Chapter 686 Meeting by chance (4)
"In the room! I'm too lazy to move!" Tang Shishi muttered.

In fact, she was afraid of going out, because she was embarrassed to see everyone's ambiguous eyes.But Ling Rui knew how careful she was, and was smart enough not to expose it.

"Okay!" Ling Rui put on Tang Shishi's pajamas and said, "Get up first, wash your face and brush your teeth."

"Yeah." Tang Shishi stretched her waist, got out of bed, looked at Ling Rui who had walked to the door and asked, "When are you going back to the army?"

"Tomorrow morning!" Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's little face with reluctance and hope, and couldn't help but push back the time. Originally, he planned to go back tonight.

"Really?" The look on Tang Shishi's face became brighter, she jumped over and hooked Ling Rui's neck, stood on tiptoe, and pecked Ling Rui's lips twice: "My husband, you are so kind!".

"Is that all right? Go wash up, eat enough to nourish your energy, let's continue in the evening!" Ling Rui tugged at Tang Shishi's nose and said ambiguously.

"No! Hooligan!" Tang Shishi pouted.

"Who is the rascal? I have to feed you enough to save you from going out and messing around and worrying about you being abducted!" Ling Rui nodded Tang Shishi's forehead resentfully.

"Hmph! I don't know who is promiscuous! I'm so happy!" Tang Shishi pretended to be angry and turned to go to the bathroom.

He was also abducted!She said it as if she was a fool without common sense!
Ling Rui looked at Tang Shishi's back with helpless and doting eyes.

The matter of Tang Shishi and Lu Tao making headlines, of course, could not be hidden from the Jun family, Ling family and Bai family who have been following the trend of city A, but Ling Rui had a foresight and called back early to explain the matter After a while, the family members were relieved, but they still reminded Ling Rui to be vigilant at all times to ensure Tang Shishi's travel safety.

Naturally, Jun Mubei was "taken care of" by the phone call from Mr. Jun again, saying that he was told to stop running around when he was fine, and to take up the responsibility of being an older brother and protect Tang Shishi.

Jun Mubei didn't see it as a good show, and was scolded, not to mention depressed.

In the Shen family in City A, Shen Kui put a newspaper in front of Shen He with a smile.

Shen He picked up the newspaper with a blank expression, and saw that there were photos of Tang Shishi and Lu Tao on the huge page, and the title was even more eye-catching: "The president of Baida Group is infatuated with his ex-wife, and the last drop of orange juice is hard to let go." !
Shen He read the newspaper carefully, and the corners of his slightly thin lips curled up slightly.

Since he woke up, except for this week, almost every day, Shen Kui would show him Tang Shishi's photo. She recognized the second wife of the Bai family, Sun Xiaofen, as her godmother, and she bought it at a sky-high price at a charity auction. A white jade Avalokitesvara, she went to City H to be a charity ambassador, she slapped Cao Xinru, she came to City A with Ling Rui, lived in the Jun family mansion, and stayed at home... He knows all this, now, looking at her and Lu Tao Talking and laughing lightly like an old friend, there is still a trace of familiarity in T University between the eyebrows and eyes, and there is a bit of obscurity in Shen He's eyes.

Just when Shen Kui was about to say something, the phone rang suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Shen Kui looked at the caller ID and asked, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"I can't find out who did it?!" Shen Kui's voice sank.

"I see! Keep checking!" Shen Kui hung up the phone after finishing speaking!

Shen He looked at Shen Kui's appearance, still expressionless.

"The Jun family's claws are fast, but it's a pity that those photographers all broke their hands! However, this game is getting more and more fun!" After Shen Kui finished speaking, he gave Shen He a ferocious look. Push the door and go out.

It turned out that Ling Rui had the photographer's hand crippled!Ah!This is in line with his style, making people watch themselves lose the most cherished things, and then spend the rest of their lives in pain.


Although Tang Shishi was entangled in bed by Ling Rui for a day and two nights, she was so tired and sore, and she didn't know what night it was, but after Ling Rui left, she knew that she accidentally made the headlines, the reason It was Sun Xiaofen who was worried about Tang Shishi, and came to City A to read Tang Shishi behind her family's back, and said that she slipped her tongue.

This is called paper can't wrap fire!

However, Ling Rui didn't intend to deliberately conceal Tang Shishi's matter, but adopted an attitude of letting nature take its course.

Tang Shishi listened to Sun Xiaofen's words, and then asked her servant to find the newspaper of that day. After reading it, she felt mixed feelings. She didn't know that Lu Tao would do that, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't deliberately want to To forget, but I will not deliberately remember, I just want to let nature take its course, after all, the past is real, and those laughter and tears cannot be erased.

"Shishi, I—" When Sun Xiaofen heard that Tang Shishi asked people to take the newspaper, she realized that she had done something bad with good intentions. Now that she was watching Tang Shishi and the pictures in the newspaper, she was immersed in her own thoughts, feeling a little embarrassed He tentatively opened his mouth.

"Godmother, I'm fine. These are all things in the past. If I hadn't read this newspaper, I would have almost forgotten about it. Don't worry, I know what I should do. This won't affect my relationship with Ling Rui. Emotional!" Tang Shishi said with a smile while holding Sun Xiaofen's hand.

Thinking of Ling Rui's fierceness in those two nights, what did he say that didn't let him have the strength to go out and flirt, was it because of this?Also, yesterday he drank all the leftover chicken soup he drank, and said "my wife drank it, it really tastes good", is it also because of this?This old rascal really has a small mind!It's awkward enough!Thinking of this level, Tang Shishi felt sweet again.

"It's the godmother who is busy!" Sun Xiaofen heard Tang Shishi's words, and could not help secretly blaming herself for being too narrow-minded!But when she saw the newspaper in City B, she tossed and turned, unable to settle down, worried, and was not relieved until this moment.

"Godmother cares about me! I feel very happy!" Tang Shishi leaned on Sun Xiaofen's shoulder coquettishly, took a deep breath and said, "I feel the smell of my mother."

In one sentence, Sun Xiaofen almost cried, she patted Tang Shishi on the shoulder and said: "You child, you can make me happy!"

Tang Shishi simply wrapped her arms around Sun Xiaofen's shoulders and said, "No way! I'm telling the truth! Godmother, you can stay here for a few more days, and we will go to the banquet together tomorrow!"

"Okay, anyway, it's okay for the godmother to go back!" Sun Xiaofen readily agreed, and she was really worried that at tomorrow's banquet, someone would target Tang Shishi and make her suffer.She came to City A this time, one for the newspaper, and the other for tomorrow's banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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