Splendid Marriage: Mistakenly provoked the gangster

Chapter 692 Sisters of the Bai family were tricked!

Chapter 692 Sisters of the Bai family were tricked! (5)
Especially Bai Li, who said "the money is all spent" with a resentful face, made Tang Shishi laugh almost out of breath.

"Those children are really ugly, and I don't know how their parents usually teach them! This time it can be regarded as a lesson for them!" Sun Xiaofen shook her head helplessly and disappointed after laughing.

Tang Shishi didn't answer the question. The four sisters of the Bai family really didn't have the shadow of a lady. Although, girls like them will basically embark on the path of family marriage in the end, but their parents are too much to teach. In comparison, she felt that Bai Mo's haughty look was a little easier to accept.

"Godmother is afraid that in the future, they will come to pester you even more!" Sun Xiaofen said with some worry.

"Godmother, they're not my opponents, they're just for fun, you don't have to worry about me!" Tang Shishi comforted Sun Xiaofen.

"Godmother knows what you're capable of!" Sun Xiaofen pampered Tang Shishi's forehead, and the two of them smiled tacitly.

At dinner, Mo Youyou, who hadn't been seen for a few days, suddenly appeared. Tang Shishi was having dinner with Sun Xiaofen, Zhou Hu, and Suzaku. Seeing that Mo Youyou didn't say hello, she hurried upstairs to the room, and quickly called her to stop and said: "Yuyou, have you eaten yet? We've just started. We have your favorite dishes!"

"I'm not hungry, you guys eat!" Mo Youyou left a sentence and entered her room.

Sensitively, Tang Shishi sensed that there was something wrong in Mo Youyou's voice, she told Sun Xiaofen, and then went upstairs. Mo Youyou hasn't come back for several days, maybe something happened to her?

Tang Shishi knocked on the door for a long time, but Mo Youyou didn't open the door, and her heart became more and more uneasy. Coincidentally, Jun Mubei came back from the outside at this time. Seeing Jun Mubei's expression, Tang Shishi felt more and more that these two people must be what's going on.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you and Yoyo? Did you bully Yoyo?" Tang Shishi asked Jun Mubei, who was about to go back to the room.

"How do I know what's wrong with her!" Jun Mubei shook off Tang Shishi's hand impatiently, pushed the door into the room, and then closed the door with a bang.

Tang Shishi's ears were buzzing by the sound of Jun Mubei closing the door, and she couldn't help curling her lips at Jun Mubei's door, so she said it's okay?Liar!It's like who owes you 800 million!

Tang Shishi was worried and went to knock on Mo Youyou's door again, but Mo Youyou refused to open the door. When she was annoyed by knocking, she yelled and said that she was fine. Tang Shishi heard that she was very angry, but her voice was still full of anger , I felt relieved, thinking, what's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow, anyway, Yoyo is in the healing department, maybe after sleeping, I'll be fine!
Tang Shishi went downstairs to continue eating with Sun Xiaofen, and after the meal, she sent Sun Xiaofen back to the room. Sun Xiaofen fell asleep in her room.

I don't know when in the night, Tang Shishi heard someone knocking on the door, she got up and opened the door in a daze, but as soon as she opened the door, she was pulled into Wei Liang's arms, most of Tang Shishi's drowsiness disappeared immediately.

"Honey, why are you back?" Tang Shishi couldn't help asking happily when she saw that the man in front of her was Ling Rui.

"I miss you, and I'll come back as soon as I'm done!" Ling Rui said, picked up Tang Shishi's body, closed the door and walked to their room: "Talking with the godmother late?"

"Yeah!" Tang Shishi was very happy when she heard Ling Rui said that she rushed back as soon as she finished her work.

"It seems that you had a good day today?" Ling Rui looked at the joy on Tang Shishi's face, put Tang Shishi on the bed, and tugged Tang Shishi's nose with a smile.

Tang Shishi went shopping with Sun Xiaofen today, met Wang Fengzhen and Wu Meng twice, and met the four sisters of the Bai family. Zhou Hu had already reported it to him in detail, so he naturally knew that Tang Shishi was going to spend today. not bad.

"It's okay! It's just that the second brother and Youyou don't know what's wrong. They seem to be arguing!" The four sisters of the Bai family are not enough to make Tang Shishi worry about it. Tang Shishi was a little worried.

"No matter what they are, you should care about me most now!" Ling Rui had already torn off his clothes and went to bed while speaking.

Tang Shishi noticed the unusual heat coming out of Ling Rui's body, she woke up immediately, pushed Ling Rui's eager head, and asked, "Who... who did it?"

"There is a dinner party tonight." After Ling Rui said a few words briefly, he couldn't care about anything else.

"Oh... hateful! Take it easy!" Tang Shishi endured Ling Rui's fiery entanglement, but her heart was icy!
People who are as vigilant as Ling Rui can be recruited. It can be seen that these people have planned everywhere. Ling Rui has not known how thrilling he has been in the past few days in the army!
Tang Shishi tightened her arms around Ling Rui's waist in distress...

"Little wild cat, you will believe me, right?" After the incident, Ling Rui wrapped Tang Shishi's body tightly and asked in Tang Shishi's ear.

"Fool! If you don't believe me, who will you believe!" Tang Shishi gave Ling Rui an angry look, and fell asleep in Ling Rui's arms.

This man, who has always been cold and arrogant, doesn't pay attention to anything, when did he start to be so unconfident!

Ling Rui got a satisfactory answer, kissed Tang Shishi's forehead fondly, and waited for her to fall asleep before quietly getting up, tidied up, opened the door and walked out.

"Master, time is running out!" As soon as Ling Rui left the room, a person came out from the shadows and reminded that no matter how good Leng Maolin's drinking capacity was, he couldn't stop those people for too long. Master has been away for a long time!
"Go back!" Ling Rui's face was cold, and the black figure disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Brother Kong Fang" is a newly built Bliss Gold Cave in City A. Although the name is vulgar, it has a good reputation. I heard that the owner is a foreigner who is particularly obsessed with Chinese culture. He directly used the name of Brother Kong Fang as the name of the shop, which is very in line with the direct style of foreigners. And a little local flavor.

At this moment, in a private room of Brother Kong Fang, a group of people are pouring wine at Leng Maolin. Leng Maolin is drunk and looks at the people who are fighting with wheels in front of him, but his heart is abnormally sober. I don't know what's wrong?

"Major Leng, congratulations on your promotion! Drink!" A drunken person toasted Leng Maolin again. Since Ling Rui was transferred to City A, he has been promoted two levels in a row, and now he is a major!
"Drink! If you don't get drunk, you won't go home!" Leng Maolin clinked the glass with that person boldly, then raised his finger and said to the person: "Don't... dangle around, make... my eyes... dazzled !"

Han Jing, who was sitting on the side, looked at Leng Maolin like this, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the door while everyone was not paying attention!

(End of this chapter)

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