposing his hidden little thoughts. He also discredited Tang Shishi. He didn't know what Tang Shishi would think of him if he saw this newspaper, so he was eager to explain, but he finally got through to Tang Shishi's phone call, but Ling Rui answered it!
Although he didn't talk to Tang Shishi, Lu Tao was disappointed but also secretly relieved. Now he really doesn't know how to face Tang Shishi.

Who is manipulating all this behind the scenes?He may have some reputation in City B, but the Lu family has just established a firm foothold in City A. He doesn't think that he has reached the point of attracting attention, so all this is aimed at Tang Shishi!Ling Rui said that this would push her to the cusp of the storm, who on earth wanted to harm her?
Thinking of this, Lu Tao dialed the inside line, explained to the secretary, then picked up his coat and hurried out of the office. He wanted to clarify the matter. He couldn't just stand by while knowing that someone was going to hurt Tang Shishi!
Tang Shishi woke up after a comfortable sleep, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Ling Rui's handsome face close at hand.

"Husband—" Tang Shishi stretched out her arm, hooked Ling Rui's head, and pressed a moist kiss on Ling Rui's face.

"Have you had enough sleep?" Ling Rui stroked Tang Shishi's hair and asked softly. Tang Shishi's initiative after waking up made him feel very useful!
"What time is it?" Tang Shishi glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and sat up with a sound of "Ah--", it's almost four o'clock!
"Why have I slept for so long? Why didn't you call me?" Tang Shishi glanced at Ling Rui resentfully, her body was still sore!
"Look at how well you sleep!" Ling Rui sat behind Tang Shishi and rubbed Tang Shishi's shoulders: "Are you hungry? Everything is warming up for you!"

Tang Shishi nestled comfortably in Ling Rui's arms, half-closed her eyes and said, "I'm really hungry."

"Eat in the room or go out?" Ling Rui asked softly, watching Tang Shishi curled up in his arms like a cat.

(End of this chapter)

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