Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 691 Sisters of the Bai family were tricked!

Chapter 691 Sisters of the Bai family were tricked! (4)
Tang Shishi's words were intentionally so thought-provoking that Bai Li's extended finger, which was placed on the 31 jade cabbage, suddenly retracted.

None of the four of them has ever owned the gown designed by master JANE. It costs hundreds of thousands or even millions, and millions of dollars to buy a gown that can only be worn once. For them, this ultimate luxury is really I can't afford it.

And they also know that all the clothes and dresses of Tang Shishi are exclusively customized by master JANE.

Thinking about it this way, this kidney bean with fair color is indeed too vulgar!

"Sister Shishi, look at this!" Bai Hui pointed to a 50 topaz pendant of the Maitreya Buddha, and asked with a flattering smile, but both Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen could hear the gnashing of teeth in her words.

"Bai Hui! You..." Bai Li couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw the price of the jade pendant, but Bai Mei grabbed her back.

Bai Li anxiously glanced at Bai Mei, and then at Bai Lan who was silent. Seeing Bai Lan slightly shaking her head at her, Bai Li swallowed all her words!I thought these three guys were crazy!
"This color is not bad, but this shape is too rustic, far less fashionable than the other string next to it!" Tang Shishi looked at the jade pendant on the counter as if she had finally felt the sincere call of the four Bailan sisters. , began to study.

"Then buy another one..." Bai Hui heard Tang Shishi say this, and immediately took over the words impatiently, but when she saw clearly the price of the string of jade pendants Tang Shishi was referring to, she suddenly lost her voice selectively.

The string of jade pendants is composed of five emerald green beads, the middle one is slightly larger, and the four on both sides are about the same size. Although each bead is not big, but the color is full and round. There is nothing engraved on it, simple and unremarkable. Simple, a look is the best.

It's just that the price is beyond the estimate of the four Bai Lan sisters!
66 million!
Bai Li gasped, this time she didn't rush to speak, looking at Bai Lan and Bai Mei, Bai Hui and the three of them all pursed their lips and silenced, she was finally relieved.

"It's the beads, a little smaller!" Tang Shishi looked at the string of beads with a little sigh.

"If you don't want to buy this, you can't buy it in Baofeng Tower, and you can't buy it in other places!" Sun Xiaofen said from the side: "Godmother will buy it for you! After looking at it all afternoon, it's just this string that you still have. Take a second look!" After saying that, Sun Xiaofen was about to take out her card!
"Godmother, forget it, let's take another look!" Tang Shishi stretched out her hand to stop Sun Xiaofen.

The mother and daughter sang together and cooperated tacitly.

"Sister Shishi, Second Auntie is right. Baofenglou is an old shop with hundreds of years old, and the things here are the most complete in City A!" Bai Lan winked at Baimei, Baimei understood, and then pulled her away. Pulling Bai Hui beside her, Bai Hui reluctantly nodded, and then Bai Hui looked at Bai Li, expecting Bai Li to nod, but also hoping that Bai Li would shake her head in denial, very contradictory.

Seeing that the three of them had reached an agreement, Bai Li gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and nodded stiffly.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Bai Lan took out her own card and said to the clerk, "Wrap this string for me, it should be wrapped beautifully!" The clerk watched the group of people muttering for a long time, and finally decided After buying it, he immediately took out the string of beads and wrapped them up. After swiping the card, he sent it to Bai Lan.

"Sister Shishi, should you feel our sincerity now?" Bai Lan picked up the beautifully packaged box and handed it to Tang Shishi, feeling that her hands were heavy.

"Give it to me? Miss Bai, I can't take this thing!" Tang Shishi asked Bai Lan pretending to be surprised.

"Sister Shishi, return Miss Bai's! Don't be angry!" Bai Lan held up the box in embarrassment, and winked at Baimei and the three of them.

"Sister Shishi, this is a wish from our sisters, just accept it!" Bai Mei looked at Tang Shishi sincerely and said, this time Baimei's eyes are 100% sincere, she has spilled so much blood, no matter how insincere she is, I'm sorry The conscience of heaven and earth!

"Sister Shishi, don't be as knowledgeable as us!" Bai Hui acted like a baby innocently.

"Sister Shishi, look, the money has already been spent..." Bai Li spoke the most truthfully, but before she finished speaking, Bai Lan yanked off her sleeve!
Poor Bai Li, this dress was almost torn by the three of Bai Lan today!
Seeing the appearance of the Bai family sisters, Tang Shishi couldn't help but almost burst out laughing.

Zhou Hu on the one side kept a straight face, fearing that he would ruin his merits, while Sun Xiaofen feigned displeasure and turned his face to the side, secretly laughing. After laughing, he felt very disappointed. After losing so many embarrassing juniors, it's no wonder that he has fallen!

"But, I don't really like this—" Tang Shishi said to herself "in a low voice", then frowned slightly, looking at the box in Bai Lan's hand with a troubled expression.

"Sister Shishi, just accept it, it's our sister's kindness!" Bai Lan said, forcefully stuffing the box in Tang Shishi's hand, Tang Shishi half pushed and half accepted it.

Seeing Tang Shishi's reluctance, Zhou Hu was already exhaling and inhaling non-stop, while Sun Xiaofen looked at the four Bai Lan sisters, and finally looked a little more pleasant.

"Okay, it's not a valuable item, but it's just something new to bring. Since they've bought it with some sincerity, you can take it and have fun with it!" Sun Xiaofen came out to smooth things over. No matter how my sisters heard it, they felt depressed and flustered.

"This..." Tang Shishi "helplessly" looked at the box in her hand. After struggling for a while, she "helplessly" squeezed out a smile and said, "Since the godmother said so, then I thank my sisters, I'll just accept it!" From that appearance, one could see that he was reluctant to accept the kindness.

Seeing that Tang Shishi finally accepted the gift, Sister Bai Lan felt relieved!

Several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and after further repairing the "emotional" rift, Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen said goodbye and went home. After Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen left, the four Bailan sisters looked at each other with different expressions on their faces. After one glance, they all showed pain in unison!

After spending so much money, this thing is really unpleasant!

When Tang Shishi and Sun Xiaofen got home, they finally couldn't help but collapsed on the sofa and burst out laughing.

"Girl Shishi, you ghost! I'm dying of laughter!" Sun Xiaofen leaned on the sofa, laughing until tears came out, she hadn't laughed so recklessly for a long time.

"Godmother, I just said, I won't suffer, and besides, you have to cooperate!" Tang Shishi couldn't help laughing when she thought about the expressions of the Bai family sisters just now.

(End of this chapter)

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